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Accumulated Law List

When I (Viirin) say "lands", that means many things.
A spaceship can be a "land", since StarBound lets you put dirt on your ship and grow plants (needs a hoe to till it, seeds to grow, and a watering can to moisten dirt for a plant to absorb for its growth stages). A spaceship doesn't need to have anything to do with StarBound for it to count as a land, so don't worry about that. Heck, Star Trek has a few ships with hydroponic bays or forested holodecks. So yeah, ships are definitely lands.
A moon is a land, whether inhabitable or not.
A planet is definitely a land, and so is a magical floating island.
When Contestants (player characters) Banish things to the Static Map into the void of space (sometimes orbiting something else), those items become sattelites at the least, which means they count as asteroids or moons, so those are also lands now. The same goes for if a Patron (the player) uses a Christmahanzakwannikuh Event or Housewarming Event request to get something that counts as a land with any of the above rules. Space stations are clearly lands too, as are pocket afterlives.

TL;DR: Anything in the Static Map that isn't on a land is a land.

Native Laws are odd, which is intentional. If something is gained from a franchise universe campaign, then you can mostly consider that universe's laws to follow that new "land" when it enters the Static Map.

Chaos Gate Requirements Already applied by Nexus everywhere across the Static Map, from before any lands were even brought there.

Praise the Sun Native to all lands found within the Static Map.

Valid Teleportation Location Native to all Sphere telepads, spaceships originating from Nexus or StarBound, moongates, chaos gates, oblivion gates, and teleporters originating from StarBound. The owner can allow those they invite to travel with them to the teleporation locations they escort them to as well. Additional valid teleportation locations can be created by paying Nexus with an interest-accruing I.O.U.

Nothing Bad Ever Happens Native to all Spheres.

Bank Account Accessibility Not native anywhere. Installed by Nexus across the entire Static Map anyway, so even new lands will automatically have it available.

Plants Grow in Dirt if Tilled and Watered Native to all lands that originate from StarBound.

Watering is Allowed Native to all lands originating in StarBound.

Always Dark Native to Daenc Hydrax 4.

Always Freezing Native to Daenc Hydrax 4.

Always Temperate Native to Xanthe 3 and all Spheres.

Owner Lock Native to all Spheres.

Build with Blocks Only Native to all lands originating from Faunasphere.

Idea Propogation Native to all Spheres.

Protective Wall Native to all Spheres.

Ambient Lighting Native to all Spheres.

Always Cubic Native to all Blocks.

Monsters Appear in Tall Grass Native to all Pokemon Blocks.

Always Underground Native to Riften Sewer Block.

Just Work Already Native to appliances coming from StarBound. Nexus can be paid to install it on other appliances, though!

Imp Spawn Native to all lands originating from Homestuck whose names start with "Land of".

Moongates become Permanent Not native anywhere, but Nexus is watching everything the Contestants do all the time, so he might apply this Law spontaneously. Law inspired by Brittania's travel system.

Oblivion Gate Bleed Law native to Oblivion, but will randomly be applied when Nexus feels like it.

Permission Lock Native to all lands originating from Ultima Online.

Shrouded World Not native anywhere, but applied by Nexus to the planet Prospit and the planet Derse.

Random Gate Upgrades Not native anywhere, and not instituted anywhere either. It's just on Nexus's mind for the future.

Pyrefly Memorial Law native to Spira, but can be instituted by Nexus when he feels like it.

Soul Crystal Law native to the Final Fantasy Tactics series.

Dungeon Spawn Law to be instituted by Nexus when he feels like it.

Choice of Afterlife Law native to all lands that come from Disgaea.

Limited Reincarnation Law native to all lands that come from one of the afterlives in Disgaea.

Mana Tree Law to be instituted by Nexus when he feels like it.

Magic / Tech Cycle Law to be instituted by Nexus when he feels like it.

Trash Can Link Law native to all trash cans sitting on any land that comes from Brittania.

River of Souls Law already in place everywhere in the Static Map, but there isn't anywhere that can access it.

Fires Burn in Space Law in place on Daenc Hydrax 4, Xanthe 3, Darius's spaceship, the unnamed robot's spaceship (destroyed, but the Law is present in the wreckage) and the unnamed moon currently owned by Olivia.

Corporeal Ghosts Law native to all lands that come from Ghost Burger.

New Moon Ghost Return Law native to all lands that come from Ghost Burger.

Symbiotically Paranormal Law native to all lands that come from Paranatural.

Spectral Escape Law native to all lands that come from Paranatural.

Guard Summon Law native to all lands that originate from Ultima Online, unless it's from The Lost Lands or Felucca.

Not Destroyed Law native to Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2.

Artificer Restoration Law native to The Legend of Mana.

Gifting Tree Law native to any land originating from Neopia.

Nonlocal Generators Law native to any land originating from Planet Crafter.

You're in Luck, Watch Your Head Law native to any land originating from Planet Crafter.

Biome-Specific Plantlife Law native to any land originating from Wildmender.

Graveyards Spawn Undead Law native to any land originating from Terraria.

Nightlight Law native to any land originating from Terraria, StarBound, or Stardew Valley.

Cross Pollination Law native to any classic pottable plant from Ultima Online.


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