War Rises and Falls by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 6th Dec 2020 06:55

War Rises and Falls

by Zee Karia

The day begins with a knock on the door, with war on our doorstep.
Well actually, that's the next day.
This day I just went out to get a gift box and message to go with the bottle of tears I had.
It was a fun message I added with the gift to be delivered to my own house, a silly scam looking message.
You are the lucky random winner of our Community Utilization Network's Testificate visitation reward! Have this prize and come again when the end of the season comes and participate in our Annual Nomination Angler's Lobbying meeting! We hope to see you soon!"
I think it'd be funny for GPK to get what he needed through such strange circumstances.
Instead of paying for delivery, I just decided to deliver it myself. Taking on a new look, I delivered the gift box to my own house. Though no one answered, so I just leave it on the doorstep and left just in time when the door opens.
I go home normally after that.
With that done, now it is the new day for war.
At least from what I've been told by GPK since he answered it.
We were called to lend a hand with a war that was about to begin.
Which, kind of explains a lot of things in the past. Chef Ali's weird explanations about what has been happening around Krey and a few other strange things like the rise of guards in the city.
Yeah a war sounds legit.
Before we left the house, the tortle wanted the trident back that his blue robot had before when he was evil. Which was kind of, not something I'd like to do.
Even with MPN on our side now, I don't like the idea of it having its really pointy, stabby thing again after my near death experience by the end of the trident.
But I extracted an IOU from the tortle, seeing as he wanted it badly for MPN as a trade.
We head out the house and head to the south gate where the incoming attackers were coming towards.
The point of them coming to attack and this civil war that is brewing is because the king has been unfairly taxing them for way too much, which was strange, and understandably they were very unhappy. This has probably been brewing since that whole year we were gone.
Because of that, Arc questioned who we were supposed to helping while the tortle questioned if we were getting paid for this.
While a guard had run off to talk about our possible payment for being involved with fighting the attacking side, I managed to convince the others that maybe, we should get to the bottom of why this war is happening.
So we go up to the attacking side, where they had arrows pointed at us when we approached.
They stop pointing arrows at us when we tell them we aren't here for fighting but talking.
They explain that strangely the king has been for high taxes, 50% of their crops be sent to Krey. Even couriers they have sent to discuss with the king have returned with lashings across their backs.
We offer to seek audience with the king, after much discussion, as we have decent favor with the king.
(By the time we were walking, that guard returned saying the king would offer us 10 thousand gold pieces for that payment each. )
Ignoring that, we go request audience with the king. Though Arc was quite intimidating about it.
We meet the king and ask of him why he was taxing his people, he eventually explained it was for his wife, who had been inflicted with a strange growth before.
When we wanted to see the queen and how she was doing, Arc dropped on to her that she was part of a pact and part of the problem to why the kingdom was about to be in a civil war. Which she didn't know about till now. Yikes.
After much discussion on how to possibly save this kingdom from its source problem, the tortle and GPK have worked out an offer of 25k gold pieces in exchange for being able to save his wife if he breaks the pact.
(Thankfully we don't decide killing the queen would be a better option. Or walking away from this situation.)
The king pulls out a coin and breaks the pact, but immediately the queen cries out in pain. Along with the king's children outside the doors.
Bringing them all in the room, it was obvious that this was part of the pact's backlash, with the large growth returning on the queen's back.
I ran out the castle to get Nan to hopefully be able to help with the situation. Returning with her, Nan inspected them all and told us that they only had maybe a few hours left seeing as how drastic it was.
The tortle and GPK work out what they want to wish for to save the king's family.
After casting the wish, Nan checks up on them and they are completely fine now. Healthy.
The king rewards us with the 25 thousand gold that was part of the deal. The others gave it to me to put in Griffin for safe keeping.
The king will lower the taxation rate. He even gives us a royal decree to announce to the peasants.
Now everyone is happy. For now.