We Home-What the hell is happening by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 2nd Aug 2020 04:07

We Home-What the hell is happening

by Zee Karia

We returned home! After an entire year!
Family was real spooked D:
Carnan got married and I missed it. ;-;
But I gave him a quick wedding gift and Nan the sprig of mistletoe. (Note: Must find better gift.)
We prepped for next journey. And well.
We got home but Pamela never returned home.
So... Turns out she was kidnapped to the next town and we gotta save her.
We all went, I got no sleep.
Poor Pammy was apparently about to be used for a sacrafice by these religious jerks.
The tortle managed to get her to safety, but I don't approve of how he did it!
At least she's safe now, and those damn jerks got what they deserved.
I think.
Well we got home to Krey, everything is cool now.
Except maybe the wizard we left hanging about when we were gonna show up through the portal outside the house.
Pretty sure he was cool with it.