Vallaki Vistani Camp Settlement in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Vallaki Vistani Camp

Southwest of Vallaki is a permanent campsite inhabited by a group of Vistani and The "Dusk" Elves .  
The woods part to reveal an expansive clearing: a small, grass-covered hill with low houses built into its sides. Fog obscures the details, but you can see these buildings feature elegantly carved woodwork and have decorative lanterns hanging from their sculpted eaves. Atop the hill, above the fog, is a ring of barrel-topped wagons that surround a large tent with a column of smoke pouring out of a hole in the top. The tent is bright lit from within. Even from a distance, you can hear the chatter of conversation, and smell the food being cooked.
  The Vistani in this camp are distraught. They are led by two brothers, Luvash and Arrigal , and Luvash's daughter is missing. Half of them are gone looking for her, while the other half hold down the fort.   This was a commune of elves before the Vistani group settled down here. The dusk elves live in small homes they built into the hillside, and are mostly self-sufficient. They are skilled trackers, and many of them are away from camp assisting the Vistani in tracking down Arabelle. There are no children or child-bearing elves, as they were all slaughtered by Strahd centuries ago. They keep a low profile, unwilling to incur Strahd's wrath again.  

N9C. Vistani Tent

Piled outside the wagon are several empty casks of wine. Three sputtering campfires fill the tent with smoke, and through the haze you can see six Vistani sitting in groups, drowsily talking. One young man is kneeling with his ankles and wrists bound to the central tent pole. His head is bowed low, and even from the entrance of the tent you can see the glowing hot coals beneath his knees. Standing at the back of the tent are two large men in studded leather armor. The larger is drinking from a bottle of wine, and the shorter is flipping through a book.
  The two men in studded armor are the leaders of the Vistani, Luvash and Arrigal. Luvash is the older of the two. Each carry a key to one of the padlocks of the treasure wagon.   Luvash is the father of the missing girl, Arabelle. She's been gone for a day, and no one knows where she is. She got up in the middle of the night to relieve herself, and Alexei, who had escorted her, got distracted by a drunkard at the fire and looked away for a moment. He is being punished for his negligence.   Dealing with Arrigal. Arrigal is a dangerous man. Unbeknownst to the other Vistani in the camp, he and his brother are in league with Strahd. He is willing to do anything to sell the players out to Strahd. If they have an item in their possession that is a threat or an asset to Strahd, he will play the charming host and try to get the party drunk enough to rob. If Ireena is with the party, he will send a message to Strahd, or go to the Castle himself, as quickly as possible.   Dealing with Luvash. While not as cunning, Luvash is no less dangerous than his brother. He is also working with Strahd, but is less involved. He listens to conversations and uses to his advantage the fact that people tend to trust him more than his brother to gather useful information.  

N9E. Luvash's Wagon

This barrel-topped wagon is nicer than the others. Drapes of golden silk hang in the windows, and the wheels have gold, sun-shaped hubcaps. An iron chimney pip protrudes from the roof.
Luvash's wagon is a mess. It is cluttered with his own possessions and clothes, as well as Arabelle's toys and clothes. A small hammock strung across the width of the wagon under the driver's seat serves as Arabelle's bed. A burlap doll with button eyes lies in the hammock.   A small iron stove in the middle of the wagon keeps the interior warm.
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