All characters with intentions to engage in any form of thievery are required to strictly adhere to the outlined regulations provided herein. Any failure to observe these guidelines will entail retrospective alterations of the occurrence and/or the restoration of the pilfered item/s to their rightful proprietors.


A character who plans to approach players without being noticed will need to make a Stealth roll when they are within chat range (16 tiles) of the nearest player in order to establish their Stealth Difficulty Class (DC). If the nearest player is able to see the player attempting Stealth, they have the opportunity to make a Perception check. If they surpass the DC, the hidden character will be revealed to them.

It is important to note that the responsibility of making the Stealth roll lies with the character trying to hide, not the players who are being observed. The player must roll Stealth FIRST, BEFORE being spotted. If a player neglects to roll Stealth when they are meant to be concealed, they can be approached without the need for a roll if they are discovered.

Perception checks based on hearing can be made within a range of 8 tiles. If the Stealth character moves within 8 tiles of another player, that player can make a Perception check against the established Stealth DC to determine if they have been detected.

NOTE: The act of remaining undetected necessitates the utilization of a concealment tool. Some potential examples (although not an exhaustive list) may encompass positions such as: discreetly positioned behind a structure and carefully observing, strategically positioned amidst foliage, obscured by a geological formation while maintaining a crouched position, or concealed within an area of dim lighting while adorned in attire of black or camouflage fabric.    


In order for any character to surreptitiously listen in on a conversation or interaction without attracting the attention of others, they must approach the ongoing scene after successfully achieving the necessary criteria to enter a state of stealth. The concealed character is only expected to express their emotions when it is appropriate to do so, such as when they come within view of the individuals involved or when they interact with objects in the environment.

When a player intends to conceal themselves from an approaching player or observe a group discreetly, they must make a skill check to determine their proficiency in remaining undetected.

When a player wishes to listen in on a conversation, they must convincingly express their attempt to actively listen to the dialogue of their interest. If the members involved in the conversation become aware that an individual is trying to eavesdrop, they are entitled to perform a perception check to detect the attempt. If a perception check is made, the individual attempting to eavesdrop is obliged to make a skill check to determine their effectiveness in maintaining their stealth.

In order to successfully eavesdrop, the individual must have an unobstructed line of sight to the conversation taking place.

If the skill check for remaining undetected exceeds the results of all perception checks made, no action is taken and the concealed character remains unseen. The characters being spied on should continue their roleplay without any knowledge of the concealed character's presence.    


The Thief character shall solely endeavor to appropriate possessions from a designated residence, given that the rightful proprietor, or no fewer than one occupant, is online.

Thieves may solely cooperate with a maximum of two other individuals while engaging in joint operations to purloin belongings from a residence. In such instances, the collective must make it a point to leave substantial Points of Interest (POIs), including pertinent particulars, for further reference and coordination.


It is a mandatory requirement for individuals engaging in lock-picking or breaching activities, referred to as the aggressors, to vacate these Points of Interest (POIs) at every instance of such attempts. It must be noted that this requirement holds true irrespective of the outcome of the attempt. The POI should include a brief description of the type of attempt made. Additionally, all participants involved in the activity should leave at least one POI to demonstrate their involvement, enabling them to be easily contacted for tracking purposes.

The aggressors must ensure that the POIs are left at both the entrance and the location from which theft occurs, irrespective of the success or failure of the endeavor. If the point of exit differs from the point of entrance, it is also obligatory to leave a POI at the former position.

The POI should comprise a concise description of the specific type of attempt executed. Although it is only necessary to provide a single player's name as a point of contact, it is compulsory to include all Clans represented on the POI.

In the case of successfully looting chests, the POIs must be left behind, along with comprehensive information pertaining to each item stolen, including the quantity of each item taken, in addition to the standard details. All of this should be documented via screenshots in your infiltration ticket.

NOTE: POIs are designed for one-time use when utilized for tracking purposes. After a single Tracking check, regardless of the outcome, the POI is no longer effective and should be considered expended.    


In the event that a character engages in the act of picking a lock and is unsuccessful, they will proceed to execute a Sleight of Hand check. In addition, any other character within a radius of 8 tiles from the aforementioned lock will have the opportunity to make a perception check in order to potentially detect the auditory disturbance caused by the door. In the event that the perception check exceeds the Sleight of Hand check, the character may proceed to thoroughly examine the door. Subsequently, the Thief will have the chance to endeavor to locate a concealed area and execute another Stealth check to ascertain whether they can remain undetected by the investigatory individual's perception.

Should the Stealth check succeed, it will become the new Stealth DC proceeding forward with the infiltration until another check is required.   All lockpicking attempts during infiltrations/theft must be documented in your infiltration ticket.    


All base infiltration must align with the narrative of the story and facilitate immersive roleplaying. This interaction is typically not planned ahead but an infiltration ticket MUST be submitted BEFORE trespassing. All base infiltration must align with the narrative of the story and facilitate immersive roleplay. This must be provided in your infiltration ticket. The act of thievery and purloining of a particular item shall be granted permission on an individual basis, contingent upon a case evaluation. View Infiltration Rules

You do NOT need to wait for staff to approve the infiltration to proceed. You must screenshot all of the following types of interactions and include them in your ticket for record:
  • Lockpicking
  • Breaching
  • Stealth rolls
  • POIs placed
  • If a theft is going to be taking place, you MUST screenshot your inventory BEFORE entering the base, upon submission of the infiltration ticket, and include the reason for your infiltration. When leaving, you must provide another screenshot that includes all of the items taken during the theft, along with it being written in the ticket. It is important to put the intention in the infiltration ticket and leave the appropriate Points of Interest.. Infiltration and theft tickets can and will be audited by staff. Failure to provide the appropriate screenshots can result in the required return of stolen goods, and possibly disciplinary action.    


    Thieving is allowed on Crossroads RP.
    BEFORE committing any theft, the thief MUST OPEN AN INFILTRATION TICKET in accordance with Infiltration rules. If the theft was committed in a group, only ONE of the thieves will open the ticket but MUST mention all thieves involved in the burglary.   A Clan/Organization can only steal from another Clan/Organization once per week. However, a Clan/Organization can steal from multiple Clans/Organizations per week as long as the same Clan/Organization has an elapsed time of one week since the last theft. It is important to communicate with your clan members which Clan’s have been stolen from.   An organization can include, but is not limited to, Factions, Gangs, Companies, Societies, Alliances, or any other variation of multiple individuals with a common cause.   Thievery is split into two types: Resource and Equipment.   Equipment Thievery
    Each piece of equipment is valued equivalent to its tier.
  • Tier 1 equipment has a value of 2
  • Tier 2 equipment has a value of 4
  • Tier 3 equipment has a value of 6

  • Resource Thievery
    Similarly to Equipment Thievery, resources also have various values based on the tier of each resource.
  • Tier 1 resources have a value of 1
  • Tier 2 resources have a value of 2
  • Tier 3 resources have a value of 3

  • Coin Thievery
    You may steal coin based on stacks valued at the following, with 30 silver being the maximum allowed.
  • Tier 1: Up to 10 silver coins
  • Tier 2: Up to 20 silver coins
  • Tier 3: Up to 30 silver coins

  • Thieves are allowed to steal equipment and/or resources up to a value of 6 from other Clans and up to a value of 9from main faction hubs. The items stolen can be in any combination of items as long as the value is upheld.   DISCLAIMER As we work on the economy, this will be updated. Stay tuned!    


    When a thief or group of thieves attempt to mug a character there are rules about how much you may take. A single character may take equipment and/or resources up to a VALUE OF 3, OR up to a maximum of 30 silver. The character that was mugged can not receive any more consequences for this scene.   Mugging in a Group
    When a group of thieves performs a mugging, each thief is only allowed to take from a single individual equipment and/or resources up to a VALUE OF 3, AND/OR up to a maximum of 30 silver. Thieves cannot take from the same victim. For example, if three thieves attack a group of two characters, only two thieves can receive the items stolen.   If a character is kidnapped or captured as a PvP consequence, they must unequip their runes and any equipment or carried items are not to be used during their imprisonment. The items are only usable AFTER they are returned to the character, are acquired another way, or the character is set free from capture.    


    After a PvP encounter, the victor can claim theft as the consequence and loot the downed character. A single character may be robbed of equipment and/or resources up to a VALUE OF 3, AND/OR up to a maximum of 30 silver. The character that was mugged can not receive any more consequences for this scene.   If the victor(s) decide to kidnap/capture the downed character, the victim must unequip their runes and any equipment or carried items are not to be used during their imprisonment. The items are only usable AFTER they are returned to the character, are acquired another way, or the character is set free from capture.   Important Note: When taking a character captive, don’t actually take the items from the player’s inventory. They may not equip or use these items but they may remain in their inventory.    


    Whenever any of the designated systems mentioned below are utilized, it is mandatory for Points of Interest (POIs) and Tracking information to be meticulously provided by the individual engaged in thievery. This requirement ensures the seamless continuation of roleplaying activities.

    POIs that are left behind as a result of the thievery allotment systems must adhere strictly to all the standard conditions outlined in the Tracking rules. In the event of a successful Tracking attempt, the thieving party responsible for exploiting the allotments must share their movements with the assigned tracker, capturing their whereabouts up until the border of the present zone.

    If the aforementioned thief crosses a zone border after leaving a POI, an additional tracking roll is necessary at said border. A favorable outcome of this roll requires the Thief to expound upon the subsequent movements undertaken after crossing the zone border, providing the tracker with comprehensive information.

    -VPN RULE DISCLAIMER: Once the Thief crosses the first zone border, there is no longer a requirement for the tracker to carry out any further tracking assessments if the Thief proceeds to cross any subsequent zone borders.

      -IMPORTANT MENTION: Please limit the number of tracking attempts to one per Point of Interest (POI).