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5th of Uktar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: The Cold Grasp of Death

by Jasper Solavich

5th of Uktar, 1491 DR
With a shock, convulsing and coughing up my own blood, I awoke in the swamp after escaping the cold grasp of death itself. My dear Piccolo was not as lucky, nor was poor Ander. My companions however, were nowhere in sight, just the still swamp water, the bodies of Ander and Piccolo, and the ragged body of that wretched witch I killed. Her tree home still sat nearby, and I could hear voices coming from within. Gingerly, I picked up the body of my little buddy, and grab the cusp of Ander's jacket and begin to drag his body toward the hut with me. Though my companions have left, I will not leave his body here to rot. With any luck, I can bring both my dear Piccolo and Ander back from the grave.
^ do this but with no memory....
Blue green planet, spine of mountains, swamps and forests bordered by oceans, see a large town almost hit the walls. I keep falling, see entirety of Barovia below me. Dangling in mid-air. I feel something other than the wind, I feel cold and wet, it feels I am inside a cloud. I see tall amorpheous beings scattered around Barovia, most of which are as tall as trees, some tallers. They are gather around the major areas, but form a circle around the temple south of berez near a mountain range. The shapes begin to look at me as I get closer, my hands burn as though they are on fire, beutiful streaks of light break through my hands towards the temple, and Barovia begins to be filled with sunlight, the creatures disperse from the temple, and I become the sun. I am sitting in front of Madam Eva, staring into her crystal ball, which I think is Piccolo's spirit. She takes my hand, smiling, and upon looking at me, tells me I am not dead but dont have much time. Shooting stars cannot burn forever, and if I do not embrace destiny soon, I will lose my chance. My future is changing, look into her ball, and see dark empty throne room, something grabs my arm, she says dark spirits are to close to my soul, not here go in secret. I awake.
Madness -- suffer from partial amnesia, does not recognize other people or anything that took effect before the madness occurred. Lasts for 2 days.
Vadania and Morric come out from the hut, I have no idea who they are. We talk for a bit, she reveals they are my friends and tell me of my courageous exploits. No surprise to me!
She gives me a bottle of dragon crush wine, and a healing potion, she truly must be telling the truth. We head back into the hut, and I pass out from exhaustion almost immediately.
Witch body decomposed far too fast, could not loot. Dragon skull was one of legend I cannot remember, but all the magic is lost, wasted oportunity!
We talk to a woman named Laura Stoneheart, she doesn't seem to like Vadania and Morric, but she resurrects Ander. Ander seems like he has gone bananas, we talk for a while with Laura, and she tells us to put the heart of Baba Lysaga into a stone column to cleanse the land. She then cleanses the madness of Ander with the Greater Restoration scroll instead of restoring my memories. Silly to me, as far as I can recall he has always been mad!
I convince her to help Piccolo, and she puts his soul into my ring! Argenvostholt to get back Piccolo
~ Jasper Solavich