Tortle gets a New God? by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 18th Oct 2020 04:32

Tortle gets a New God?

by Zee Karia

GPK had a long flashback. He had friends maybe. But he remembered his name, which is pretty okay than calling him GPK but we're used to that name now.
Oh and he remembered Thanis. Surprise.
Speaking of Thanis, he called the tortle on his pickaxe. Weird.
We spoke with Thanis, but there was a magic butterfly that was more interesting at the beginning.
But the others realized Thanis really did know Koulomb, so that's a surprise.
It all comes full circle to the tortle somehow cause he's in big trouble and by trouble I mean, he's probably gonna die without a god's help.
So we decide to meet Acero's long awaited Griffon god.
Pretty cool. Chill guy.
Acero was having the time of his life so we let him stay here till we came back.
Griffin, the god, offered to be the tortle's god and there was another guy there that GPK knew but he was in a disguise and seemed to miss GPK but funny enough he didn't know he was there.
We had to leave quickly cause Thanis couldn't hold with us there and so we decided to pick up Acero next time we come back here.
So yeah.
Were we finding a blue robot?