West Gate Building / Landmark in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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West Gate

The fog spills out of the forest to swallow up the road behind you. Ahead, the road splits in two, widening towards the east. Down that way you see the trees thinning out slightly, and beyond that the rising back of the mountains. To the west the trees begin to clear out, and you see a massive stone wall connected the feet of the mountains rising around you.   At the crossroads is a signpost which points in three directions: west, east, and the south from which you came. West says 'Vallaki.' East says 'Ravenloft.' South says 'Barovia Village.'   (Approaching the gate) Huge iron gates block the way forward, thick mist slipping in between the thick bars.
  The landscape rises to nearly sheer cliffs on either side of these gates, feeding into the mountains to the north and south. This gate separates the village of Barovia and Castle Ravenloft from the rest of the valley.

Purpose / Function

The Western Gate bisects the Valley, blocking the only avenue of easy, safe passage between the two mountain ranges to the north and south. Long ago, there was an inn/welcome house at this western gate to mirror the Durst House , but it has been abandoned for even longer than its twin.   It is believed by those who live to the west of the gate that it serves another purpose: protecting them from the worst of Strahd's influence. It's said that there is not only a physical barrier, but also an element of magic that prevents him from tormenting the rest of the valley as much as he does the village of Barovia, and those living in the woods surrounding it.
Monument / Statue, Large
Parent Location

Cover image: Gates of Barovia