Harmony Sanctuary Building / Landmark in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

Harmony Sanctuary

Purpose / Function

It is used prayer, meditation, and communal acts of kindness.   Vatican Bishop's and Priest's will hold services.   Benedictine Monks have twice daily prayers and meditation in thes buildings.


Entrance and Foyer:   As visitors approach the sanctuary, they are greeted by a well-manicured garden with a variety of plants and flowers. The main entrance, marked by a graceful arch, leads to a welcoming foyer.   The foyer serves as a transition space, with soft lighting, comfortable seating, and informational displays that introduce the sanctuary's mission and values.   Central Courtyard:   Beyond the foyer, a set of ornate doors opens into a central courtyard. This open-air space is surrounded by the main sanctuary building on three sides and is designed to be a tranquil gathering place.   In the center of the courtyard, there might be a reflective pool or a small fountain, symbolizing the flow of positive energy and the interconnectedness of all things.   Main Sanctuary Hall:   The main hall is the heart of the sanctuary. It is a spacious, light-filled area with tall arched windows that allow natural light to illuminate the space.   The architecture incorporates elements from various cultural styles, fostering a sense of inclusivity. The hall may have an elevated platform or altar at one end, adorned with symbols and sacred items.   Quiet Meditation Spaces:   Radiating from the main hall are smaller wings or alcoves dedicated to quiet meditation. These spaces provide individual or small group areas for contemplation.   Each meditation space is designed with comfortable seating, soft lighting, and perhaps a view of the garden or a specially curated art installation.   Community Rooms:   Adjacent to the central courtyard, there are community rooms designed for group activities, discussions, or cultural events. These spaces are flexible, allowing for a variety of functions.   Some rooms may be adorned with artwork, sculptures, or symbolic decorations that represent the sanctuary's commitment to diversity.   Library and Study Area:   A dedicated library or study area contains books, texts, and resources from various spiritual traditions. This space encourages visitors to explore and learn about different cultures and belief systems.   Comfortable reading nooks and study tables are scattered throughout, promoting a quiet and contemplative atmosphere.   Cultural Art Installations:   Throughout the sanctuary, there are art installations and sculptures that celebrate the diversity of human culture. These pieces may be contributed by local artists or commissioned to reflect the sanctuary's values.   Interactive exhibits or multimedia displays might showcase stories, myths, and traditions from around the world.   Garden Paths and Meditation Corners:   Garden paths wind through the exterior of the sanctuary, leading to secluded corners designed for meditation or small group gatherings.   These outdoor spaces feature benches, sculptures, or natural elements that complement the interior design and offer visitors a connection to nature.   Administration Wing:   A discreet wing of the sanctuary houses administrative offices, meeting rooms, and spaces for staff. This area ensures the smooth operation of the sanctuary and serves as a hub for organizing events and activities.


The sanctuary features a harmonious blend of architectural styles, incorporating elements from various cultural and historical influences. This eclectic mix is intended to symbolize unity and inclusivity.   The main building, often a temple or hall, has graceful lines and open spaces. Large, arched windows allow natural light to filter in, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.   Landscaping:   Surrounding the sanctuary is a carefully landscaped garden that serves as a place for meditation and reflection. The garden is adorned with a variety of flowers, plants, and trees chosen for their calming and aromatic properties.   Serene water features, such as fountains or reflective pools, contribute to the overall sense of tranquility. Stone pathways wind through the garden, encouraging visitors to explore and find peaceful nooks for contemplation.   Color Palette:     The color scheme is chosen to promote a sense of harmony and balance. Soft, natural tones dominate, with greens from the plants, blues reflecting the sky, and earthy browns in the architecture.   Subtle splashes of color, often in the form of vibrant flowers or art installations, add visual interest without overwhelming the senses.   Altar or Sacred Space:   The main hall contains an altar or sacred space, adorned with candles, incense, and meaningful symbols. This area serves as a focal point for ceremonies, rituals, or moments of quiet contemplation.   The altar is intentionally designed to be inclusive, accommodating various spiritual practices and beliefs.   Quiet Spaces:   Throughout the sanctuary, there are dedicated quiet spaces for individual or group meditation. These spaces might include comfortable seating, soft lighting, and acoustic elements to minimize noise.   Some sanctuaries also have smaller chapels or rooms designed for specific spiritual practices, allowing visitors to engage in rituals that resonate with their beliefs.   Community Areas:   A Harmony Sanctuary is not just a place for solitary reflection but also a community gathering space. There might be communal areas for group meditation, discussions, or cultural events.   Libraries or reading rooms containing texts from different spiritual traditions contribute to the sanctuary's mission of fostering understanding and harmony.


A Harmony Sanctuary is a place where people from diverse backgrounds can come together to find peace, understanding, and a shared sense of spirituality.
by Lady Wynter
Founding Date
5 Aurora 0 AE (first one, made of mud and straw, has since been upgraded)
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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