To the Water and to the Land by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 12th Jul 2020 04:06

To the Water and to the Land

by Zee Karia

We went to visit the ocean. There were merfolk we met.
We go with them to Atlantis. There's apparently a Kelp Man.
We help Merlin the fish find his lost son. Through sheer luck.
Can't really tell what happened after. But I'm sure they went on with their happy lives.
Or... Not as I have been informed later. Rip Nero.
Well, we got the water urn set up. So now we off to the land of earth.
I got picked up immediately on arriving and we were brought to the earth king, King Kong-styled.
We got audience with the king, and he wants us to help out with his large son, Boulder.
GPK managed to get him small. The tortle managed to move him.
So we got that task done, his son lost some weight kind of and is now stuck.
But we did it and the king is letting us stay for the night.