All rules are subject to change, however will be posted and documented in the discord until the website can be updated. Thank you for your consideration. ~Staff.


Crossroads is an all-inclusive roleplay community. We strive for a friendly environment for everyone to enjoy not only roleplay, but also, make friends and have fun as a community. As we build this server together, it is important to be respectful of others and be kind. At Crossroads, we have zero tolerance for any type of harassment. Any kind of trolling, griefing, sexual harassment, or otherwise toxic behavior will be dealt with accordingly by staff. Another item to be aware of, while we do not discipline discussion outside of our server, if there is an extreme case that requires further context for decision making of harassment and bullying on Crossroads, the staff reserves the right to use context from another server.  


Crossroads does not tolerate any type of harassment, including but not limited to sexism, racism, homophobia, bigotry, transphobia, sexual, or verbal. This policy also prohibits characters of any kind that are fetishistic or represent offensive racial stereotypes. Crossroads also does not permit lying to staff within your tickets.


Within any community there are bound to be clashes of character and issues to resolve. At Crossroads, we strive for a drama free community by encouraging our players to distance themselves when they can not find a way to reconcile. If a player feels like there will be a problem in the future, they should feel free to open a moderation ticket so that the situation is recorded and can be addressed before it escalates. Crossroads will not tolerate pitting players against one another or spreading malicious rumors of other players out of character.


Any NSFW conversations are prohibited in global chat and within the Crossroads discord. This policy is to make sure all of our players feel comfortable to discuss in our public, out of character channels. NSFW discussion should be kept to private chats or in the appropriate channel within the discord.


Crossroads allows roleplay of dark and mature themes. We trust our players to handle these themes responsibly, however there are topics that are deemed sensitive by nature and must be approached with more care regarding those within the scene.
Sensitive topics on Crossroads include but are not limited to: Graphic scenes including large injury or torture, explicit sexual scenes, nonconsensual sex or rape, heavily described sexual scenes, or any combination of the above.

The following rules are for scenes that progress towards topics of sensitive content. Each player is required to follow the below:
  1. Consent rules need to be followed by all parties present.
  2. Characters involved in the scene must either:
    1. Move to a private location
    2. Attempt to go someplace that is secluded and not a primary place where other characters are expected to go. This is for cases when the parties involved do not wish to disclose where their base is located.
    3. RP in an appropriate area for the scene topic. For example, you would torture someone in a dungeon, an infirmary would be appropriate for RP of graphic injuries, or a brothel for graphic sexual scenes, etc.
If a character stumbles into a scene consisting of sensitive content and does not wish to participate because of the content, they are allowed to leave at their earliest availability. The player leaving the scene should communicate clearly the reason they are leaving the scene. As a courtesy, it is best to reserve sensitive RP discussion to lower ranged local channels (whisper or mumble).  


On Crossroads, pregnancy roleplay and underaged characters are prohibited. While we understand that players are capable of making responsible decisions regarding sensitive roleplay scenarios, the risk of server removal far outweighs the rewards of good behavior.

All characters on the server must be 20 years of age or older. Our reasoning for this is because we do not want characters who toe the line of consent.

Roleplay of the below sensitive content will be grounds for immediate ban without appeal:
  1. Using pregnancy as a consequence
  2. Abortion or fetal death which includes forced, accidental miscarriage, or consensual termination
  3. Child sacrifice is strictly prohibited
  4. Under Age roleplay is strictly forbidden. This is an 18+ server both in and out of character. Any characters found to look or act below adulthood will be addressed. This includes RP of child birth.
  5. Crossroads has ZERO tolerance of any presence of any characters under the age of 20 or players being under the age of 18.
  6. Any depiction of Bestiality and/or Zoophilia is prohibited.


Metagaming is defined as when a player uses information they gathered out of character to further their goals in character. This information would not be known to the character and acting on this information in character is prohibited.

There are two types of meta, hard and soft. Soft meta is when two players consent to the use of meta information, such as, deciding a meeting location or a piece of information about their character they wish to share. Both parties must consent to the use of soft meta.

Hard meta is OOC information that is used without consent. This type of meta is not allowed and will be addressed by staff. We encourage you to communicate clearly with the player you are roleplaying with so that there are no misunderstandings.


It is important to keep in character actions and emotions in character. It is also important to keep player actions and emotions out of character. Targeting of players or bleeding IC with OOC or OOC with IC is not permitted.

Don’t forget that we are playing characters within a game. The characters are not the players themselves. If you don’t want to RP with another player, we ask you to communicate this with the other player instead of ignoring the conflict. If the issue escalates and you can’t communicate with the player yourself, please open up a moderation ticket.


Every player is required to follow the whitelisting process written out within the Crossroads discord. Any players that have not been whitelisted and found outside of the spawn area, will be addressed and disciplinary actions taken against them upwards to immediate bans. Any players found to be handing out the whitelist passphrase to other players not whitelisted will also have disciplinary actions taken against them. The whitelist process is designed to check for lore accuracy and confirm that each player has read the rules and are ready to start their journey!   After whitelisting, any and all changes (excluding hair style, makeup, and tattoos) require a whitelist ticket (Use the same type as your race falls under). If a player is found to be changing their appearance after being whitelisted, they will be addressed and disciplinary actions taken against them.  


Collaborative roleplay is not about winning but creating a story together. We encourage and request that each player is courteous and respects proper roleplay etiquette, especially in regards to PVP encounters.


The most important aspect of roleplay etiquette is consent and communication. Both are vital to success on the server. Crossroads provides two options to display your consent information. You can use the optional discord bot that has you enter detailed information about what you consent to in sensitive situations such as rape, enslavement, and torture. Also available, within your Shift+R menu under the bio tab, you can place your consent information.

If you find yourself in a position to employ consequences on a character, it is expected that you check their consent sheet and open a channel of communication with the player to discuss Out of Character. You can find more in depth information on the Consequence Rules page.  


Social skill rolls are skills such as persuasion, deception, intimidation, etc. Proper use of these skills are important to define how the other character is presenting themselves within a scene. Social skills are not to be utilized for mind control or lie-detection, but rather to show what your character would understand socially from the other.

If character A rolls an 18 on a deception roll, that does not mean that character B has to believe the lie presented, even if there is a valid IC reason behind the disbelief. Utilized properly, it shows character A kept their composure as they lied and did not reveal any body language suggesting they lied.

This is also represented with insight rolls. These rolls are tools to detect subtle signs or changes in a character’s demeanor that signal something is off. The player will acknowledge the success or failure of the social roll as best as they can within their emote.  


When you log into the server, your character is within the world of Faerun! No matter what is happening in a player's current roleplay, they are always in character. This provides an immersive environment for all.    


To protect the privacy of our player base, deter from accidental metagaming, and potential public exposure to roleplay of mature themes. Streaming of server roleplay is prohibited. Streaming does not just pertain to YouTube or on Twitch, but ANY kind of streaming of the server live or recorded is not allowed.


All forms of power-gaming are prohibited on Crossroads. Emotes against other players are considered attempts to allow the player to react appropriately. For example, “Jared attempts to grab Zane’s wrist.” vs “Jared grabbed Zane’s wrist.”. We are here to create an engaging and collaborative experience, not an environment of playing to win. Attempts at dominating a narrative are not acceptable.

Examples of power-gaming include but are not limited to:
  • Emoting another players actions
  • Forcing a scene without proper consent (Reference Consent Rules)
  • Avoiding RP by not emoting when someone has spoken to your character


    RP avoidance is when a character intentionally leaves an area without responding or waiting for a reply from another player. Other examples of RP avoidance include leaving when a character approaches yours while beginning to type and leaving in the middle of a scene already underway. Leaving is not just walking away from a scene but also includes teleporting. RP avoidance is not allowed and we encourage players to communicate clearly with other players about the ongoing scene. The ONLY exception to RP Avoidance is if the scene consists of sensitive topics the player is uncomfortable roleplaying. See Bystanders and Sensitive Content Scenes rule above.  


    Every system has its flaws and bugs; Crossroads and Conan are no different. As a team we work hard to resolve any bugs, continually balance the system, and provide a fun, engaging environment. Any intentional exploitation of the systems in place, Crossroads or Conan, is strictly prohibited.

    Examples of system abuse include but are not limited to: intentionally glitching your character into a space you normally can’t reach, exploiting RPR bugs to gain advantage over other characters, admin shopping, pretending to be another player's character, etc.      


    If you witness or need clarification on if a rule was broken, we ask that you create a ticket for the moderation team to clarify. Rule lawyering another player is not permitted and can quickly lead to OOC conflict and toxicity. We encourage everyone to consider the spirit of the rules rather than focusing on technicalities.  


    On Crossroads, we create an environment that is realistic and lore accurate to the Forgotten Realms setting. We ask that each player reads through their race, class, and the setting information to be able to accurately portray the time period. We also ask that you refrain from meme roleplay and real world references.

    Characters are not superheroes, and as such cannot easily perform feats which are unrealistic for their character to perform. This also extends to incredibly rare concepts; any 'special' character circumstances must be discussed with and approved by staff. This includes, but is not limited to, special backstories which have exceptional or rare roleplay implications, or exceedingly uncommon characters such as Szarkai Drow.  

    xx. CATCH ALL

    It is impossible to foresee all issues that could come up within the server. Sometimes players may do something that is not breaking the rules, but goes against the principles of the server. In these cases, the Admin team will come together and decide on next steps for the situation based on the offense taken. A greater majority or unanimous vote from the Administrators and Coordinators will decide the outcome. This rule may also result in an addition to the Crossroads ruleset and if so, the change will be made clear and communicated to the player base.    


    The staff team is held to all rules at a higher standard. It is staff's responsibility to not only operate the server and guide its direction, but also to serve as the pillars of our community. If any staff is witnessed breaking the rules intentionally, an admin ticket should be opened with proof of the infraction without fear of any reprisal.





    Entry into the Crossroads official discord will prompt for an account verification through Double Counter. A private direct message will be sent to you via the bot. Follow the guidelines in the message, and you will be automatically given the verified role, allowing access to more channels. If Double Counter is proving difficult, or you are barred entry due to a VPN or shared IP, please open up a corresponding ticket and staff will assist you right away.


    If it comes to staff's attention that you have multiple accounts in the Discord, --both of them will be promptly banned.


    DO NOT promote other Conan RP Discord servers in any channel. It will be immediately deleted, and a strike/warning will be issued. This is to discourage 'fishing' of members. There are more official servers/mod servers where linking of discords is more appropriate.
    1. Linking of personal/professional/gaming discords unrelated to Conan specifically is allowed in appropriate channels only. If you are uncertain, please open up a ticket for discussions with staff.

    iv. LANGUAGE

    The primary language of this server is ENGLISH. Rules, and information will be posted in english, as well as communication from members or staff. We do not discourage those who are bi-lingual, however all posts in the discord should be kept to English for the sake of monitoring.


    Rapid fire posting, as well as spamming emotes/stickers/gifs etc will be flagged by the bot. If it is discovered that the spam is deliberate, a warning/strike will be issued by staff. Multiple instances or non-compliance will result in muting on discord or even further actions.


    Controversial topics and media are absolutely prohibited. Topics including; politics, religion, body autonomy, extreme gore and otherwise possible disruptive or inflammatory themes. Under no circumstances are these topics allowed to be discussed/debated in any of the discord channels. To be found doing so will immediately lead to a warning/strike and staff intervention.


    Certain words or terms will be blocked and monitored. Using similar 'phrases' to imply these blocked words is not allowed and anyone caught doing so will receive a warning/strike. A list will not be provided for comfortability of players viewing this ruleset.


    Without explicit PERMISSION/REASON to do so, DO NOT ping or privately message any staff member. Especially in any public channel. Permission can be granted under circumstances, -commonly seen in tickets. Only under those guidelines will players be allowed to do so.  


    NSFW content will NOT be allowed on the official discord for Crossroads. Any innapropriate content will be deleted and the player in question will be given further consequence depending on level of infraction.


    Do not send unsolicted messages to any member of the community unless invited to do so. Players are encouraged to open tickets regarding poor etiquette concerning this rule. Any person found sending unwanted messages to another player will be brought into a ticket for consequence.


    Discord's TOS are clearly written, which you agreed to upon creating an account. With that in mind, if you are unfamiliar with the TOS of Discord, please read them here. You can read Discord's guidelines here.