These things stink. Not like "tough" or "annoying" or "meanly targeting Wolf specifically" though that's also true, but stink stink. Commit olfactory offense. I feel like my druidcraft would just add to the smell, not mask it. Fresh air would be nice. Not now, Flicker. We agreed to clean this place up.
Oh? ...Ear wax? Ah now I see. Guess that is the safest move. Hate not being able to hear things coming at us, but needs must.
Huh, that's an interesting ring. Wolfie immediately went for that throne, I bet he'd like this.
What is Fortune getting at? Is he asking for a back massage? Look I'm all for getting closer but that's a bit too - oh, he give me a piggy back ride? I don't understand. He seems insistent so I guess I might as well.
I don't feel well
Fern beating Fire breathing Frog's breath
what WAS that?
wake up Fortune, wake up Wolfaen, you one looks okay right now
Sleep. We need sleep. Don't split up. Dangerous. Outside? No...stay together...sleep.
Okay! New day! No...same day? New night? I hate being underground. Up is down. Make this quick and get out of here already.
These rooms look awful. I don't want to spend a lot of time in 'inhabitable' is inhabitable? Safe from monsters or safe for people with dust allergies? Honestly Harbin owes us way more than the notice stated. Wonder if Damaia and Keth could team up and intimidate him a bit. Damaia would do the talking and Keth would do the...over 6 foot tall half-orc-ing.
What was that? Gah, she's covered in blood again. Leave it to a barbarian. Wolfie is just a magnet for those little bloodsuckers, isn't he?
Fortune must be hungry. Sense of impending doom is often brought about by an empty stomach, as they say. Good thing Eethyl keeps feeding us, haven't had to use too many of my rations.
Another narrow passageway....I hate this.
Hm, that wasn't so bad. Now let's head up these stairs and oh! Giant spider. Yes, yes he did mention that. Well. No reason we can't all be civil, sort this with a quick spell. Maybe a bit of persuasion or an offer of food and they'll kindly leave and ah grapejuice they want to eat us.
Bluebells this is sticky. Not too hard to break out of at least. And Fortune has some pretty neat magic here. Not too keen on breathing in this rust dust stuff but maybe it will keep the webs off next time.
Eethyl sure doesn't want to chat with these beasties. Guess he can tell without spider-speak that they weren't interested in negotiations. Glad he's so quick with those stones anyway; that'll be useful once he figures his aim out.
Wow. Keth is...something...with that sword. I don't know if I'm more impressed or grateful or scared. If anything ever knocked him down, or worse, turned him against us...don't think about that now.
Of course one of us would be poisoned at the last moment. That seems to be about right for our luck. At least it's over now, maybe I can make an antitoxin from this big boy. Cutting into it to get the sacs will make things easier now and when we drag these out to bury.
After all, we agreed to clean this place up.