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4th of Uktar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: Finally, A New Business Partnership!

by Jasper Solavich

4th of Uktar, 1491 DR
It had been a quiet morning in tent with my family. We were all full of grief and worry for my dear sister Arrabelle, who had not yet returned home. I began packing my belongings, with the full intent to storm the gates of Vallaki to retrieve her, when suddenly I heard her joyous voice cry out up the hill.
We all rushed outside immediately, and saw her smiling face glowing in front of us, and a group of adventurers standing behind her. Uncle Luvash and my father, Arrigal, quickly rushed to embrace her, and once they were finished I gave her a huge hug and joked with her about the gold coins I asked her to find. What a shame she was unable to find some! However, she did bring back this hilarious monkey! His name is Piccolo, and he is so funny and mischievous. He reminds me of a simian version of myself!
I then began to speak to the adventurers, using my suave nature to charm them. You never know what kind of business opportunity this could be! After some time talk, we began to throw a party for them and such a great time. Then, the little one began to demand payment for their heroics. Of course, I took the opportunity to joke with him and pulled a gold coin from his ear, hilarious! However, obviously paying them for the deed they did for us, we allowed them to take an item from our cart.
They deliberated for a while, so I took the opportunity to try and convince them to take the items we wanted to be rid of. Though, it seemed the reverse psychology did not pay out, and they made away with the chest full of electrum! Oh, I could have cried, it was such a sad sight to see that chest depart. But, it seemed I underestimated the adventurers, perhaps they could prove to be useful business partners, or perhaps even allies in my quest against the devil Strahd.
The adventurers asked for help storming the reformation center, however we quickly shut them down. They began to ask about the Dusk Elves at the base of the mountain, so of course I told them about Kasimir, the only elf who really speaks to us Vistani.
After some time, the human man in the group, Ander, approached me and asked me to join their little group. My smooth-talking worked! This clearly is the beginning of a flourishing business partnership. To top things off, they even want to destroy Strahd, just as I do. I have a feeling these people can make me so much money!
Later, I learned that the human who wandering into town the other day, Reggin, would be joining us as well. Perhaps the bar to join the group was not as high as I once though... what a blow to my pride! He is a strange one, not so sure he will be of much help, but as long as he doesn't effect my bottom-line I am happy.
Suddenly, the little one, Phenic, came back with a letter and asked the group to meet and talk about it. So exciting I thought! Our first team moment! Alas, they informed me I was not allowed in their little pow-wow, and whatever happened deeply upset little Piccolo. He ran over to me crying and pooping, with a brass ring in his hand. I did my best to console him, and he offered me the ring. Happily I put it on, and to my suprise, I heard the voice of the little monkey in my head!
"New boss?", he said to me. It became clear to me at that moment; the letter must have been from their missing member, and Piccolo's old master. But then it hit me, the little monkey needed guidance, a new boss and business partner! Happily, I told him I would be his new boss, and discussed with him all the interesting cons we could pull together. He seemed so excited! Sounds like his old master was a bit of a stick in the mud if you ask me! I will give the little monkey such a good life.
As we got ready to depart, the group decided we would make our way back to Vallaki. But, no matter! I am an expert in getting into places I shouldn't be. I should be able to make a great amount of money inside the town, especially with my new friend's little hands. But, I remembered that Morric probably should talk to those other elves, so we made our way to the southern base of the hill. Along the way, I did my best to impress Vadania, who seemed to not like me very much. Such a surprise! No matter though, I will win her over in no time. No one can resist Jasper Solavich for long!
As we made our way into the home of Kasimir, I introduced him to my new friend Morric. Kasimir made a point to mention my reputation, so obviously I used this to try once again to win over Vadania. Sadly, once again no luck.. But, we made good progress with Kasimir. He agreed to give us knowledge and the location of an artifact needed to defeat Strahd, as long as we safely brought him to the Amber Temple and helped him find an artifact used to get his sister back. We agreed to help him, but only after we finished some business with this Stella girl they brought to our camp. Strange indeed, but it looks like before we travel to Vallaki, we have to drop the girl off at the Wizard's of Wine winery.
Once we arrived, they spoke about the execution of the poor girl's brothers. Very sad indeed! But, this is the way of things when someone gets caught in the middle of a... let's say business transaction. Either way, the girl will be kept safe at the winery.
While they continued to discuss matters with the girl, I decided to do a wine sampling! I very much liked the Red Dragon Crush blend, it was incredible! Best wine I have tested in years. I gave them 5 gold pieces to put aside a cask especially for Jasper, which could stay untouched and age at the encampment waiting for my return. Oh how excited I am for that wine! It will be the perfect reward for myself after I rip out the heart of the devil Strahd.

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  1. Jasper's Journal: Finally, A New Business Partnership!
    4th of Uktar, 1491 DR
  2. Jasper's Journal: A Night at the Vineyard
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  3. Jasper's Journal: Beautiful Witches
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  4. Jasper's Journal: Battle with Baba
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  5. Jasper's Journal: The Cold Grasp of Death
    5th of Uktar, 1491 DR
  6. Jasper's Journal: A Page From the Past
    6th of Uktar, 1491 DR
  7. Jasper's Journal: Encounter with Rahadin
    6th of Uktar, 1491 DR
  8. Jasper's Journal: Arrival at Argenvostholt
    7th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  9. Jasper's Journal: Paralyzed at the Altar
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  10. Jasper's Journal: Mirror Mirror
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  11. Jasper's Journal: Face to Face with a Dragon
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  12. Jasper's Journal: The Blinding Light
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  13. Jasper's Journal: The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind
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  14. Jasper's Journal: The Tsolenka Pass
    8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  15. Jasper's Journal: The Darkness in the Amber Temple
    8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  16. Jasper's Journal: Battle in the Hood
    8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  17. Jasper's Journal: The Boiled Man
    8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  18. Jasper's Journal: Fell Flames in the Darkness
    8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  19. Jasper's Journal: The Stone Door
    8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  20. Jasper's Journal: The Ghastly Ewer
    8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  21. Jasper's Journal: The Sword of Sunlight
    8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  22. Jasper's Journal: Cast out of the Library
    9th of Utkar, 1491 DR
  23. Jasper's Journal: Battle with Strahd, and the Roc of Mount Ghakis
    10th of Utkar, 1491 DR