‒ POI rules and formatting

All characters with intentions to engage in any form of thievery or combat are required to strictly adhere to the outlined regulations provided herein. Any failure to observe these guidelines will entail retrospective alterations of the occurrence and/or the restoration of the pilfered item/s to their rightful proprietors.   Any and all POI’s left outside a clan’s owned lands will use the format below along with any special additions based on what the POI is for. (IE Theft, Combat, Flavor)  
  When placing a POI that can be tracked, the individual or member of the group associated may contribute half of their Survival modifier, rounded up, under the date section of the POI to influence the DC of the tracking attempt. Only one individual may apply their Survival modifier in this manner, essentially covering up tracks.   In placing a POI for tracking you give the tracking party consent to DM you through Discord in an effort to eliminate the wait time and burden on staff. All players are expected to act in a cordial manner during this process. Should there be any concern, parties are encouraged to open a ticket to continue the tracking process.   NOTE: POIs are designed for one-time use when utilized for tracking purposes. After a single Tracking check, regardless of the outcome, the POI is no longer effective and should be considered expended.  


‒ Everything you need to track a target

Tracking can occur when a character discovers a Point of Interest (POI) left behind by another player or in a role-play setting when another character exits the scene (e.g., a successful flee during combat or someone who walks away from a scenario).   Characters are allowed to make one tracking attempt every 20 hours, unless an exception is granted by specific feats or class perks. A Survival skill check with a minimum value of +5 or a Knowledge: Arcana skill check is required for physical or magical tracking, respectively.   When placing a POI that can be tracked, the individual or member of the group associated may contribute half of their Survival modifier, rounded up, under the date section of the POI to influence the DC of the tracking attempt. Only one individual may apply their Survival modifier in this manner, essentially covering up tracks.  


Regardless of the outcome, if a roll is made to track a POI, it must be removed. The following are the base DCs that a Tracking roll must surpass to achieve success.  
  • Less than 1 day old: 14
  • 1 day old: 16
  • 2 days old: 18
  • After a minimum duration of three days, the tracks have gradually dissipated, rendering the Point of Interest (POI) unsuitable for continued tracking purposes. In light of this, it is advisable to disassemble the tracking system.   It should be noted that tracking does not provide absolute precision in determining the exact location, unless the tracked individual has expressly granted permission for such monitoring. Tracking, however, does provide the following information.  
    If the tracking roll successfully meets the DC
    The fleeing player will generate a 3x3 map grid displaying the location of the first notable area or landmark. Accompanying this grid will be a comprehensive description detailing the trajectory of the trail.   In the event that the tracking roll surpasses the designated difficulty level by a margin of 5
    A 2x2 map grid will be generated to showcase the first notable area or landmark. An elaborate description explaining the path taken by the trail will also be provided.   Achieving a tracking roll that surpasses the designated difficulty level by 10
    Will yield a single-tile map grid depicting the first notable area or landmark. A meticulous description outlining the exact course of the trail will be included alongside the grid.   Upon arrival at any designated point within the provided map grid
    The Tracking player(s) shall be permitted to make another tracking attempt and subsequently repeat the tracking process.  


      Tracks left as a result of magical means necessitate the utilization of magical tracking techniques. Instead of relying on Survival skills, one must make use of their Knowledge: Arcana proficiency to successfully track such magical trails. This includes instances of flying accomplished by way of magic, but not flying achieved through physical means.  


    When a point of interest (POI) arises from someone fleeing or exiting a combat scenario by swimming, it requires a remarkably skilled tracker to effectively pursue and trace the remnants of their "trail". This is typically deduced through disruptions in the surrounding natural environment or other small, indicative signs of recent travel along shorelines. Under these circumstances, the difficulty class (DC) for tracking is increased by +1.  


    If a character is suffering from moderate or more significant injuries, they are rendered incapable of tracking in any capacity.