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8th of Utkar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: Battle in the Hood

by Jasper Solavich

8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
Seeing the light of Sergei's light in the hooded statue extinguished, I fear nothing but the worst for him... So, I muster my strength, calling upon my inner ki, and run straight at the statue. I leap and swiftly run up the side of the 40ft figure into the hooded gap at the top. Inside, I saw exactly what I feared. A fox-like humanoid creature snickering, its claws dripping with blood, stooping over the body of Sergei...
Immediately, I rushed forwards and punched him straight in his ugly mug! But, though he recoiled, he quickly recovered and pulled out a chilling like icon. A straw doll of a Vallaki man, strangely, I recognized him. I could feel fell magics clutching me and almost absorbing me. But! I am Jasper Solavich! Obviously he was unsuccessful in whatever banishment attempt he tried against me! Seeing his own failure, he ripped the doll to shreds, screaming "No! No! Bad!". Feeling very cocky, I raised my brow and pointing a finger, shouting: "You fool! Don't you know, is no fun, is no Blinsky!"
With the foul creature angry and shocked, I took the opportunity to strike again. I delivered three quick blows into the monster, however it sure was a tough one! Even after four of my punches, it still seemed to be sturdy and unharmed! We exchanged blows for a few moments, and he tried to magically charm me to finish off Sergei, but he failed. After that happened, I heard Morrick behind me calling up... about. DAMN. time he showed up! I let him know of the old man's condition and that I would handle the monster. Shortly after, the creature just disappeared in a puff of smoke! A familiar trike... clearly he teleported away.
I turned around quickly to find the location of the monster, and as I did so, Vadania's head poked up from below the hood of the statue and healed Sergei! Feeling it was safe the leave the old man, I caught sight of the creature and leaped from the statue down 40ft back to the ground. I swiftly charged after it, delivering it two heavy blows to the head! As I arrived, I heard incantations coming from Ander behind me. The creature began to use some sort of counter-incantation to negate Ander's spell, but! Ander was quick on his feet and counter-spelled the monster's counter-incantations! It was incredible! Magic shot through the whole chamber until Ander's finally overpowered that of the fox-creature's.
Sadly though, the monster appeared to be resistant to magic whatever Ander wove, and it was still standing tall in front of me, though finally somewhat bloodied. Such a resilient bastard! Morric began to shoot at it from atop the hands of the statue, but its magical shielding aura that blocked many of my blocks deflect one of his arrows. Luckily, his second shot managed to hit its mark.
However, as soon as the arrow it the creature it snickered at me: "Try and punch me now!". With a flick of its finger, it became completely invisible and moved away. Suddenly, moments later a blast of massive lightning burst through the air. It arced from Ander who was still levitating in the air, then to Vadania, and then finally arcing into Morric. The whole chamber lit up bright with blue and white light. As it faded away, I saw the limp body of Vadania falling 30ft from the side of the statue and hitting the ground. Ander's body was also limp and unconscious, however due to whatever magic he had, he simply floated the remaining distance to the ground. Morric narrowly dodged the majority of the blast, only taking a small amount of shock from the blast.
As everyone recovered, the creature reappeared in the center of the room. So, I called upon the powers of the dragon Argenvost, and dragon wings of pure sunlight burst forth from my back. I soared through the air after him as my eyes began to glow with radiant energy. I flew up, slamming into him and punching him numerous times before he was finally on the edge of his life. Then Morric called out: "Watch how it is done Jasper", that smug ass of an elf... His arrows flew over my shoulder impacting the creature and killing it.
But, in its dying breath, it looked me in the eyes and said: "Don't go into the sarcophagus...", before finally dying and falling 30ft to its demise. I took a second to ponder what he said, before finally descending to the ground and rebuking Morric for his failure to help us prior in the fight. His lack of support almost led to the death of all of us except myself, absolutely ridiculous. How dare he try and play the hero after that!
As the body of the creature hit the floor, it dissolved into some sort of strange ichor, clearly it was some sort of demon. I spat onto the pile of goo, angry yet still pondering its final words. Upon coming to my senses, I flew over to the final flameskull, delivering it numerous radiant sunbolts. Then, Morric turned his attention to the skull and delivered the final blow to it, acting smug once again... I do not think there is a single other person in this world that annoys me as much that elf. So cocky and full of himself, even by my standards...
I flew forward to confront him, and this ass claimed that he did all the work in the fight! I put him in his place though. I told him what we did and how he almost cost the lives of the other members of the group. He still acted like he was the champion of this fight, so I shoved past him and helped Ander up into the hood of the statue, which Sergei was investigating. Then Morric asked Vadania to look for Kasimir, and the lovely person she is, she gave him just as much sass as I could have asked for. Hopefully the group will start to realize that his man who has died twice trying to lead this group may be becoming a liability to the rest of us...
After that, we all made our way up the statue and into the chamber the demon was using as some sort of home, and decided to rest there and regain our strength most of us were heavily injured.
~ Jasper Solavich