To Where and Warforged by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 2nd Aug 2020 11:08

To Where and Warforged

by Zee Karia

We talk to Thanus after I ring a loud bell illusion.
We apparently woke him.
He wanted to talk about the blue thing that crossed over.
It's now our job to get rid of it cause of the tortle's influence with it and technically, we opened the world.
It must have somehow gotten here with the Unknown's opening.
With our return to Krey through the portal, the wizard also mentioned it was on its way to Fazu.
Kind of strange, to trek through the ocean to a remote island.
But there's no time to lose, it'll make it there before us by ship if we can get transport.
So I decide to go see the king for his assistance.
I did ask people if there would be a way to cut through the blue thing, but so far most people's responses to obtaining even adamantine is next to null.
I managed to get a quick audience with the king, though I really didn't realize I should have started with saying the wizard gave us a quest.
The king gave us an orb to get to Fazu fast when we break it. Transport done.
Another journey to take, this time leaving money for my family.
With that, we break the orb and end up in the middle of Fazu.