Navy Blue Problem by Zee | World Anvil

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Thu 3rd Sep 2020 07:35

Navy Blue Problem

by Zee Karia

So the big blue problem escaped.
That isn't good.
The tortle runs over to fix GPK and his construct. Once GPK was fixed, I decided to hand him my fishing rod to see if he can get a good catch.
He doesn't.
So I try.
And apparently I caught something real huge, like I nearly fell over if it weren't for the tortle and his construct.
It felt like I was trying to reel in GPK himself.
Then we got a loud call through our heads? From Thanis.
He doesn't sound happy.
Tortle somehow got a portal to let us go to him. Scary portal. Hands came out to expand it.
We went through, despite how scary it was. Acero had gone first and made a show out of it, which was funny.
Thanis was not happy. The bot got away and now its running.
Thanis asked the tortle for the research that was done on the navy blue and led us to what appears to be a similar portal to some weird version of the magnificent mansion, but more books.
Thanis asked again for the research and after dumping out his secret horde of bags and folders, he was uneasy to hand off what I would say would be like his life's work of work.
GPK wasn't as kind. In fact, he just grabbed it to hand off to the wizard.
The tortle wasn't very responsive after that.
Thanis and the tortle talked a lot about what it means to be able to create a warforged body. Though how he got it a soul was totally uncool.
"Never make deals with demons," my instructor used to tell me.
Eventually, Thanis said he'd get back to us on how to find the navy blue mess that ran off.
So we decided to talk to the gnome lord of Fazu.
We updated him, sure he wasn't happy to hear it got away.
We left after the update, though interestingly enough, there's that butterfly from yesterday.
Not sure what happened when I noticed it.
Think there was loud noises and what sounded like the gnome lord we just talked to.
Not sure like I said.
So yeah.
Guess we wait.