Yester Hill Geographic Location in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Yester Hill

The fungi-obsessed druids in the Valley have been here long before Strahd, and while they now serve him, they do not worship him. They believe no one can "own" the land, but they acknowledge his power over the land. They do not create his image, for they have no desire for him to tamper in their affairs more than necessary. They convene here around the source of their power.  

Y3. Druids' Circle

Atop the hill is a wide ring of black boulders and dead stumps, all coated in moss and fungus in a sickening array of colors. They collectively form a makeshift wall enclosing a field of dead grass from which a horrific scent emanates. At the center of the circle, lit by the sickly light of the bio-luminescent fungus, is a statue that looks to be made of tightly packed earth. It is a horrific effigy of a person, mouth and eyes blooming with mushrooms and drooping flowers.
The rings that surrounds the field is 250 feet in diamter and ranges from 5 to 10 feet high. Any creature that climbs over the boulders must make a DC12 Constitution saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) poison damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.   Statue The statue doesn't resemble any specific person, and is instead a representation of what happens to all bodies: rot and decay. Close inspection reveals tendril-like roots sprouting from the ground at the base of the statue and wrapping all the way around it to the top. They add support and durability to the otherwise somewhat weak earthen construct. Planted in the heart of this statue is a gem stolen from the The Wizard of the Wines vineyard.   The statue has AC 10, 50 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. If it takes fire damage after being splashed with oil, the roots catch fire and the statue loose stability. Its max HP instantly halves, and if this reduces the statue to 0, it crumbles instantly. If the statue is reduced to 0 HP by any means, the gem tumbles onto the field, filling the area with a red glow.   If the character discern or divine the gem's location in the statue's heart, they can attempt to dig it out. Climbing up the statue is a simple task, requiring no ability check, but the characters must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) poison damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful one. They can then use an action to dig into the statue. Have them roll a d20: on a result of 13 or higher, they unearth the gem and can take it as part of the action. On a 12 or lower, they instead pull out a shroom blight instead.   Hidden Graves Hidden throughout the field inside the boulders are six druids and six fungal warriors. As they venerate the end of all things, they sleep in earthen "graves" hidden under covers of sod and dead grass. Characters entering the circle who have a passive Perception (Wisdom) score of 16 or higher notice the dozen covered graves scattered throughout the field. The sleepers rise and attack anyone who approaches or damages the earthen statue, or if they are discovered.   The druids are waiting to begin a ritual to summon an enormous fungal blight at Strahd's behest. Only one druid is needed to perform the ritual, but they will not begin without Strahd's presence. The ritual can't be completed if the statue is destroyed and/or if the magical gem is removed.   Development If the druids and warriors are killed, their numbers are replenished as others return from trips into the woods. At dusk each day, 1d4 -1 druids and 1d4-1 warriors arrive until there are six of each.  

Y4. Elder Fungus

At the south end of the hilltop is a sickly copse, a grove of dead trees and shrubs surrounding the most sickly looking tree you've ever seen. It resembles both a mushroom and a tree, with a massive cap that resembles a thick canopy of grasping fingers. Its base is a creeping tangle of similar tendrils that burrow into the ground. The soil around is green and sickly. Skulking around the area are three humanoid figures that are far from human. Embedded in the trunk of the tree is a shiny battleaxe, beneath which lies a long-dead corpse. Littered around the area are several more corpses.
The tree is the Elder Fungus, the roots of which extend deep beneath the hill. Lurking among the dead trees and shrubs are three root blights, six corpse blights, and twelve shroom blights. The shroom blights and root blights are plainly visible, but the False Appearance feature of the corpse blights allows them to hide.   If the Elder Fungus is destroyed, it does not truly die. It regains 1 hit point every month until it is fully healed. With a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check, a character can determine that the entire stump must be uprooted for the tree to truly die. The Fungus withers and dies in 3d10 days if a hallow spell is cast in its area.   The axe embedded into the tree is a magical battleaxe. Its handle is carved with leaves and vines, and it weighs half as much as a normal battleaxe. When it hits a plant, whether ordinary or magical, the target takes an additional 1d8 slashing damage.  

Y5. Wall of Fog

This matches the entry from the book, with the exception of the scene that it shows to Strahd:  
As you look west into the curtain of fog, you see a clear blue sky and a bright sea that extends forever. Built into sheer white cliffs is a beautiful city that partially hangs over the sea, obviously suspended by magic. The city appears to be at least a mile away, but even from this distance you can hear bells.

Special Events

Druids Ritual This ritual is ordered by Strahd as an attempt to wipe out the Keepers of the Feather once and for all. This is identical to the book except they are summoning a Lesser Fungus, which can be seen at the The Elder Fungus and Blights article.
Mountain / Hill
Location under

SRD, Homebrew

Barovian Druid CR: 2

Medium humanoid, any evil
Armor Class: 11
Hit Points: 27 (5d8 +5) 5d8+5
Speed: 30 ft


10 +0


12 +1


13 +1


12 +1


16 +3


11 +0

Skills: Medicine +4, Nature +3, Perception +4
Senses: Passive Perception 14
Languages: Druidic
Challenge Rating: 2

Spellcasting. The Barovian druid is a 5th-level spellcasters. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC14, +4 to hit with spell attacks).   Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, chill touch, shillelagh   1st level (4 slots): fog cloud, entangle, longstrider, faerie fire   2nd level (3 slots): barksin, protection from poison   3rd level (2 slots): gaseous form, plant growth


Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit (+4 to hit with shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage if wielded with two hands, or 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage with shillelagh.


Halo of Spores. As a reaction, the druid can activate the "Halo of Spores" ability available to Circle of Spore druids. This allows them to use their reaction to deal 1d4 necrotic damage to any creature that moves through or starts its turn within 10 feet of them. The affected creature must succeed a Constitution save against the druid's spell save DC to avoid taking the damage.

The druids in Barovia existed before Strahd, and while they now serve him, they do not worship him. They worship neither the powers he consorts with, nor the powers that existed in Barovia before him. They instead worship the land itself, and a fabricated god of their own that venerates the rot and decay after death. They wish to spread this decay through the land, as they see the stagnance that Strahd has brought as unnatural and depraved.