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8th of Utkar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: The Ghastly Ewer

by Jasper Solavich

8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
It had been about thirty minutes or so that we had been sitting in the statue resting. I began to pull out my cooking utensils and started fixing up a nice snack for everyone while we rested, the good ol' Jasper special! However, about halfway through the cook Morric and Sergei come up and say that they just saw Rahadin in the atrium of the temple...
This was quite concerning indeed, we all tried to sneak around back while Piccolo kept the food from burning, in hopes that we could convince him to leave. However, whenever we got out of the statue, he was already gone and it appeared that he went off to the east. We all climbed back up into the statue and finished our short little rest, enjoying the snacks which I had made, and recovering what energy we could in the moment. As we were preparing to leave, we discussed what to do next and decided that we would immediately set out to try to find the Sun Sword in case that Rahadin was here to do the same.
We made our way back to the stone door which we spent an abnormal amount of time trying to open, and then proceeded up the stairwell which we had seen previously. The steps were coated with a thick layer of dust, as though no one had crossed these steps in a dozen years. As I reached the top, I found myself in front of another large stone door. This one luckily was not enchanted and I managed to push it open after a bit of effort. The door led into a small dark chamber, a perfect place for traps... I glanced around the whole room and found that there were signs of pressure plates underneath the dust in the middle of the room. So, I called to the group and informed them of my findings. We shimmied against the wall and made it out of the room.
The door led into a long hallway, much like the on near where I had found Vilnius. I noticed at the end of the room that there was a charred body and burn marks on the walls and ceiling. This reminded me of my encounter with the Flameskulls in the pit, so I started listening for the sounds of their burning skulls. Without fail, I heard the crackle of their fel flames... five of them to be exact.
Snuck past the skulls, got the ewer, evaded the spectres, got possessed by a statue...
~ Jasper Solavich