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7th of Utkar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: Arrival at Argenvostholt

by Jasper Solavich

6th and 7th of Utkar, 1491 DR
We arrive back the winery; I enter and chat with the Martikovs for some time. Danika tends to my wounds as I revel her with the tales of our latest journey. Davian enters the room and begins to talk to us about our journey, offers for us to stay the night, and produces a coin purse as payment for our troubles.
As we talk to Davian, Stella Watcher enters the room looking for Phenic. The thought of that little shit set me off, and I got angry for the first time in many moons. I told the girl how he betrayed us after I fought to save his life. I told him how it cost the lives of Piccolo, Ander, and almost myself and Morric. She did not want to believe the truth, and ran off crying. I felt bad, I never mean to make a woman cry, however I could not contain myself this time.
I talk to Davian about my endless wine bottle idea, and he is completely captured by it! Perhaps we can pull it off afterwards! I shake his hand, and I take the money. A hefty sum, it was 2500 gp in total! Danika fetches us wine, and we turn in for the night. I speak with Ander about my zombie laborer idea for ours, sharing wine, and once he goes to bed I pull out my scrying orb.
In my vision I see myself with the group in a stone stairwell, and my sister Arabelle , we all look a little beat up, but we ascend the steps into a throne room. I grasp a blade of pure sunlight in my hands; it is heavy but incredibly powerful. It then becomes obvious we are in Castle Ravenloft, and we are about to fight Strahd. We engage with him and eventually manage to slay him, but then Ander looks to me, takes Strahd's crown, and then puts it on his own head. Sergei calls out to him to stop, but Ander slays him, and as I prep to fight Ander realizing his betrayal, the vision ends.
I have a restless sleep, and awake to a great breakfast before we set out for Argenvostholt. We spend the better half of the day traveling, but eventually arrive in the afternoon. As we approach the building, we find a marble statue of silver dragon, which we assume to be of Argenvost. After some time, we hear a cart approach and dive behind the statue to hide. A Vistana man arrives, hoping off the cart, and then began to piss on the statue. We dove out of the way, and he asked for us to help him with his delivery here. I asked who he was doing it for, and he lied and said he didn't know. He also wouldn't tell us what it was or why it was being delivered here.
The man dropped a coffin out of the cart and then left. The coffin had the initials HVV inscribed, as well as the name Rictavio. We open it, and an entire swarm of bats flies out past us. Inside are the silvers of a broken silvered greatsword, a muddy shovel, and a number of other trinkets. A piece of parchment resided on top of it all said in red letters: "I know what you are doing".
I took the hilt of the broken blade and stabbed the letter into the ground, and then collected bits of broken silver in hopes they will eventually come in common. After a brief moment of discussion, I got up and rushed into the building, ushering my companions to follow.
Once inside, I took a look around the huge building and began to fiddle with the spirit ring on my finger. I sat down and pulled out my tarokka deck in hopes of divining where I could find my little simian friend. I pulled the cards of Death, the Silver Dragon, and the Morning Lord. I informed the group what we were looking for and we began to search. After a few minutes, a Silver Dragon ghost or shadow flies across the room and up the stairs. Instinctively, thinking my second card symbolizes it, I chase up the stairs after it, calling my friends to follow.
Eventually, as I navigate the halls, I find the upper floor of the chapel, but beyond the balcony I see the room is full of an impenetrable fog. We make our way down the stairs, with Sergei leading the way as he as extra-sensory vision. Once we get to the bottom, I see the altar with a relief image of the sun carved into it, and it is flanked by three massive windows. Clearly this is the place, and Sergei and I began to approach only to see three armor clad figures kneeling at the altar. They arise and turn to us moaning, as we realize these are undead revenants!
I blast the enemies with my sunbolts and scorching flames, but they turn and engage me, cutting me to ribbons with their massive swords. I turn to my companions and scream for them to run...
~ Jasper Solavich

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