The Amber Archives Building / Landmark in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Amber Archives

The history of the Amber Archives is lost. The only one who might know it is the lich librarian, Exethanter, but their mind is failing. Even if the party restore their mind, they don't exactly recall who had guardianship before they did.   In the times of Felis, the Archives were used as a place to house artifacts and powers that were too powerful and chaotic to remain unguarded. Among those artifacts are the entombed bodies of servants of Canis, protected in the Vaults.   The wild folk have been removed. The only enemies in the Temple are its active guardians.   The Amber Archives is identical to the Amber Archives in the book except in the following ways:  

X5. Temple of Lost Secrets

La la la  

X5a. God of Secrets God of Harmony

This 40 foot tall statue, carved out of granite, depicts Felis.  

X33. Amber Vaults

There are only four vaults, one for each head of Canis. Each vault contains six sarcophagi.
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