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History of Berth

The history of Berth, in its entirety. Only some of these events will be known to characters at any given point in the campaign, as things have either been lost or have yet to occur, but I need to have a reference for when anything happens.

The Age of Gods

Unknown - 1AH

This is the period before the birth of humanoid life when gods still lived on the face of the world. The creation myth of Berth occurred during this era, as did the various disputes among greater beings which result in the relationships between those entities that persist to this day. The gods have developed across the intervening millennia, but this is when they became.

  • The Dawning Year
    The Arrival of the Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The fourteen gods arrived in Berth from across Sacunica, The Divine Sea, though for what purpose they came, none now know. They began the work of creation, shaping the raw material of the material plane into something almost recognizable as the world we live in.

  • Unknown
    The Judgement of Romos
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The punishment of the god Romos for striking their gentle and much-beloved friend Nione is one of the few events of divine pre-history that all religious scholars agree occurred. By the grace of Bavesis a war amongst the gods was prevented, though Tylan still holds a grudge against Romos and wishes to exact vengeance. Instead, Coznir sentenced the God of Death to eternal imprisonment on their island in Sacunica, The Divine Sea.

  • Circa -200 AH
    Creation of Sentient Mortals
    Celestial / Cosmic

    At some point in the hazy time before recorded history, the gods Nione, Anteus, Ozais, and Meean came together to create the first sentient creature. There are competing claims regarding the exact nature of the creature created, though it is generally assumed to have been a changeling. There are also disagreements among religious scholars and ancient historians about when, exactly, this creation happened. The most popular consensus is that sentience was first given to mortal creatures approximately 200 years before the beginning of the Age of Heroes.

  • Circa -180 AH
    Wheat Domesticated
    Discovery, Scientific

    Under the gentle tutelage of Lady Adaris and Lord Meean, the races of men learned to cultivate natural grasses of the Dawnlight Prairie and the Windleashe Plains into grain crops. With the help of the life-god Nione, and of course the cheerful hindrance of Qivian, early humanoids next learned to turn that grain into bread and, inevitably, beer.

  • Circa -170 AH
    Invention of Weaving
    Discovery, Scientific

    Lady Anteus gave the gift of spinning and weaving to the peoples of Berth, that they might make clothing to keep themselves warm, blankets in which to wrap their children, and tapestries to celebrate the glory of the gods.

  • -50 AH
    The Schism
    Population Migration / Travel

    The precise circumstances of The Schism are unknown, though historians are relatively certain of its placement immediately before the beginning of The Volatility. The most common interpretation is that mankind committed some great sin which caused the gods to punish them, though there are alternate opinions. Some even suggest that this is the true date of Romos’s strike against Nione, but that position has its own contradictions. Regardless of what, exactly, happened and why, the effect on the humanoids of the world was obvious; creatures which had until this time been homogeneous and peaceful enough that all learned together at the feet of the gods in love and safety were suddenly sundered from one another and scattered across the face of Berth. Only the humans, gnomes, and rabbitfolk remained in the cradle of civilization, while the other races were thrown to the corners of the world. The gods retreated to the heavens for a time, abandoning their creations to the consequences of their own folly.

  • Roughly -49 AH > 1944 AH
    The Volatility
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Volatility is still poorly understood. To the best of modern scholars' knowledge, it was a period during which the boundaries between the prime material plane and the outer planes were weakened across the whole of Berth. Whether this was due to excessive divine intervention on the material plane or to some other inexplicable cause, the instability drove the need for saviors that brought on and powered the Age of Heroes. It also caused the gods to pull back from mortals, ceding ever more control of the environment to natural systems and the people who intervened in them.

The Age of Heroes

1 AH - 1944 AH

Exact dates during this ancient era are difficult to pin down. This was the time prior to modern historical practices when heroes walked the earth, shaping the world that would later become known as Berth. Many of the first acolytes of various gods were born and died during this time. Wars were fought, legends were written, and the mythological foundation of humanoid understanding was laid.

  • 1 AH

    15 Silent Moon

    Birth of the Harbinger
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the prophet known to history as The Harbinger signaled the beginning of the Age of Heroes. This mythic figure is said to have lived over a thousand years, and to have wrought the names of every Hero into a great tapestry which, if the tales are to be believed, they still work on in secret somewhere far from prying eyes.

  • 5 AH

    Smiths' Moon

    Foundation of Glemvale

    The foundation of the oldest continuously inhabited city in history happened shortly after the dawning of the Age of Heroes. Historians posit that, being roughly 50 years after The Schism, the city was founded when the gnomes of the Windleashe Fields could be relatively certain that the rest of the races of man would not be returning and they were on their own.

  • 7 AH

    Discovery of Irrigation
    Discovery, Scientific

    With the help of Lady Adaris, the gnomes of Glemvale learned to channel Erdall's spring rains and the bounty of Nionibus's greatest river to support the growth of crops even farther from the river's banks.

  • 11 AH

    27 Welcome Moon

    Birth of Pengnedem Tinkerfell
    Life, Birth

    Pengnedem Tinkerfell, the Gnomish artificer who would become the first (and last) Queen of Glemvale, was born under a particularly lucky star. Her birth, like that of each hero born after her, was foretold by The Harbinger, but Queen Tinkerfell holds a special place in the hearts of many, particularly the gnomish scholars of her city, who claim she will one day return to lead them in their darkest hour.

  • 12 AH

    8 Storm Moon

    Hatching of Kaltogg Othundhish
    Life, Birth

    Kaltogg Othundhish, the Dragonborn Sorcerer renowned for his mastery of fire magic, came into the world among a clutch of siblings, all gleaming gold and clamoring for their mother's attention.

  • 57 AH

    Battle of the Desolate Abyss
    Military: Battle

    The first climactic clash of the Age of Heroes, the Battle of the Desolate Abyss was a days-long struggle which began on the shores of Pholium and ended in the depths below Abysnea where the Dragonborn hero Kaltogg Othundhish lead the forces of his magic-wielding kin against the aboleth triumvirate and their army of mentally dominated merrow and sahuagin. The battle resulted in the death of all three known aboleths in Berth, and in the intervening centuries, no more have surfaced. Whether we have seen the last of them, no one knows.

  • 94 AH

    End of the War of Shadows
    Military: War

    Lady Tinkerfell took her most loyal men and followed the retreating Deep Gnome army into their home territory. There, in the bowels of the earth deep beneath Coias Peak, Lady Tinkerfell confronted the Svirfneblin general. She challenged him to a duel, the winner of which would take the rights to the enormous cave system. Their battle must have been mighty, for it is said that the echoes of it could be heard all the way back in the city. At the end of it, the Deep Gnome general knelt in the dust, vanquished, with Lady Tinkerfell's blade at his throat. The Svirfneblin proved true to their word and retreated, never again to approach the surface from the Noon Lord's caverns.

  • 95 AH

    Scholar's Moon

    Coronation of Queen Tinkerfell
    Political event

    The crowning of Glemvale's only Queen was a momentous event. While Queen Tinkerfell would likely modestly disagree, her reign proved extremely important for the development of Gnomish society as a whole, and Glemvale in particular. Under her watch, population exploded, agricultural and military technology advanced greatly, and Glemvale made its first contact with the Humans building their earliest city at what would become Flamecrest. When she passed across the Divine Sea to join her creators in 403 AH, the people of Glemvale swore they would have no other monarch. Due to a variety of supernatural signs associated with her death, some of the more credulous Gnomes believe even now that one day, when their need is great, she will return to rule her beloved city.

  • 177 AH

    Mount Domestication on the Plains of Nionibus
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Gnomes of Glemvale domesticate the Worg as a mount and companion, creating both dogs and riding animals simultaneously.

  • 419 AH

    2 Dusk Moon

    Birth of Glory
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Glory, the blind Tiefling Cleric whose power defeated the Lich Ucalodh, was beneath an unlucky star. Her parents, like most Tieflings living in The Whisperwild at the time, took much of their direction from the stars. Though there are few records of the exact measures or the omens they divined from them, these early Tieflings put great stock in their celestial signs. Thus it was that Glory, who took her honor name at nine years old, was brought up in disgrace due to the bad luck associated with her birth.

  • 421 AH

    14 War Moon

    Birth of Vylmia Hammerhoof
    Life, Birth

    Vylmia Hammerhoof's birth was unremarkable in almost every way. The daughter of her clan's craftmaster, her healthy arrival into the world was celebrated as any other child's might be. None of her clan members knew that she would, in twenty-two short years, be the only thing standing between the Ridgedare Wilds and utter destruction due to the hubris of wizards.

  • 435 AH

    7 Storm Moon

    Birth of Mwara Nyakio
    Life, Birth

    Mwara Nyakio, the Tabaxi Druid who cured the Flower Blight, was born on Vesium, and little else is known. If the reclusive archivists in Nzebari have more records of her, they are not sharing.

  • 438 AH

    The Destruction of Tunus
    Disaster / Destruction

    When the combined arrogance of the Human Wizards and the Minotaur Shamans who had gathered at the great coalition city of Tunus caused a magical disaster, it was only the intercession of young Vylmia Hammerhoof which prevented the resulting explosion from tearing apart the Ridgedare Wilds, and quite possibly the rest of Adarinn. With her namesake hammer in hand, the hero used all the resources at her disposal to arrange for a barrier to be put in place that would contain the disaster in perpetuity.

  • 441 AH

    Beginning of the Flower Blight
    Geological / environmental event

    The Flower Blight began as a minor mutation among wildflowers in the Dourmouth Flatlands which caused affected flowers to curl up and blacken, becoming crunchy to the touch. The blight spread, over the course of the next sixteen years, to affect grasses, trees, and most dangerously, food crops. It caused a massive famine across the Dawnlight Prairie and Windleashe Fields. By the time it made the leap across the inland section of the Bellbonear Deep, it had drawn the attention of the Tabaxi on Vesium.

  • 443 AH

    29 Dawn Moon

    Hatching of Jaxuusk Kroaxl
    Life, Birth

    Jaxuusk Kroaxl, the Lizardfolk Monk who would one day place the First Seal on the Prime Material Plane, forever severing himself from his beloved, was the only member of his clutch to survive his childhood. 443 AH was a difficult year for the Lizardfolk of The Whisperwild due to a series of conflicts between families coming to a boil simultaneously, as well as a historically bad harvest of what crops their northernmost tribes could grow in the arid Prongdrift Savanna. Most of Jaxuusk's clutch-mates died within their first year, and the rest did not live beyond their third. Thus, the hero grew up as an only child.

  • 451 AH

    16 Grey Moon

    Birth of Navarre Morlynn
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Navarre Morlynn was foretold by the mystics of his tribe years in advance, as are most Frost Elf children. That he would become a great hunter and tracker, a beloved husband and father, and a hero capable of dismantling an enormously powerful cult, were largely missed by the prophecies.

  • 461 AH

    Flower Blight Cured
    Scientific achievement

    The Tabaxi druid Mwara Nyakio, drawing upon the knowledge of her people and upon her primal magics, was able to stop the spread of the Flower Blight. She studied it for two years, living in the ravaged lands and spending her every waking moment striving to discover the nature of the horrible disease ravaging the plant life. Finally, in 461 AH, she was able to create a magical ritual that cured the blight on the land. She then spent the next ten years or so traveling to all corners of Nionibus, spreading the word. When her great work was done, she returned home to the Bakoubana and faded into the trees, out of the sight of history.

  • 462 AH

    Battle of Castle Ucalodh
    Military: Battle

  • 474 AH

    The First Seal
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The seal separating the Prime Material from the Feywild. Leaky, in places.

  • 811 AH

    9 Smiths' Moon

    Birth of Ser Longhurst
    Life, Birth

  • 840 AH

    850 AH

    The Siege of Bem Moldur
    Military: Battle

  • 843 AH

    30 Dusk Moon

    Birth of Gaax Vriange
    Life, Birth

  • 858 AH

    The Second Seal
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The seal that separates the Prime Material from the Nine Hells.

  • 863 AH

    Order of the Dead Disbanded

  • 1087 AH

    15 Silent Moon

    Birth of Nil
    Life, Birth

  • 1107 AH

    6 Mischief Moon

    Birth of Kalaka Kaliki
    Life, Birth

  • 1109 AH

    The Third Seal
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The barrier between the Prime Material and the Far Realm.

  • 1121 AH

    Death of Meivrarienth the Voiceless
    Life, Death
  • 1446 AH

    21 Reaching Moon

    Birth of Zophiel Erxisys
    Life, Birth

  • 1469 AH

    3 Growing Moon

    Birth of Wei Chéng
    Life, Birth

  • 1484 AH

    Battle of the Seven Divines
    Military: Battle

  • 1484 AH

    22 Silent Moon

    Birth of Cephei Fornacis
    Life, Birth

  • 1494 AH

    The Divine Convergence
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 1721 AH

    19 Scholar's Moon

    Birth of Leufroy Proudfoot
    Life, Birth

  • 1738 AH

    25 Smiths' Moon

    Birth of Graneag Forgebrand
    Life, Birth

  • 1774 AH

    The Glemvale Disaster
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1944 AH

    22 Reaching Moon

    The Fourth Seal
    Life, Death

    Graneag Forgebrand was the last Hero born in the Age of Heroes. A paladin of Lord Anteus, he gave his life in glorious battle against an incursion of unspeakable horrors from the Far Realm. As he fell, he held up his hammer and forged a seal that would hold back the tides of evil for so long as his god chose to honor his sacrifice. To this day, the seal still holds, as eternal proof that Anteus does not forget a debt.

The Age of Kings

1 AK - 1909 AK

Prior to the advent of the Imperium, a variety of kingdoms ruled over Berth. The period during which they warred for control was defined by subsistence farming for most communities, an odd dearth of strong magic, and the rule of might. It lasted roughly 2000 years, and was the period in which many of the modern recognized churches got their start.

  • 1 AK

    26 Growing Moon

    Coronation of Synophi Atheisa
    Political event

    The coronation of Synophi Atheisa as King of Lysymes was as unconventional as it was unexpected. A yuan-ti pureblood from the mangrove forests of the Treoqurian Delta, she had long been a quiet member of the Lysymesian court. When the childless previous King of Lysymes was killed in the great battle against the Far Realm invasion which ended the Age of Heroes, Atheisa had put herself in place to succeed him. Subtle maneuvering and political intrigue combined to let a woman and a foreigner ascend the throne of Lysymes for the first time in its history, and kicked off the Age of Kings with a characteristic bang.

  • 2 AK

    79 AK

    Lysymesian Wars of Expansion
    Military: War

    Under Athesia and her immediate successors, Lysymes began an aggressive expansionist era. From their central position in the foothills east of the Valford Plains, their armies swept out to conquer and scatter the neighboring human kingdoms in a grab for power and territory. They were successful for a time, but the excessive ambition of Athesia III, the original king’s granddaughter, wore down the treasury and the people’s patience. She was overthrown in a bloody coup after reigning for nine years.

  • 233 AK

    Lysymesian Diaspora
    Population Migration / Travel

    After their warlike tendencies abruptly ended, Lysymes had a period of relative peace. However, their return to tranquility did not erase the anger of their neighbors and in 231 AK, a coalition of Valford kingdoms rose up to destroy the capital at Zyvia, scattering the Lysymesian people.

  • 406 AK

    2 Storm Moon

    The Gallant Code
    Gathering / Conference

    A group of powerful pirate captains met to parley on the island known as The Gallant Ruin. They agreed between them that there should be a place where all sea-going peoples could gather in peace, regardless of other tensions, to reprovision and rest. This is the primary tenet of The Gallant Code, which makes Port of Gallants that neutral ground. Other tenets concerned the proper division of spoils, punishments for desertion in the heat of combat, payouts for the loss of limbs, and restrictions on gaming, drinking, and fighting.

  • 577 AK

    Law Moon

    Rise of the Udravia Clutch

    The Udravia Clutch was the dragonborn kingdom which ruled a large part of northern Berth during the Age of Kings. This was far from an uncontested rule, but the Udravia parriarchs maintained at least a loose hold on the majority of their territory for roughly 1000 years.

  • 744 AK

    25 Smiths' Moon

    Discovery of Aesuquane
    Discovery, Exploration

    An expedition from Limehold recorded the first successful exploration of the northern continent Aesuquane, and established the settlement at Stillport.

  • 1087 AK

    1100 AK

    Husura Wars
    Military: War

    An ill-advised and unsuccessful attempt by the Udravia Clutch to conquer the Husura Isles. What the wars did achieve, however, was a redirection of growing internal hostilities towards external foes, and an upswing in patriotic fervor amongst the citizenry.

  • 1228 AK

    1 Scholar's Moon

    Establishment of the Collegium

    The Clutchmother of the Udravia Clutch consecrated the territory and laid the cornerstone of the Collegium in honor of her patron and guardian Lady Meean.

  • 1651 AK

    Dusk Moon

    Fall of the Udravia Clutch
    Political event

    By a process that had taken the better part of two centuries, the dragonborn kingdom which ruled much of northern Berth fell to its own internal politics, fracturing into three smaller kingdoms which immediately went to war with one another for the shattered corpse of an empire that, under different circumstances, might have been great.

  • 1856 AK

    17 Reaping Moon

    Birth of Konaphar Chathya
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Konaphar Chathya to a human mother belonging to one of the northern Prongdrift barbarian tribes and an elvish father from Khidora was unique. Her father disavowed all knowledge of her immediately upon his rescue from the Prongdrift tribe which had captured him, and the infant Konaphar was abandoned to the mercies of her mother's people.

The Imperial Age

1 IA - 4688 IA

Arguably a golden age for Berth, this period was defined by rapid and relatively unfettered technomagical development, a population explosion which rocketed number of people in the world from the low millions into the realm of 3 billion, and the loose, decentralized governance of the Chatia Empire.

  • 1 IA

    7 Growing Moon

    The Founding of the Empire

    The half-elf monarch Konaphar Chathya declares the foundation of the Chathya Empire. Several neighboring principalities—most notably the elven kingdom of Khidora, the halfling Willingtry Riverlands, and the dragonborn Oukonyth Clutch—immediately swore allegiance. Konaphar established her capital city at Solaria and settled in to begin the process of forging an empire that would outlast even her long lifespan.

  • 165 IA

    23 Grey Moon

    The Port of Gallants Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The first major act of Konaphar’s successor (her oldest son, Alifalon Chathya) was to cement a series of trade deals with the loose confederation that was getting its shaky start in the Husura isles, settling a long-term concern for many major Imperial provinces: piracy from the north, and trade with the Tritons. The first of these was the Port of Gallants Treaty, widely heralded as the starting point from which all diplomacy between the two factions has grown. In actuality, the Port of Gallants Treaty was little more than a hesitant cease-fire that ensured Alifalon’s warlike sister Nerien would stop picking fights with Husuran merchant vessels, and the pirates from the treaty’s namesake island would do likewise for ships traveling between the Riverlands and the Dead Barrens.

  • 652 IA

    29 Smiths' Moon

    The Flamecrest Accord
    Diplomatic action

    The Imperial conquest of the eastern continent Nionibus. Once a year, on the day the generals of the Imperial Army and the armed forces of the major cities of Nionibus came to an agreement they called the Flamecrest Accord, the Imperium stops to remember the lives lost in the nearly thirty-year-long conflict between the Gnomish Dominion of Glemvale, the human Longhurst Kingdom, and the Chatia Empire.

  • 889 IA

    Scholar's Moon
    892 IA

    Law Moon

    The Sundering Cough
    Plague / Epidemic

    Roughly six generations of rulers after the founding of the Empire, a plague swept through the capital. The Sundering Cough is a deadly and progressive disease which can affect any creature with a connection to the source of all magic in Sacunica, The Divine Sea. It began in Imperial Year 888 amongst the population of Highland University's College of Abjuration, and during the three years it ran rampant before the cure was discovered, it killed nearly 12% of the magic-using population of the world. Even centuries later, the disease makes occasional comebacks in communities far from any dedicated temples of Lady Pholir, whose paladins make periodic ventures into the border ethereal to hunt the Sunderer colonies which cause the Cough. The total death toll of this terrible affliction is estimated to be in excess of 360 million individuals.

  • 893 IA

    22 Smiths' Moon
    894 IA

    9 Dawn Moon

    The Sundered Griffons' War
    Military action

    A struggle for the throne of the Chatia Empire began in earnest in the year after The Sundering Cough's cause was discovered and a cure was developed. The Cough had wiped out the entire Imperial family but for a pair of distant cousins, one from the uncivilized southern reaches of the Empire and one from the devastated capital city of Solaria. Ilecia Nerris of Solaria, whose claim to the throne—through a marriage two generations back on her father’s side—was tenuous at best, began making alliances among the remaining highborn nobility in the grand tradition of Konaphar Chathya nearly 900 years previously. Meanwhile, Trisnall Vakian of Blackridge, a city on the farthest southern border, established his claim more directly. Having a relatively unaffected standing army of veterans, a few key connections in the capital, and a much more direct relation to the previous Emperor—whose youngest and least favored daughter was Trisnall’s mother-in-law—he set out to claim what he saw as his right. The resulting conflict leveled what was left of Solaria, and ravaged the already thin resources of the Empire’s seat of power.

  • 896 IA

    15 Dawn Moon

    Foundation Day

    Emperor Vakian spent the two years immediately following the Sundered Griffons War rebuilding the Empire. He tended to the families of those who had fallen, compensated the wounded, and ensured that no one starved in the following winter due to shortages caused by his war. Only when his people had been taken care of, when the living souls were protected from the consequences of his rise to power, did he begin the task of rebuilding his capital city. The rebuilding process invited great economic expansion to the Imperium, funding the wars of expansion which raised the Empire to its modern heights.

  • 1026 IA

    3 Grey Moon

    Iveani's War
    Military action

    The conquest of the island of Anteall, achieved within the lifetime of Emperor Vakian’s daughter and heir, was swift and nearly bloodless. Empress Iveani’s forces surprised the Sea Dwarves by arriving under cover of the dense fog banks characteristic of the Bellbonear Deep at that time of year, cutting off all escape routes from the island both above and beneath the surface. The sudden appearance of Imperial warships off their shores, combined with the very reasonable terms that the Empress’s communications officer broadcast into the mind of their ruling assembly, persuaded Anteall’s people that becoming part of the Empire was a better option than immediate annihilation. The only casualties of the entire process were two members of the Assembly who objected to the nearly-unanimous decision to accept the terms, and a member of the sea-going warrior caste whose superior skills of perception nearly revealed the whole plan, before one of the Imperial scouts removed his head from his shoulders.

  • 1581 IA

    11 War Moon

    Mordic Peace
    Diplomatic action

    The warlike peoples of the Hissing Wastes had long been a thorn in the side of the expanding Empire, but until the 14th century there was little the Imperial Army could do about it. None knew the secret hiding places of the Desert Elves’ water sources, and few could endure the intense heat of the black sand deserts. Even fewer could cross the glaring white salt-flats that marked the Orcish territories to the desert’s east, though the flat expanse revealed the great city at Mord Azdul, shimmering through the haze. Then, in the late 1560s, an enterprising young artificer named Roxie Rivetrim out of Bobbingdenn patented a series of inventions that revolutionized desert warfare. First were the Bracers of Cooling, which could be tuned to create up to a 15 foot radius of mild atmosphere even in the hottest of wastelands. Next came WatRfindR, a dowsing rod capable of penetrating the shamanic protections the Desert Elves placed on their wells. Finally, and perhaps most importantly to the development of the world, she created the Levitation Crystal, which could lift up to 500 pounds per ounce of crystal. With these inventions, the Imperial army finally took the fight directly to the desert dwellers, and in 1581, the Mordic Peace was established, bringing the southern half of Eribax finally into the fold of Imperial control.

  • 2118 IA

    27 Reaching Moon

    The Crow's Wing Takes Flight
    Discovery, Scientific

    A triumph of engineering, almost 600 years after the invention of the Levitation Crystal, the first successful airship took flight from The Collegium on the 27th Day of the Reaching Moon. Piloted by Kenku artificer Ikakia, the first trip was somewhat shaky and only crossed from its launching point to the northwestern shore of Qivias. However, after (extensive) repairs, The Crow’s Wing set sail again late in the Dusk Moon, and though it has hit the ground many times in the intervening centuries, it is still flying in the skies above The Chattering City all these years later. (The first words uttered by Ikakia upon her semi-successful landing on Qivias, in response to a Sending asking if she was still alive, were “I just flew! I just flew a thing that I made! Fuck yeah!”)

  • 2444 IA

    13 Silent Moon

    Kahemketi Compact
    Diplomatic action

    On the land bridge that connects the peaks of Kahemketi with the outside world, where a single airship was permitted to alight, diplomats from deep within the Bakoubana met with Imperial negotiators. What they hammered out over the course of that grueling 36-hour test of endurance has come to be called the Kahemketi Compact. It is a treaty promising that the tabaxi will not allow any foreign troops whatsoever to land upon their island, use it as a base of operations, or place communications equipment on any part of it. It also promises an annual tithe offered in the form of valuable exports, and access to Nzebari for traders and government officials. The Imperium likes to think the Compact constitutes an annexation of Vesium into the Chatia Empire. What the tabaxi think of it, none but they can tell.

  • 2910 IA

    3 Mischief Moon

    Invention of the Ethernet
    Scientific achievement

    A group of Halfling wizards out of Glimmermist made an enormous technological advancement. After centuries of various magic-users trying to create a method for instantaneous long-distance communication which was accessible by all people, regardless of their ability to cast high level information sending spells, the Glimmermist Collective finally cracked the code. By weaving enchantments through the deepest parts of the Ethereal Plane, they were able to set up a web of connective nodes which could host information and transport it between points on the Prime Material. This EtherNet rapidly became a vital information highway and mode of self-expression for people all across the world.

  • 2914 IA

    21 Reaping Moon

    Religious event

    The Birth of Luxren, also referred to as Qojunsul (from Draconic, lit. Lightning King Day) is a day of fasting and contemplation of the newest member of the divine pantheon. Luxren, the god of technology, has only been recognized as a god for a little over 150 years, and is still largely a mystery to most people. The current Emperor, Vunleas Feratherien, is deeply devoted to furthering the understanding and worship of Luxren.

  • 3072 IA

    12 Dawn Moon

    Beginning of the Girls' Campaign
    Life, Relationship change

    Here we go!

  • Year 0
    The Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    A great cataclysm wrought by pride and magic rocked the world of Berth. Uncounted lives were lost as three immensely powerful mages, their names now lost to history, battled for control of the continent. Known now only as The Archmage, The Great Warlock, and The Dragonsoul, these arrogant casters wrought unimaginable destruction in their contest of wills. All that is certain is that the gods, for reasons of their own, joined together to cast down these otherwise unstoppable mages, and to set new limits on the use of magic as mortals know it.