Pit of The REALLY Bad Goo by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 27th Sep 2020 12:46

Pit of The REALLY Bad Goo

by Zee Karia

We fell down the hole. Thank goodness GPK saved us with Feather Fall.
We fell in to a large almost empty pit, with black goo oil?
GPK said that this gunk was ALIVE, and judging by how it looks, it might be something we don't want to be dealing with.
We looked around for an escape but there doesn't seem to be much else here.
Except the corpses. And the mummy lord corpse.
GPK went to take the specter off the mummy's corpse and bright idea me, pokes in the corpse.
Something slimy grabs on to me, and so NOPE!
Take my hand back, and suddenly all the corpses in the room are being controlled by the goo.
Arc shot one's head off but it's still moving.
We deal with the corpses best we can, only taking out the bodies but doesn't seem to be stopping what ever is controlling it.
GPK blasted a fireball that obliterated two of the corpses.
That caused all the ooze in the room to gather and form into a giant slime.
It was.
Extremely difficult compared to the slimes we dealt with yesterday.
GPK let loose a couple of fireballs, Arc shoots it, Acero used eldritch blasts, I lost a crowbar, but the slime hardly goes down.
The tortle joined us after falling for some reason but it wasn't looking good.
The slime had shrunken somewhat and a piece of it started to escape.
I had the idea to drop a pin of gunpowder to help GPK, except I didn't get a clean movement around the slime.
It managed to get a really rough hit on me that I did manage to forget why I was there behind the slime.
Did not feel good.
I could only offer light assistance for the rest of them and hopefully keep my distance from the slime.
The tortle managed to finish off the slime, apparently there was also a slime version of me there too?
Regardless, the main problem was destroyed and there was a dark vortex left on the ground. We, or rather, the tortle lost his Arcsin construct due to fire damage.
Remembering there was an escaping piece of slime, I redirected my lights towards where I saw it going.
It was escaping towards a crack in the floor!
GPK, Arc, and I tried to get it but it escaped...
We took a long break. I had to tend to my pretty bad wounds and GPK was out of mana.
The tortle had remade a construct and some jars for some reason. He and GPK tried to pick up the leftover darkness?
It didn't work, in fact.
It was pulled into the darkness and we heard a shattering noise from the top.
The tortle sent his small construct into the darkness and it was a vortex to the top of the pit. An escape.
We left through it and Fazu Phil wasn't at the top (also Hellkite.)
We left this hell tomb behind and went to where we first met Fazu Phil.
He seemed surprisingly happy despite the fact some of us were in a pit. He didn't seem very concerned about our well-being when we were down there. In fact, he seemed super surprised we managed to get out of that pit.
The tortle was extremely unhappy about that. Seeing as he suddenly fell in without his knowing.
Arc provided to be pretty scary as he *negotiated* with Fazu Phil to stamp his seal that we helped him with his quest. Fazu Phil seemed more motivated to do it for us and we left, totally not interested in coming back here.
We are now on our way back to Fazu through the desert now.
Don't think I can shield surf back.