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8th of Utkar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: The Darkness in the Amber Temple

by Jasper Solavich

8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
As we starred down the bridge, the image of the devil still as stone leered back at us. The old man began creeping forwards down the bridge towards Strahd, and I called quietly for him to stop, but he paid me no mind. He grabbed his hand-axe and quickly threw it towards Strahd. My heart sank in the moment, knowing that a battle to the death must be awaiting us, but to my surprise, the axe flew through him! His image quickly faded and it was revealed that is was merely an illusion! Thank the Morning Lord! I was very concerned. Without the sword of sunlight in my visions, we are doomed to lose any fight with the devil.
With the danger of Strahd out of the way, all that remained was us crossing the bridge. However, it was severely damaged, enough so that my cart could not make it across. So, I pulled out my rope which I used to climb Argenvostholt, my lovely rope coil, Ol' Reliable! I gave her a nice gentle slap of appreciation and tied off the rope around the statue before crossing the crumbling bridge. It was very windy, enough to actually cause me to lose my balance a bit, but I easily recovered. Once safe, I tied off the other end of the rope and ensured the safe passage of all my companions before retrieving my rope and stowing it away again.
After a long hike up the mountain, we finally arrived. The temple was massive, with amber statues of guardians flanking the entrance. As we made our way within, I descended the frosty stairs into utter darkness. I quickly pulled out and struck my torch, lighting it and revealing the massive entry chamber we resided within. The flames danced across the amber plating that coated all of the walls of the room. Ander lit a torch as well, and Sergei lit the flame of his sword.
Seeing that we were unaware of where to go next, I requested we stop for a moment so that I could consult my Tarroka Cards. I drew the following cards:

  • First card: Executioner -- Someone intentionally was the executioner for someone they loved in order to appease the temple. This has some sort of relation to Strahd.

  • Second card: Raven -- I see a flashback of Strahd defending the bridge. The Zarovich line has importance here.

  • Third card: Myrmidon -- I see our party in an intense battle fighting tall figures made of mist, yet in a small room. Ander has a black figure connected to each of his his limbs like some sort of puppet.

As we ventured further into the dark chamber, we began to hear laughing in the distance, and suddenly a fireball was hurled through the air in our direction! As the fire exploded around us, I backflipped away, dodging the fire. Unfortunately, my companions were not so lucky. However, they recovered and I rushed forwards to get sight on the enemy who attacked us, but the darkness enveloped my torch. Clearly it was some sort of magical darkness, so I called out to Ander to extinguished the remove the magical effect.
Once he did so, he revealed some sort of fox creature waiting in the hood a massive fifty foot statue in front of us. It began snickering and summoned three flameskulls to attack us! Sergei used his magical psionic flight to fly up into the hood of the statue, and the rest of us remained on foot fighting the flameskulls. They continued to hurl fireballs at us until my dear little Piccolo got to burned to stay in the fight, so I recalled him back to his little banana-filled jungle home inside the Binding Band of the Monkey.
With Piccolo safe, I was able to truly start fighting. I dashed to the closest flameskull as Vadania turned one of the undead flameskulls away from us. As I reached the skull I delivered a number of swift blows to it, stunning it instantly, and as the lifeless skull plummeted to the ground. As it toppled at my feet, I stomped it underfoot, shattering it into many pieces across the floor. Upon crushing it, I dashed to the next one, delivering it a strong blow before it flew off.
As I rushed over to the fleeing skull, the old man let out a cry of pain and his light was extinguished, and then only silence came from the statue... I feel that I must go help him, his life might be in danger...
~ Jasper Solavich

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