Yew Well

The Yew Well, or sometimes called the Yew Tree, is a water well constructed around a large yew tree which spouts natural water from the trunk. It is a source of drinking water and is a natural wonder in the city of Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon.   After Grupe, the Monster Hunter, founded Porgorag, this yew tree was planted by followers of Gaia, The Allmother, to mark the occasion and to honor the orcs connection to the community needed to rebuild the country. When the tree grew, it began to spout clear water from a knot in the trunk. Seen as a sign of Gaia’s favor, a well surrounding the tree was constructed, offering clean and clear water to any who need it. It is known as one of the prominent features of the city.   Unknown to most of the town's residents, beneath the Yew Tree is a dilapidated and forgotten shrine to Gaia, The Allmother, called the Spring of the Natant Yew. The shrine holds a natural water spring and the roots of the Yew Tree reach down into it.   The Yew Tree is depicted in the painting "Peace be with Yew" by Argilla, son of Kla.


The tree is a large, 350-year-old yew tree that is 40 feet tall at its highest. It is old, gnarled, and knotted. The main trunk is around 10 feet wide at the base and extends upwards in four distinct, arching trunks. The boughs and branches form a webbed, drooping canopy, like an umbrella that extends to the edges where it is low enough to touch.   The leaves of the tree are flat, dark green leaves, with long and wide needles in rows on the twig stems. There are bunches of seed cones and berries, which are fleshy cups around the seed. The arils are red and round, and are edible. However, the seed in the center, and the rest of tree, is poisonous.   About 10 feet up from the base of the trunk is an opening in the tree that spouts clear water. A wide well of flat, gray stones was constructed around the base of the tree, between 5 and 10 feet from the tree. Around this low wall are a number of stone benches. The area under the tree's canopy is clear of structures, forming a plaza. There is tree debris and fallen needles that litter the area.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
After the city of Porgorag was founded in 5A 005, the yew tree was planted by followers of Gaia. It is said the tree was planted by Joseppe, the Shadow Mage. Eventually, the tree began to spout clear water and a well was constructed around the base of the tree.   On 31 Madaet 5A 352, Romulus arrived at Porgorag and visited the yew tree. Here, he set up a small section around the well to sell his recovered relics. Later that day, Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, first met Romulus here before they left together to the Darksteel Foundry.   On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Romulus and Arwin visited the tree. Arwin gathered some of the tree's arils and ate them.
Parent Location
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane