Fazu and the Navy Blue by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 16th Aug 2020 01:04

Fazu and the Navy Blue

by Zee Karia

We appear on top of a teleportation circle in the middle of the city of Fazu.
I saw a pretty butterfly passing by and turned to tell the others but they were gone.
Seems that something caught their eye so I followed them and they came across a dragonborn stuck in a cage. The cage belonging to a couple of slavers.
The tortle paid for it to be released, which is strange for him to do.
GPK went off to check for an alleyway to place a portal down to his portable inn and called for me to help him with that.
Which is good, seeing as his first choice was terrible.
No idea where the tortle went with his new purchase, Hellkite.
GPK, Acero, and I managed to get a good spot near the west gate of Fazu.
GPK went inside to send a letter back to the king of Krey seeing as we left too quickly without a way to get the local leader of Fazu to help us.
While he was doing that, Acero and I went to the range where apparently the tortle went to test something.
Learned Acero never had cookies before. Wow.
Upon arriving at the range, apparently he made Hellkite breathe ice despite being a green dragon.
Lotta people were staring.
Which is good cause I could put on a performance.
Acero got the coins, which is fine I guess. He is part bird so I guess he couldn't help himself.
GPK arrived and managed to get a message to give to the leader of Fazu, so Acero and I went with him to the castle while the tortle went to the market with the dragonborn.
We enter the castle after the guard let us through. We meet Knitpact of Fazu, the gnomish lord of this city.
He agreed to help us, so long as we can move the battle south of the island. Sounds hard to do.
Regardless, we got his help, GPK got some new shiny dragon shards.
Then we got a message from the tortle saying he somehow got sold?
Apparently the dragonborn that he bought sold him to the black market.
Kind of funny, kind of concerning.
GPK flew to help him while Acero and I got there later.
Seems that stuff sort of worked itself out by the time we caught up. Tortle was 800 gold richer and apparently Hellkite is no longer supposedly indebted to him. Guess the black market didn't want a giant target on their back from a blue, potential world-wide threat.
Tortle's latest construct is here also.
Welp. Nothing else to do but prep for the blue bot.
Bought dozens of cookies and learned a new recipe from a bakery before we headed to our new base for the day.
New day and we more or less prepared again. Not much else happened.
New day and oh boy.
It arrived.
The blue warforged arrived by boat which was kind of surprising. We assumed it was gonna be walking on the ocean floor.
Everyone didn't even give it time to land its ship.
They started attacking it before its boat docked but that didn't stop it.
It wasn't until Hellkite managed to grapple it with a spell and then it became a war of attrition.
We spent a long time locking the warforged on the spot and damaging it when possible.
We kept our distance between locking and damaging it.
I dropped a prepared glyph of warding rolled up in a scroll in case the warforged broke free and decided to attack us.
Side note: I did prep it to only activate on command words and to not hurt at least anyone that was not a warforged.
Part of me hoped that GPK wouldn't end up close to the scroll.
Was pretty worried when the blue bot decided to go invisible but seeing as it was still pinned by the tortle's construct, it wasn't as if we didn't know it was still there.
GPK solved the invisibility problem, though he lost his also.
In the end, my prep and caution didn't do much.
When the blue warforged was very damaged, it managed to break free of its captor and fled into the sea.
Dang it.
We were so close.
This is disheartening and worrying.