I had a dream tonight, or a vision, or something ... I don't really know.
There was a voice speaking to me. She said to trust her and to trust myself. To travel to Vulcrom myself and start our business again. She said she saw great potential in me. I saw myself with beautiful clothes and I saw ships and caravans under my control, there was gold and jewels, blue sea and white beaches. And looked down at myself and in my hand I had a gold coin with the image of Waukeen on it. She smiled.
At the market today, I sold the last fruit from the last shipment to an old woman. She handed me the money and the gold piece had the same image of Waukeen on it. When I looked up, the woman had disappeared. I feel a strange sort of connection to something, something powerful. I think it's Waukeen. I never really believed that the gods cared about us at all. Sure, I prayed but only because I was told to, because it's what you do. This is real. These are real signs.
I don't know why Waukeen chose me. She is the goddess of trade and my business failed. Does she know what happens to me in the future. Is this a real possibility, to go to Vulcrom and redeem myself? Could that work? I think I could do it if I sold everything here. After all, our failure was not my fault. I could take things in my own hands and not rely on anyone else. Of course, I'd need to pay off my debts first. I could care for Eddie's family. I'll have to make some calculations.