What the Ore by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 1st Nov 2020 06:17

What the Ore

by Zee Karia

Well, we are back in Krey now.
Good to be back home.
Seems like the tortle and Arc decided to hang out with Carnan in the workshop again.
Everyone wasn't up to much after looking around to see what they were doing, so I decided to do some shopping after they had gone out.
While out, I decided to try and buy a glass bottle, but was stopped on my way by a drunkard.
He seemed out of it. He said some things then suddenly fell down. I tried to help him with what little I knew of medical help.
I think I helped him. Propped him up against a wall just in case.
He had an interesting-looking empty bottle, and seeing as he was done with it, decided to take it for my purposes.
After a tiny bit of rinsing, I could finally use this to make a bottle of Changeling tears that seemingly GPK wanted.
It was gonna be a slow to fill this, but I managed to get some of the bottle filled.
I heard GPK wanted to head to Oford and seems like the tinker team is gonna be busy for a while, decided to go with him.
We passed through Respolis, which really was in ruins. Burnt down after we left it.
We arrived at Oford and headed to the mines.
They stopped us at the enterance. Seems like things have changed since the last time (over a year ago was it) that we were here.
Fourty gold per person for two hours before we get teleported out, which wasn't too bad.
GPK and I entered, and went down for a while, finding few mithrils along the way.
There was a couple random butterflies also, which was strange because we were in a cave.
GPK apparently found a weird hole in the wall. It took his whole pickaxe and sucked it right through.
He decided to go through the wall, which was like WHAT.
He sounded fine, and so I followed him through and holy moly.
That's one giant crystal.
GPK decided to sit on the crystal until the time was up, so I decided to see what I could get with the time left.
Nothing much.
We were teleported out, strapped that giant crystal to the carriage, and went home.
Boy, were everyone was gonna be surprised.