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7th of Utkar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind

by Jasper Solavich

7th of Utkar, 1491 DR
Piccolo and I return to the group as we begin making our way back to the top of the highest tower. At the top, we find a holy symbol on a pedestal. As Ander and Vadania debate about how to handle, little Piccolo rushes over and snatches it, trying to fly away but falling on his face. In this moment, Ander mentioned that he had seen the amulet in the Tome of Strahd, and that this was the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind.
Vadania gets the amulet but it burns her flesh, unlike Piccolo's and Ezmerelda's... We make our way out of Argenvostholt and start to head for Rictavio's tower at the suggestion of Ezmerelda, planning to head towards my home and then the Amber Temple the next morning.
As we make our way out of the building, Sergei points out that there is flying black speck in the sky out in the distance. And, it seemed that the sky behind and around it was growing darker... Realizing quickly what this was, and fearing the worst, I leaned over to Ezi and asked if she suspected the same. She gripped my arm and said "Yes. Run."
I called to my companions that the devil was riding toward us and we began booking it toward Ezi's cart. However, Sergei was on the ground digging a hole trying to bury the possessions of Sir Godfrey... But, Jasper Solavich does not leave a companion behind! I darted back, and Piccolo and I helped Sergei to fill the hole with dirt once again. Once the hole was filled, I grabbed the hand of the old man, and I sprinted like the wind to get us to the cart as it was barreling away, and we managed to get into it.
We blasted off the path and towards the Svalich Woods, breaking through trees until we were lost in the brush. We then sat quietly as Strahd arrived at Argenvostholt, listening as he investigated for countless minutes. Eventually, he let out a blood-chilling shriek of anger before storming off back to his castle.
Ezi then realized that the cart got damaged by the wood, and we spent a few hours trying to repair it before finally heading to Rictavio's tower. When we arrived out front, Ezmerelda began to dance in front of the door, before it finally opened for her magically. As we entered, Morric mocked my poor Piccolo asking if her could do the same dance... the joke is on him though! Piccolo was able to easily perform the dance in its entirety!
Once we entered, Ezmerelda explained a bit about this tower, and then she told us we could sleep on the bottom floor. She then invited Piccolo to join her in Rictavio's old room, and he happily obliged. I suppose he must have known her very well before we became companions! But, I will see the little guy soon, and this may be his last time seeing her for a while, as I suspect she sadly will not join us on our trip to the Amber Temple.
As we sat in the tower resting, we all took turns taking the Holy Symbol to see if it burned our skin, and it seemed to only burn Vadania and Ander. Once everyone went to sleep, I pulled Ander aside and spoke with him about my vision and tried to pull him toward the light. We argued for a bit, and I noticed he seemed to be tantalized by the future I described to him. I left him with bits of wisdom, and explained to him my desire to help him and remain his friend. However, only time will tell if my words stuck with him or not...
Come morning, Ezi woke us and informed us that if we ever needed a place to stay, we could always come back to the tower. Sergei and I went upstairs with Ezi, I disclosed to her that I am a Dukkar, and I told her of my vision of Ander. We also spoke of Ander and Vadania's evil hearts and how they needed to be softened before we could succeed against Strahd, as Vadania is the only amongst us that can wield the Holy Symbol, and she cannot until she has a heart as kind as the creator of the artifact.
We also saw an Elk across the lake and came to learn it is the wizard we are looking for from Madam Eva's card reading! We discuss what to do next, and we will come to that conclusion here soon...
~ Jasper Solavich

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