I Nearly Died I'm Pretty Sure by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 25th Oct 2020 05:24

I Nearly Died I'm Pretty Sure

by Zee Karia

We came back from the Griffon's plane and ended up in our home in Krey. I heard a loud noise going down the stairs so when I went to see what it was. GPK informed me that the tortle fell down the stairs for some reason.
Arc was introduced to the family, mainly Carnan and unfortunately this was a meeting of three people who probably should not have met.
Immediately, they talked about shooty things. They did a bunch of things, something about Arc's guns.
Anyway, we set off to do what we needed to do. The tortle was given a sense of where the blue robot was, so we followed it towards Maapham.
Unfortunately, I think the two tinker idiots blew some holes throughout the cart, like what the heck.
I got this from a goddess. And they're blowing holes in it.
Oh yeah, we were chased by large direwolves on the way. That was not too fun.
Even though we stopped by in Maapham, we quickly left it cause, uh, don't know if that one guy here still wants his book back that I don't have.
Also, cause the tortle's sense of direction said we should go to Zreim.
When we got there, we saw flames. Heard townsfolk screaming and crying.
We rushed into the square, leaving our cart out on the edge of town.
There was a circle of flames in the middle of the square and we tried to safely go through it. Even GPK's circle of ice didn't seem to can douse it.
Finally, Arc bravely walked through and apparently our enemy is in the middle of the flames as the sounds of gunfire echoed.
The tortle and I walked through and almost immediately entering after we both tried to attack the robot.
And suddenly, I had a trident in my gut.
Full on, searing pain, and I think I was near to blacking out right there.
It felt worst than the slime attack.
Everything was a blur to me until I could focus beyond the pain.
Arc had pulled me out of the fight and had given me one of my potions before going to help the others once I could focus again.
I still had a giant trident sticking out of me, which hurt like hell and beyond to take that out while chugging another potion.
I was feeling mighty better as the pain finally dulled away but was that disorienting.
Before I could fully grasp what was going on, that bloody trident flew out of my hand back towards that damned blue robot.
The tortle had lost his big construct but luckily GPK and Arc finished off the stupid enemy.
Upon its death, suddenly the flames and screaming cleared and we were in the middle of a full town bustling around us, giving us looks, and clapping and cheering.
I guess we were in a very large illusion. Thankfully we hurt no one during that fight.
Well, besides myself.
I don't know why the tortle still wants to keep the remains of the blue robot. I get that he made it and all but its parts are more than covered in physical blood. I personally wouldn't want to keep such remains as they are. But he is rebuilding it, without a soul from a demon this time.
Don't get it, can't exactly care. Need to go lie down after being skewered by it.
Snatched that damn trident and shoved it in Griffin.
GPK sent a message to Thanis to tell him of our success and we returned to Krey. When we got back, we went through a portal to see Thanis, who wasn't too surprised by our success.
He then started talking about some kind of magic school that he wants GPK to teach at.
Don't know why he'd want the memory loss prone spellcaster to teach.