
  This page is a work in progress and subject to change.   Since the dawn of the 'intelligent' creature, our ancestors have always sought out a way to protect themselves. Metal plates, animals skins, or even mud with a few leaves sticking out, people have always naturally been inclined to cover one's self to better brave nature. You take this to the next level. Metal from the mines, skins from a hunt, you take it all and make something that will take a hit or two when your clients take a hit or ten. Hell, you're the whole reason three or four of these lunatics are still able to sit at the tavern after (for some reason) taking on a stone giant the same day. Being able to craft armor has a huge payoff, and it's not just so that barmaiden comes back another night to be 'welcomed home'. You've managed to make a living from it, too.   Your fellow town's people rely on you to make functional (and sometimes fashionable) suits of armor for them. It plays a tremendous role in their safety.  


‒ Crafted materials for use in making armor



‒ Armor made from leather and light materials



‒ Armor made from medium weight materials



‒ Metal armor made from heavy materials