While we strongly advocate for players to maintain loyalty to a character for an extended duration, striving for growth and advancement, it is important to acknowledge that ultimately, this is a video game, and individuals may occasionally become fatigued with their storylines or crave a change of pace. Despite this, we highly recommend individuals to thoroughly contemplate initiating a reroll before proceeding, as there is a possibility of inadvertently relinquishing considerable character progression and narrative as a result of a few unfavorable circumstances.


Rerolling a character shall only be permissible once every 14 days. However, there exist a limited number of exceptions. It should be noted that in the event of a major overhaul to the class and/or race, leading to substantial modifications in the way the character is played, the staff reserves the right to make an announcement designating this as a rare occurrence.
NOTE: Upon creating a fresh character, a generous period of 14 days shall be granted to allow for potential modifications to be made to your class, subclass, and profession, thus allowing for further exploration and connection with this newfound persona. Nevertheless, it is vital to note that once a race has been selected, any alterations to this specific aspect shall be irrevocable.

Steps to Reroll

In order to reroll, you must have wrapped up or otherwise resolved all outstanding conflicts that your character has been actively and consciously involved in, in some way. Every reroll takes 24 hours to process unless an exception is made for extenuating circumstances.
  • Post your intent to reroll your character in the appropriate discord channel labeled Reroll Accountability. After the designated waiting period, you will be given the green check mark to resume the process of recreating your character by opening a moderator ticket.

  • During the designated time frame of 24 hours, any participant is permitted to submit a support ticket in order to challenge the decision made regarding the reroll. This should be substantiated by providing evidence of a genuine conflict with the assigned character. In the event that no objection is raised within the aforementioned stipulated time period, the reroll will be duly authorized.

  • The parties involved are not allowed to impose any terms or requirements when granting permission to another player for the act of rerolling. (Examples of such conditions include statements like "Only if you refrain from interfering with our characters" or "You are required to choose a specific race and class, namely X.”)

  • In the event that there are mitigating factors, which are diligently expounded upon to the Staff Team and subsequently given the nod of approval, a player has the option to waive the mandatory 24-hour waiting time for a reroll. However, it is still incumbent upon them to furnish the staff with a rumor, enabling the dissemination of information related to their character's departure. This is deemed necessary to afford closure to other players who may have shared narratives with said character.

Reroll Allowance

Once per wipe and provided your existing character is an Expert, you may reroll or shelve your character and begin at Expert on your new concept. No Mastery Marks are carried forward during this process.   Rerolls within the same wipe cycle after claiming this reroll allowance will begin as fresh Novices, regardless of circumstances (shelving, reroll, character death, etc).   If you have not claimed this reroll allowance during a wipe cycle and wish to change characters at the beginning of a new wipe, you may do so using the previous cycle's allowance to start at Expert on your new character, retaining the allowance for the upcoming cycle. Outside of this, the reroll allowance does not carry over between wipes.  


If a reroll is contested: A participant may also opt to proceed with the reroll. However, under such circumstances, the opposing party reserves the right to request the assistance of the DM team in arranging an endeavor to apprehend the character engaging in rerolling activities "at the border." In the event of a successful outcome, the destiny of said character will be entrusted to the opposing party. It is important to note that this procedure does not necessitate the additional participation of the player initiating the reroll, but instead functions as a method to conclude narratives.
  • In a parallel vein, in case of a disputed reroll, should the player desire to proceed with a reroll while avoiding the risks elucidated in the aforementioned segment, they may alternatively endeavor to enter a phase of concealment. This course of action entails logging in and engaging in roleplay centered around hiding, while maintaining a discreet demeanor for a duration of seven real-life days. Upon the lapse of this interval, the player shall be deemed exempt from any ongoing conflict and thus be permitted to enact a reroll.


After achieving a reroll, individuals have the option to either place their previous character on a temporary hiatus or permanently retire them. Each player is allotted two slots for shelving characters. When a character is shelved, all accomplishments in terms of expertise, studies, and enchanted objects will be duly recorded. It is mandatory for the shelved character to remain inactive for a period of thirty (30) days in real time before being reintroduced into gameplay. However, if one decides to discontinue their previous character, all attained progress will be forfeited. In the event that an individual wishes to resurrect a discontinued character, they may do so; however, no further progress will be allotted to them.
  • As a newly created character, you will start afresh and adhere to the same in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) protocols as if you had originally constructed this character through a formal application process. Please note that you will not carry over any acquired knowledge or personal viewpoints from your previous character, including any conflicts or in-character biases.

  • You are permitted to transition your character into a family member, close companion, or familiar individual from your prior role-play, provided that they possess no recollection whatsoever of the role-playing events that occurred while engaged with the given character within our server environment.