Chilling in a Desert Tomb by Zee | World Anvil

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Thu 3rd Sep 2020 07:34

Chilling in a Desert Tomb

by Zee Karia

Well, we are waiting on Thanis to get back to us about where the Navy Blue is.
Until then, we have decided to do a small quest. We went to the adventurers' guild to fetch one.
The quest we got was one to help some archaeologists with a recently discovered tomb out in the desert.
We get ready to leave. I see the tortle about to use his construct and I figured, hey, I can catch a ride on that.
So I hopped on my makeshift mirror shield and boy was that a fun idea. Acero and Hellkite got a ride on GPK through the desert.
While that was a great idea to shield surf through the desert, my mirror shield became super tarnished. Guess that's what it is when you use a vanity mirror as a shield.
We arrive at the tomb and meet with the lead archaeologist there. Seems that there is some trouble inside the tomb and they have lost some of their team to black slimes.
The tortle pulled out his newest construct, some weird beetle thing, and spent a long time using it to explore the tomb until it apparently got itself into some trouble.
Then he sent his flying construct in to fetch the sad scouter and after a while, we entered the tomb.
We explored into a room that had the seasons painted on the walls. There was a door on the wall of summer and the tortle spent some time on opening the door.
The rest of us looked around the room, GPK had found a seed and judging by the images on the walls, I figured we needed to plant it and followed the images on the wall.
We created the conditions that opened the door. Through the door, we reached an end where it is a room with a sarcophagus surrounded by many urns. The tortle decided that we should save the room for last.
We back tracked to the main room and the tortle and his constructs tried another corridor. He found the dead archaeologists, along with some moving black goo so nope! Not going in there I guess.
We tried the last corridor and it led to a pit room covered in mist. The tortle sent his flying construct through and apparently there was a door but his robot has no thumbs.
The tortle had Acero warp across the room, skipping across platforms hanging from the ceiling. Pretty neat idea, Acero managed to get to the other side in time for what sneaked up on us.
I barely noticed it, but suddenly everyone around me was becoming high strung.
It wasn't until something slick was on my neck did I realize one of those slimes were on me.
I managed to toss it off as it tried to pry into my mouth. I checked the others to see if they had any on them as they looked themselves. Noticed Hellkite not seeing the one on him.
When I let him know, he chucked it into the pit.
A fight broke out as there were more slimes apparently coming from a crack in the ceiling. After several shots, some missing the slimes in general and that one Hellkite threw returning, it was quick to realize that these slimes weren't very strong as long as they weren't on you and in your mouth. The tortle almost made the mistake of biting one but he just backhanded it to death.
Once the slime situation became more under control, GPK and the tortle decided to go with Acero seeing as they had more space to carry items.
Hellkite and I just waited for a long time.
The tortle returned without the others for a long time, something about the others being a doll or wolf or something?
He created a portal to the loot room they found but apparently if we went through, we'd experience some wild magic too.
Instead of going in, we dealt with more slimes that came from the crack.
It was pretty simple to deal with, the tortle's portal disappearing mid-fight.
Eventually, the loot tem returned. Acero had a new demon... son? GPK was being carried by the tortle's construct and seemed to be blind, deaf, and funnily enough, unable to smell.
With GPK incapacitated, we decided to leave the tomb. I decided to check back on the room with the dead archaeologists. There was nothing in there, not even the archaeologists, which is concerning.
Going back to the others, the tortle had his construct check back on the sarcophagus room and seems like there were more dead bodies moving in that room than before.
So we walked out of the tomb.
We met with the lead archaeologist and the tortle talked with him since he had explored that loot room.
A cleric had managed to heal GPK of his curses.
The loot the tortle had was divided up I think but I wasn't paying attention.
GPK set up his portable mansion and we decided to take on the sarcophagus room tomorrow.