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Summer Camp 2024 Recap and Reading Challenge


Its August! Summer Camp is done and WOW, what a great event it was. Had even more fun than during last year's event. (Probably because i was actualy prepared for it this time lol). 37 Articles done, Diamond badge secured, and a ton of new very important worldbuilding and lore for Hysal and it's inhabitants. I definetly feel like the month of homework in June helped me greatly to be more prepared than i was during last year's event. This year, i was able to concentrate on more important aspects of Hysal; on stuff that will actualy appear in the upcoming story, which i feel like it wasn't necessarily the case last year.

My Best articles

Community talk and Reading Challenge

One of, if not the best aspect of the summer camp event is all the community interactions. Also seeing everyones entry, reading and liking them, getting inspired and saving some of them for the reading challenge in august is really quite fun. Speaking of which, i decided to do a list of 12 articles, because i couldn't decide what articles to drop from the list. (They are listed in no particular order)

Settlement | Jul 26, 2024

A well known city of pleasure in Unhellion

In the world of: Yeia
Made by: Callyxtus
I love the history of of this city. Started as a capital, then lost the status. I could have slowly died, but instead it reenvented itself into a pleasure city. It seems like a very nice, a culturaly rich place to live.  
Runestone Trebuchet
Technology / Science | Jul 16, 2024

A Trebuchet but with Magic

In the world of: Oniran
Made by: Jontaro
This is such a neat idea. Instead of normal, boring projectiles, these trebuchet launch runed projectiles, which are able to dispence various spells at the point of impact! I also like that they are dangerous to use, making them not too OP.
Condition | Jul 29, 2024

A devastating condition that slowly freezes the body and transforms the host into a monstrous creature...

In the world of: Vreathe
Made by: Chrispy_0
A desease that freeze elves and transforms them into ice creatures! Surprisingly, humans aren't affected by it, which is not something common with magical desease.
Condition | Jul 10, 2024

Not all who are freed from the embrace of the Gloom are ever the same.

In the world of: Tales of Radiance
Made by: Jester%
A rather terrible condition caused by a person's soul being tained by the gloom, a dark force in this world. Great description of physical symptoms and mental changes
Creeping Rot
Condition | Jul 4, 2024

A grotesque fungal infection causing massive mental and physical changes

In the world of: Tiburon
Made by: Tarkinlarson
As a fan of the Last of us games and its TV show, i am quite familar with the concept of Cordyceps. This fungal infection is almost like a slower version of what is shown in the TV series especialy. An awesome, but disgusting concept. Great descriptions and explination of the physical and mental of the symptoms and changes. I also like that surgery can be perform in the early stages, giving a person a small chance to survive.
Vehicle | Jul 10, 2024
In the world of: P'ache
Made by: elspeth87
A well written article describing a reconnaisance aircraft. The impact they had on the Macran culture is interesting. Overall, a very cool vehicle article!          
City of Night and Shade
Settlement | Aug 3, 2024

Degrunda's capital city, nestled against a behemoth cliff face known as the Great Embrace, which ensures roughly 70% of the city exists in perpetual darkness -- just how the inhabitants like it.

In the world of: Cathedris
Made by: Stormbril
This is such a cool article concept/format. A post-card! What it describes is also very cool. A city built half-way underground that is in large part shrouded in permannant darkness! It sounds like such a cool location. It also has a rich and unique history which i like a lot.
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 12, 2024
In the world of: Mirateia
Made by: Cow2face
What a cute tradition! I like that it was the kids that took the innitiative to continue the tradition while the adults were occupied. I also like that there's a age requirement (12) in order to be let in the cave, like a coming of age thing. Adults can be invited if they have scary stories, which is nice too!
Settlement | Sep 3, 2024

A city on an island in an estuary where the Dragonguard Headquarters is located.

In the world of: Legend of the Dragonguard
Made by: Nulcheck
I love strategicaly important cities! It is located near the border of two countries, and it headquarters a powerful military organisation. Reminds me a lot of a location in my world i have yet to write.
Planktonic Storm
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 30, 2024

A deadly storm, invisible to the eye.

In the world of: Yonderverse
Made by: Mochimanoban
An invisible storm made up of millions of tiny little creatures that when breathed in, clog the respiratory system, chocking them to death. Lovely. Very good article and i particulory enjoy the alert system and the procedure board in case of such storms. Adds a really nice bit of realism. Horrific stuff nonetheless. I love it.
The Ritual of Purification
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 29, 2024

Ritual Preparation for the Task Ahead

In the world of: Gokrenxia
Made by: Koragath
I really like the dialogue in this article. The back and forth between the seer and the seeker in "the Declaration" section of the Article. I also like the use of symbology during the ritual, like the smoke and the chalked triangle.
Legend of the Baked Pink Banana
Myth | Jul 2, 2024

Sometimes things came back to you. Like this Pink Banana. Prepare for humor.

In the world of: Evera
Made by: LiaFelis
Just a very funny article. I love all the different versions of the same myth. Its something i should thry to think more about when i write myths or legends.
Summer Camp 2024 Article compilation
Generic article | Aug 6, 2024


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Aug 17, 2024 23:44 by Alan Byers

Some good choices here!

Aug 19, 2024 08:26 by Ephraïm Boateng

Indeed. So many good articles to choose from and read, but such little time...

Aug 18, 2024 07:23 by Mochi

Thank you so much for featuring my Planktonic Storms! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 19, 2024 08:32 by Ephraïm Boateng

It was one of my favorite articles that i've read for this challenge, so it HAD to go on here!

Aug 18, 2024 09:13 by Elspeth

Thank you so much for featuring my article in your list. It sounds like you had a great SummerCamp. I've really enjoyed reading your articles and can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings.

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 19, 2024 08:30 by Ephraïm Boateng

No problem :) And thank you for the kind words!

Aug 21, 2024 22:44 by Stormbril

Thank you so much for including my little city postcard article! :D

Aug 21, 2024 23:39 by Ephraïm Boateng

No problem! Really liked the postcard format, and the location it showed was cool and unique!