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Uktar 18, 1492

New Debt

by Flicker Greenridge

  • Journal entry burned -

  • Entry previously read as follows:
    Softbound Journal #1, pages 16 and 17 of 25
    Though some may abhor
    those which I adore,
    I care all the more
    for Benny the Boar.
    -there's a doodle of a little boar in a collar followed by two pages of rusty druidic writing-
    (Translated from Druidic and adjusted for syntax)
    I'll call him Timber. Always meeting in the forest. Tall. Strong. Broad like the oak, and sheltering from what could have been - would have been - a storm. An act of protection and kindness without requirement. Those elements remind me of Light. She protects me even from Timber himself. A funny thought now.
    I did nothing for him prior and he asked nothing of me since. I can view him as a friend and admire him as an ally. No reason to remain uncomfortable. None at all. Silly. Still. I owe him. True he asked nothing. But he did save me and the others from a potentially dangerous interaction. I am in his debt until I can repay him.
    Chief pulled me away from Timber to talk. He planned this trip to Thundertree in order to ensure the people of the area remain protected. The thought of going there hurts. I'm ashamed. Going so willingly now after my unwillingness may have contributed to the death of Twin. What might he have been called? I didn't even think to ask.
    To go now feels like cowardice, the hard work already done. Like betrayal. I couldn't put it to words for Chief. Still can't. Not really. But he was patient and he is right. And so I will go.
    Chief kept his word when I didn't expect it. I didn't have to go underground. I chose to for "Benny" but it was my choice. The freedom of choice. He's always given that to me. Choice to stay with Weaver and "Damaia". Choice to stay above ground. Choice to go to Thundertree. I'm grateful.
    I'm grateful for all of them. I let loose some fear in that discussion. Weaver was already recovered from the large building. Chief and Wind Walker seemed to have fully recovered from the hill. She went down hard but has yet to complain. I've been meditating in the mornings more. She's always awake before me and doing her own meditations. The control she has over her body and words continues to be impressive.
    I should work on that.
    Signed, Sprout

    Continue reading...

    1. Every Time
      Marpenoth 29, 1492
    2. Poor Judgement
      Marpenoth 30, 1492
    3. Second Thoughts
      Uktar 1, 1492
    4. Being Present
      Uktar 2, 1492 - day
    5. Getting Through
      Uktar 2, 1492 - night
    6. Organizing Ideas
      Uktar 3, 1492 - part 1
    7. Strange Happenings
      Uktar 3, 1492 - part 2
    8. More Surprises
      Uktar 3, 1492 - part 3
    9. Shell Games
      Uktar 3, 1492 - part 4
    10. Clipped Notes
      Uktar 4-6, 1492
    11. Logging Camp
      Uktar 6, 1492
    12. Years Ago
      Years Ago
    13. During Watch
      Uktar 7, 1492
    14. The Band
      Marpenoth 2, 1492
    15. Of Apples
      Uktar 8, 1492
    16. In Town
      Uktar 9-11, 1492
    17. Meeting Falcon
      Night of Uktar 11 - Night of Uktar 14
    18. Woodland Walk
      Uktar 15-16, 1492
    19. Mad Manse
      Uktar 16, 1492
    20. Still Up
      Night of Uktar 16, 1492
    21. Processing Change
      Late Uktar 16/early Uktar 17, 1492
    22. Three Down
      Uktar 17, 1492
    23. New Debt
      Uktar 18, 1492
    24. To Return
      Uktar 19-20, 1492
    25. Kindling Papers
      Morning of Uktar 21, 1492
    26. Light(ning) House
      Uktar 21, 1492
    27. Cloudy Mind
      Morning of Uktar 23, 1492
    28. Pip Stonehill
      Uktar 24 1492
    29. Herbal Teas
      Marpenoth 10, 1485
    30. Ice Wall
      Uktar 26, 1492
    31. Going Back
      Uktar 28, 1492
    32. An Ending
      Feast of the Moon, 1492