Spooky Basement Problems by Zee | World Anvil

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Sun 15th Nov 2020 12:32

Spooky Basement Problems

by Zee Karia

Maybe this house is haunted.
Or maybe I didn't realize how tired I really was.
After going to sleep last night, I had woken to loud noises in the night.
Deciding to go investigate it, I went downstairs to where I thought I heard something calling my name in my sleep.
Nan was sitting in the kitchen and I had asked her if that was her calling for me. She said no but that the southern one called for me.
After wishing her good night as she was taking another puff, I peeked downstairs where the three stooges were.
They, or rather Arc, told me we were having a ghost problem. I just think they haven't gotten enough sleep.
GPK said that a child came out of the wall they were staring at but I didn't see anything but heard the strange noises.
As I was going to go get my weapons, the door to the basement slammed shut and Arc handed me his shooty thing to defend myself, which is ridiculous cause how do you use this thing??
Handing it back, the door opened again but before I could go in, it shut again.
GPK tore the door off its hinges, not dealing with that. He better fix it after we deal with this ghost problem.
I left to get my weapons. When I came back, I asked them what they were looking at and suddenly, there was a fleshy door on the wall they were staring at.
The tortle attempted to find his robots to test it, but weirdly enough, they weren't here.
Suddenly, he was dragged through the wall.
Arc rushed and jumped through the wall, going after the tortle because something about not leaving him to die on his own as the last of his species. Something about ecological crime.
Waiting for a bit, GPK decided to go in through the wall after them, telling me to stay back in case they don't return.
I didn't really like this whole thing. Sure, the house was apparently haunted and we now have a wall that goes to who knows where in our basement. A wall of hands that grab you and pull you in. Yuck.
But I couldn't really leave those guys to their own nor ignore this problem in our basement. Also, I really hate the voices in my head.
So I decided to go in, regretting every bit of it as I was passed through the wall of hands.
I didn't expect to end up in a dark and cramped place. What was I in a closet or something?
Actually it was too cushy and soft to be a closet.
Hearing voices outside, I assumed it was the others.
I called for them and GPK responded. I asked them where I was and apparently, I was in a grave.
That explains the dark and cushiness.
Suddenly there was noises. The dirt above emptied itself out.
The lid suddenly opened and the others were there.
We were in a strange graveyard. A lot of the names were not familiar, yet, quite a few were.
Names of people we knew, some who were definitely not dead yet graves existed.
My family's was here, yet their graves were open, meaning they were alive.
There's a very large house to the north, so we started going that way.
GPK turned around suddenly and looked behind us. I turned to look but didn't see anything. GPK pointed at what he was looking at and there was a small ghosty boy there.
He questioned the boy and he said he wanted to make sure we headed to the house safely.
We got to the house and it was interesting inside. Definitely haunted.
The tortle found a torch to pull and it turned off a fireplace.
We spent a while in the room, trying to figure out if it was a puzzle but after a while, I got bored and left the room with Arc upstairs.

The others came up and there were some locked doors upstairs.
The tortle attempted to open one with tools. Didn't work.
GPK tried to shoulder check it. Didn't work.
I tried to kick at it. Didn't work.
The tortle tried again, and he got it.
It looked like a child's bedroom. There were some more ghosty kids in the room.
They wanted us to help them with their Father.
We looked around and found an old woman. Turns out the father's name is Vladimir.
Seems like we might be dealing with a vampire.
We decide to rest seeing as we woke in middle of the night in one of the empty rooms.
We were woken by the house owner returning.
Arc tripped over something loudly and attracted the attention of the owner.
The vampire came upstairs and Arc pointed a shooty at him.
Arc demanded questions out of him and turns out we are in Shadowfel.
Things got confusing, so we brought the kids to ask questions.
It was kind of obvious that they were being compiled to talk nicely about this vampire, so we just started unloading on him.
We beat it up, and it poofed into dust.
We followed the dust to his basement.
GPK blew up his coffin with fire after dispelling magic on it.
The old woman came to us.
And transformed.
Into the Raven Queen.
The world around us faded to darkness with her before us.
Turns out she was testing us, to be able to spread her name into the realm we reside in.
Her proposal to be the god to one of us is taken by Arc, who seemed to be hooked on to when she mentioned 'power.'
And then the dark void we stood shifted back to the basement.
Carnan was there looking at us strangely. And MPN.
Apparently we were standing there for hours.
It's morning already.
Oh and apparently there was candy right on our doorstep for us.