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9th of Utkar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: Cast out of the Library

by Jasper Solavich

9th of Utkar, 1491 DR
After retrieving the Sword of Sunlight, we began to make our way back to the library. On the way there, I heard a small voice call out to me. It seemed to be originating in my head, and then it revealed itself to be the sword! Apparently this sword is in fact animated with a spirit, it said that we would see if I truly was worthy in due time. What a wild revelations! It seems only time would tell what fantastic powers this weapon holds.
We spent the rest of the evening exploring the library and searching for books. The lich was actually able to find us two magical books! He supplied me with a Manual of Bodily Health, a collection of magical writings from the monks of old which would be capable of increasing my agility and dexterity! Though, apparently it would take about 48 hours of reading over the course of 6 full days! Luckily though, Sergei was given a similar magical tome that would increase his intelligence! So, we all agreed that we would stay here a few days so that the two of use could read the book and absorb its magic.
As we read, Ander was able to record some new spells into his spellbook, and Morric was able to learn new techniques from books about rangers similar to him! All in all, this was a helpful time of rest and learning! Even Piccolo was able to pass the time with silly little coloring books and picture books about apes! I was quite surprised too, he is a great painter! I must remember this; surely this could be a fantastic money making opportunity in the future!
At some point, we all eventually fell asleep from exhaustion, waking up the next morning to continue our routine of reading. I read for hours, but eventually Morric interrupted me to ask if I heard noise coming from the southern wall... I heard nothing strangely enough. A few minutes later, Sergei ran up and said there was some loud noise coming from the cursed treasure room! But, Morric said that it was merely a golem guarding that room and not the same noise he had just heard. That noise apparently was similar to humanoid sized footsteps... concerning indeed!
We all paused for a moment, and then decided that we would keep an open ear, but went back to reading. After a few moments, a secret door on the south wall burst open and lich came running into the room furious! He pointed a bony finger at us and accused us of killing Neferon, the creature at the front of the temple which had attacked and tried to kill us. The group all jumped to our feet, and we approached the lich and tried to calm him down. He looked as though he was about to kill all of us with his dark and nefarious powers. But, by telling the truth and talking savvy to him, we managed to defuse him slightly... He said he would spare our lives, but that he wanted us out of the library and out of temple by nightfall...
This was absolutely gut-wrenching. Not only did I feel immense guilt already for the death of Neferon, even though it was self-defense. But now, this strange and lonely friend which we made was now casting us out because of his hurt. We decided to leave the books he had given us in the library. Even though it would lead to great power for us, we felt it would be wrong to take them out of the library at this point.
As we were leaving, I saw him sitting in a chair with his skull-head in his bony hands. I brought the book over to him, as well as the painting Piccolo had drawn, and the Monk card from my Tarroka deck. I left them all on his desk and told him I truly was sorry and guilt-ridden about Neferon. He took the card into his hands and stared at it quietly. I thanked him again for all his help and his friendship, and then told him that if he saw Strahd again to let him know I would be coming for that bottle of wine soon. The lich looked up at me, and said: "You can tell him yourself very soon."
...Strahd is here at the temple... The immense dread that filled me in that moment was immeasurable. We had not yet found Mordenkainen. I began to worry as we were not ready to fight him yet.
Once we left the room, I told the group that Strahd was here. We started to make our way to the exit, in hopes that we would not run into the devil. As we made our way out, Ander stopped in his tracks. I spoke to him and he said that he heard a voice in his head talking to him, saying there was another exit. It was clear that a dark power was calling to him. He told me to trust him, and though I was wary to trust, I decided to do so.
We followed him until we finally made our way into a room with the sarcophagi of the dark powers. I held Ander back as the voice called him to touch it, he was fighting some intense battle of wills in his mind. After a few moments, the dark powers began to manifest in the room and move towards him. I lit the Sun Sword and pulled Ander away from the door, pushing back the power with the sunlight.
As he was pulled away, Ander had a brief moment of freedom, and with his magic slammed the door of the room, blocking the powers inside! It was incredible to see him resist such evils! Perhaps I truly am able to save him from the fate which I saw in my visions.
With that evil trapped again, we made our way out of the room and back towards to the entrance. We looked back toward the library one last time, longing to go back and comfort that sad and lonely lich. But, we left the temple. As we exited into the night outside, we were met with the sneer of Rahadin and dozens of vampire spawn awaiting us. Standing the middle of the horde was a large black horse with flames where its mane should have been, Beucephalus... Mounted atop the dread steed was the devil himself, Strahd von Zarovich, awaiting us, clearly ready to end things now...
~ Jasper Solavich