Found and Lost Again by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 27th Sep 2020 06:35

Found and Lost Again

by Zee Karia

Waking up, I kind of dreaded going back into the tomb. But a quest is a quest, and we know better to be cautious now. Hopefully.
We got ready for the day ahead of us, oddly enough the tortle fixed up his little funny beetle thing. Played a little prank on him with Minor Inconvience, but it was a harmless fly. Tortle wasn't amused but at least I didn't trip him while he was carrying his beetle. He made his bug thing make a rattling noise in response. Don't think it bothered anyone. We then met up with Fazu Phil to escort him through the tomb.
While escorting him, the tortle stepped over a pressure plate we didn't see yesterday and managed to open a small secret room that held a deactivated warforged. Strange thing. When looking at it, it seemed to be missing something in its chest cavity like GPK.
So I asked him for the bag of marshmallows and stuffed it in the warforged while they discussed if they can scrap it for parts.
Did nothing. Just a small zap to me.
The tortle had the idea to put a blue shard thing into it instead. Acero got the marshmallows from GPK and ate some of them.
That woke it up.
It immediately reaches for something around its hip but seemed to be missing one of what it was looking for.
The warforged seemed to also have memory loss (is this a warforged thing?) and did not know how it ended up here in this tomb. Fazu Phil found its shooty thing and I picked it up.
Looked like one of the shooty things like the stuff Carnan is working on.
Gave it to the warforged seeing as he seemed harmless.
He decides to accompany us on our venture through the tomb.
We go to the sarcophagus room. The group of undead archaeologists are gathered around the sarcophagus and kneeling.
The tortle sent its constructs to poke around in the room ahead of us for a long while. The undead seemed to ignore them entirely and he couldn't get his constructs to open the sarcophagus.
Arc, the shooty warforged, finally walked into the room and just aimed at one of the undead and shot it.
That, triggered them.
They reacted and started to attack us.
Kind of scary.
I insulted the one Arc shot.
That, killed it...
What a weakling.
We took out a few more, until the sarcophagus opened to reveal a mummy lord.
Things got more intense when it decided to join the fight.
And half the party kind of disappeared mid-fight thanks to wild magic curses or other spell. Like out of this plane of existence gone.
Thankfully, we managed to hold on while facing the mummy lord. While cursed.
Turned into a raven at one point. Had a pecking for worms.
I think I felt a moment where something was gonna go horribly wrong.
But no.
My skin is stuck changing into rainbow colors.
I think I am scared of wild beasts all of a sudden also.
Everyone was in the room by the time we defeated the mummy lord.
Except the mummy lord wasn't done.
He gripped a scepter from his back and smashed it on the floor, cracking it, and sent most of us falling.
Please let this not be a repeat of the Unknown.