To mitigate the detrimental effect large scale open world PVP has been having on the server, the maximum PVP size allowable has been set to 5v5. 5v5 may only be exceeded in a raid, up to 8v8, on the event server.



The Combat Standards section provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental aspects of the combat system's statistics. It delves into Hit Points (HP) and Spell Points (SP), as well as the three types of resources utilized by characters in the turn rotation. Additionally, it briefly discusses AC rules and lists movement regulations.  


Each player’s character commences the game with a total of 30 Hit Points (HP). Furthermore, every point invested into Constitution enhances the player character's HP by 6 points. The class of players determines the additional hit points they gain per mastery level.  


At the beginning of the game, every player starts with 4 Spell Points (SP). Moreover, for each attribute point allocated to their respective Spellcasting attribute, players receive an additional 4 Spell Points.  


Each player character possesses the ability to engage in 4 tiles of Movement, as well as 1 Action, 1 Bonus Action, and 1 Reaction.  


Unless a creature possesses an ability that permits otherwise, it is prohibited from casting more than one spell per round requiring an Action. Spells necessitating a Bonus Action or Reaction to cast/use do not impede the execution of an Action.  


Each player is equipped with a Spell DC that corresponds to their Spellcasting Modifier attribute. The Spell DC, when combined with 10, represents the required saving throw roll for most spells to have no effect.  


Initially, every player character begins with an Armor Class (AC) value of 10. Furthermore, for every level in Dexterity, players gain 1 AC. The maximum AC gained from Dexterity is modifiable based on the condition of the armor being worn. Additionally, each point invested into Dexterity contributes to a player character's initiative rolls, granting them a +1 bonus.  


The starting Speed of each player character is determined by their respective race, with each tile equivalent to 5 feet of movement. Opting for the Dash action allows the player character to maneuver an additional 4 tiles or 20 feet. Movement is accounted for as a pool that can be utilized as long as the creature possesses remaining movement. This permits the division of movement between actions and bonus actions.   During combat, creatures are restricted to moving in straight lines while tracking their movements. To change direction, they must cease tracking and recommence by pressing the track movement button, subsequent to which they can proceed in their new chosen course. Unless they possess the Small racial perk, creatures are unable to pass through each other during combat if it is not conceptually feasible in the game.

‒ LINE OF SIGHT: Targeting a creature completely concealed behind substantial cover is impermissible. An object is considered as providing hard cover if it is reasonably expected to resist the penetration of weapons. Crouching does not require movement and is permitted for the purpose of obstructing Line of Sight in relation to Ranged attacks. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, teleportation spells do not enable the caster to traverse solid objects. Let's maintain a positive atmosphere with respect to Line of Sight.

‒ ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY: Opportunities for attacks arise when a hostile creature moves beyond the melee range without executing the disengage action or enjoying immunity to Attacks of Opportunity as per an effect bestowed upon them. An Attack of Opportunity can exclusively target a creature upon exiting the melee range of a hostile entity or when a creature employs a ranged weapon attack within melee range.   A creature can only partake in one Attack of Opportunity per round, utilizing their Reaction unless explicitly specified otherwise. Unless indicated otherwise, spell attacks and Teleportation spells do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.   There are Feats that allow for exceptions to these conditions.  



This section serves as a guide for officially declaring an intention to engage in dice combat with another player character.  


Any character wishing to engage in PVP combat with another creature must ensure the following requirements are met:
  • The targeted character is not already involved in an ongoing Player versus Player interaction.

    Each player involved in a PVP interaction may choose to initiate the combat with any combination of martial weapons equipped in their hands, as long as they possess them. Equipping or unequipping armor in response to a PVP intention or threat of one is prohibited. Any armor changes must be made before the possibility of conflict arises.  


    Each player involved in a PVP interaction may choose to begin the combat by casting a single buff spell. Only spells that target oneself and allies may be used. Being ambushed prevents a caster from casting any buffs in preparation for the PVP intention.
  • Pre-combat Buffs
  • Magical Buffs
  • Barbarian Rages
  • Potions

    When PVP intent is dropped, a scene lock begins. This scene lock continues through the combat. After all parties involved have completed the combat, the scene lock will continue for a period of 4 rounds of emotes between each member of the winning and losing teams to exit the scene without interference. As they leave the scene, they are protected by the Scene Lock and cannot be disturbed. A round of emotes is considered complete when all involved characters have the opportunity to emote once.

    This scene lock can be utilized to impose consequences or move a character to a secondary location. The relocation may involve temporary imprisonment until consequences can be determined.

    If the members of the interaction do not exit the scene within 4 rounds of emotes between all present members during initiative, the scene lock is lifted, allowing third parties to approach the combat and participate through emotes.  


    Once PVP intent has been declared, there is a scene lock on ongoing PVP intentions. Characters may not roleplay witnessing ongoing player versus player conflicts, but may roleplay noticing the aftermath and evidence left behind after the scene has concluded.  


    Interactions of a player versus player nature are seen as "leaving a point of interest" and meet the conditions for enabling a tracking roll. The victorious party must leave a point of interest (POI) following a PVP interaction, and both parties are responsible for ensuring that one is left behind.
  • Tracking & Theft


    Unfavorable Odds covers a range of odds in the format of “Attacker:Defender” in which the consequences of that PvP must only be skirmish consequences. Starting from 3:1 ratio, this would trigger Unfavorable Odds for the Defending party. These types of interactions may only result in Skirmish consequences which are listed here.   This ruling is for general open-world PVP. When seeking to plan an Infiltration, Raid, or Siege, consult the appropriate rulesets. See below examples of ratios.   If players wish to consent to combat that is outside of the parameters of this rule set (including cons), they may do so and are required to be able to present screenshot proof of consent by both parties in the instance of an OOC dispute.  


    Skirmish consequences are the result of a fight involving Unfavorable Odds, with the winners outnumbering the victims by a ratio of 3:1 or higher. Those are small, ICly insignificant, consequences, they are not long lasting nor leave a large impact on the downed individual, physically and/or mentally. These consequences are meant to enhance the roleplaying experience without causing significant harm to characters at overwhelming odds.   Examples of Skirmish Consequences include, but are not limited to:
  • Cuts & Bruises (Lesser Wounds)
  • Interrogation
  • Petty Theft (See Skirmish: Theft rules)
  • Minor Curse
  • Intimidation
  • Threatening further action
  • Lock of Hair
  • Concussion
  • ‒ Theft

    Skirmish Consequences regarding Theft is the thieving of materials, currency, or non-magical items that are not Theft As A Consequence. For instance, you may only take 15 Currency as opposed to 30. You may only enact this consequence as opposed to another, and cannot stack consequences with this option.  


      This section provides a comprehensive list of all the actions, bonus actions, and movements that a player character can perform on their turn.  


    ATTACK: Attempt to attack a target creature using a ranged weapon, melee weapon, or by casting a spell within its range. Weapon Attacks automatically adjust the damage type to maximize effectiveness based on the target creature's resistances. For example:
  • A longsword that deals both Slashing and Piercing damage will only deal Piercing damage when attacking a target wearing armor resistant to Slashing.

  • A creature cannot take the Attack action if there is no target within range.

    Performing a ranged attack within melee distance (1 Tile) of a hostile creature wielding a melee weapon provokes a single attack of opportunity from the threatening melee combatant.

    Spells and ranged attacks cannot be used as attacks of opportunity. To take advantage of an attack of opportunity, a creature must wield a melee weapon in their main hand.

    SHOVE: Attempt to physically push a target creature within 1 Tile. Select 1 target within 1 tile. Force them to make an opposed Strength Saving Throw or Dexterity Saving Throw, whichever is higher. If successful, they are knocked Prone.   If the target creature is mounted, they will also be dismounted and become prone.

    The shove action can be used even while mounted.

    GRAPPLE: Any creature without an off-hand weapon or shield equipped may attempt to grapple another target creature within 1 Tile of them using the "Grapple" ability. Those using two-handed weapons are also able to use the grappling ability. While grappling, a creature may continue to make attacks against the creature in their grasp.

    A creature that successfully grapples another creature gains the ability to use the following ability:

    DISARM: Utilize an action to compel a creature with whom you currently have physical control to make a Strength saving throw against a difficulty class equal to 10 plus your Strength attribute. If the saving throw is unsuccessful, the target creature will be subjected to the "Disarmed" status.

    The act of grappling another creature involves rolling a value of 10 plus your Strength attribute, pitted against the Strength or Dexterity saving throw of the target creature (whichever ability score is higher). Should the target creature fail the saving throw, they will be afflicted with the "Grappled" status, while the creature performing the grapple will acquire the "Grappling" status.

    While under the influence of the "Grappled" status, the affected creature will have their movement speed reduced to zero and will face a penalty of -2 to their Dexterity saving throws. Furthermore, they will be unable to perform any spells that necessitate the use of hand movements.

    To break free from a grapple, the grappled creature must exercise the "Escape Grapple" action, initiating a saving throw contest whereby a value of 10 plus their Strength or Dexterity saving throw must be compared against your own respective attribute.

    Alternatively, any abilities that forcefully move the Grappler and Grappled creature, regardless of distance, by a minimum of one square will enable the grappled creature to employ the debug escape grapple ability, thereby liberating themselves from the "Grappled" condition.

    Examples of abilities that induce forced movement include:
  • Misty Step
  • Thunderwave
  • Shove

  • DISENGAGE: This action serves to prevent the occurrence of attacks of opportunity when withdrawing from the vicinity of a hostile creature within a radius of one square. This ability triggers the Sentiel feat.   It is important to note that the Disengage action is not available while mounted.

    DASH: This action bestows an additional four squares of movement speed upon the character, which remains in effect until the termination of their present turn.

    The dash action can be undertaken while mounted.

    FLEE: A character who locates themselves at a minimum distance of four squares away from the nearest hostile creature may endeavor to flee. Other entities present in the encounter may employ the Chase ability, conducting a Strength or Dexterity check (whichever ability score is higher) plus Athletics, comparing it against the fleeing target's respective Strength or Dexterity plus Athletics.

    In the event that a character is mounted, they will roll a Strength or Dexterity check (whichever ability score is higher) plus Riding instead of Athletics.

    Any attempt to flee outside 12 tiles succeeds without contest.

    SWITCH WEAPON/PICK UP WEAPON: This action ensures the removal of the "Disarmed" status or assists in equipping any Rune during combat.

    Switching weapons, for example, transitioning from a melee weapon to a ranged weapon, necessitates the undertaking of this action.

    MOUNT: This action is carried out when a character wishes to commence riding a mount.

    It should be noted that no further movement may be declared by the character after executing the Mount action  


    OFFHAND ATTACK: This action permits the character to execute an additional attack with an equipped secondary weapon. However, this attack is subject to a -2 penalty when attempting to hit. Only weapons possessing the Light weapon feat may be wielded in an offhand capacity.

    Attacks conducted with an Offhand weapon do not receive any damage or hit bonuses from class features or spells. They do not benefit from the inclusion of either Dexterity or Strength for both the attack roll and the damage roll unless you take the Dual Wielding fighting style.  


    Reaction abilities are to be used on your turn unless a specified trigger allows you to use it outside of turn order. The reason for this is the mechanical limitations of video games versus tabletop.   Example 1: A reposte that requires an enemy to miss a melee attack on you for it to be used can be used outside of turn order, as your opponent must swing on you first for you to mechanically use it.   Example 2: The Shield spell is a reaction but applies 2 DT and prevents you from being targeted by Magic Missile. This would need to be cast during your turn to prevent an enemy from targeting you with Magic Missile, and to apply DT before you are attacked in melee.  


    STAND UP: Sacrifice two squares of movement in order to remove the Prone status from oneself.

    CLIMB: Any creature, while engaged in combat, may initiate climbing a barrier situated before them. Climbing is executed following the same procedure as movement, with the climbing action consuming half of the creature's speed.

    Certain classes and subclasses endow creatures with the ability to climb at their full movement speed.  



    This section outlines all regulations pertaining to Weapons and Armor. The act of switching weapons can exclusively be undertaken by performing the Switch weapon / Pickup weapon action.


    Weapons characterized by the Versatile weapon trait may be wielded either in both hands of the character or in a single hand. Altering the configuration of how a character employs a Versatile weapon necessitates the undertaking of the Switch weapon / Pickup weapon action.

    When wielding a Versatile weapon with one hand, it becomes feasible to utilize shields or any weapon possessing the Light weapon feat. Attacks executed with offhand weapons require a bonus action and always incur a -2 penalty to the attack roll. However, the aforementioned rule does not apply to weapons possessing the Concealable weapon feat.  


    Attacks implemented via an offhand weapon possessing the Light weapon feat garner bonuses from either Strength or Dexterity, as well as a bonus to damage dependent on the value of either Strength or Dexterity. Nonetheless, these attacks do  


      This section provides a comprehensive list of the available weapon and armor feats.


    DEFENSIVE: This particular weapon grants a flat bonus of +1 to the wielder's Armor Class.

    VERSATILE: This weapon has the capability of being wielded either one-handed or two-handed, resulting in different amounts of damage.

    DISARM: This weapon has the capability to attempt and disarm an opponent within a range of 3 Tiles from their weapon. The wielder must make an opposed check using either Athletics or Sleight of Hand (whichever has a higher value) against the target's corresponding skill. If the target's roll is lower, it will be disarmed.

    ENTANGLE: This weapon possesses the ability to attempt to immobilize a target within a range of 8 tiles for a duration of 1 round. The wielder must make a ranged attack using either Dexterity or Strength (whichever has a higher value) against the target's Armor Class. If the attack is successful, the target becomes entangled for 1 round. In situations where a creature is attempting to flee using Flight or Waterbreathing, weapons with this weapon feat can be used to immobilize the creature, preventing its escape. This is achieved by making a ranged attack using Dexterity or Strength against the flying or swimming creature's Armor Class. However, if the flying or swimming creature is out of range of the weapon, it cannot be used to ground the creature.

    THROWN: This weapon has the ability to be thrown at a target creature up to a range of 6 tiles. The weapon does not become un-equip after being thrown. To hit and damage rolls for the throw attack are determined by either Strength or Dexterity (whichever has a higher value) against the target creature's Armor Class.

    BREACH: This weapon specializes in forceful entry, such as breaking doors or opening locked containers. It grants an ability that temporarily increases the wielder's breach skill by +3 for a duration of 5 minutes.

    CAVALIER: This weapon provides a static +2 bonus to hit when wielded by a character who is riding on a mount. This bonus is automatically removed upon dismounting, whether voluntarily or by force.

    CONCEALABLE: This weapon is small enough to be concealed on a character's person and does not need to be visually represented or mentioned in their character description. However, common sense rules apply when attempting to conceal this weapon from those who are searching the character for weapons. In situations where the Concealable weapon is a physical item hidden on a character's person, the character must roll Sleight of Hand against the searching creature's Perception to avoid detection.

    KEEN: This weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack rolls while being held in any hand.

    FINESSE: This weapon allows the wielder to use either their Dexterity or Strength modifier for both hit and damage rolls.

    LIGHT: This weapon can be used in a character's off-hand to make a bonus action attack, with a -2 penalty to hit.



      Any character below the height of 250 Cm can obtain the bonuses of riding on a mount, which include:
  • +2 Movement Speed
  • +5 to Flee (Riding) attempts

  •   While mounted, the character can perform the following actions:
  • Cast Spells
  • Attack
  • Switch Weapons
  • Offhand Attack
  • Flee
  • Dash
  • Mount

  • Any successful Shove attempt against the mounted character will result in their dismounting.

      When taking the Flee action while on a mount, the fleeing character rolls a number equal to 5 plus their riding skill against the Athletics or Riding skills of any hostile creatures.    


      This section covers all the rules regarding the use of flight and waterbreathing as means of escape at the beginning or during combat.

    ‒ FLIGHT

    Creatures with the ability to fly are able to move along walls and navigate tough terrain without movement penalties. Climbing a wall or moving over an obstacle that requires climbing would normally cut your movement in half. You are not able to move over other creatures in this manner.   Any creature with the ability to fly can use their flight as a means of escape. Only creatures with the ability to fly are allowed to make a roll against a creature using flight as a means of escape. The following conditions must be met in order to use flight as a means of escape:
  • The fleeing creature must have the ability to fly
  • The fleeing creature must have at least 1 available action for escape
  • There must be no obstructions in the sky that would reasonably prevent the creature from flying away

  • When a creature that is currently flying becomes the target of a PvP intention, they must choose between landing and engaging in combat or immediately attempting to flee. Each hostile creature present may attempt to ground the flying creature using any ranged weapon with the Entangle weapon trait.

    If no hostile creatures present have a ranged weapon with the entangle weapon trait, or if they are out of range, the flying creature successfully escapes.

    If a hostile creature present also has the ability to fly, an opposed Athletics versus Athletics check is made according to the traditional rules for fleeing. If the flee attempt is successful, the flying creature escapes the encounter. If the flee attempt is unsuccessful, the flying creature must land and engage in combat.  


    Any creature with the ability to breathe underwater can use their water-breathing capability as a means of escape. Only creatures with the ability to breathe underwater are allowed to make a roll against a creature using water-breathing as a means of escape. The following conditions must be met in order to use water-breathing as a means of escape:
  • The fleeing creature must have water-breathing
  • The fleeing creature must have at least 1 available action for escape
  • There must be an open body of water or a general means of escape through deep water, free from obstruction by hostile creatures

  • When a creature that is currently swimming becomes the target of a PvP intention, they must choose between coming ashore and engaging in combat or immediately attempting to flee. If the swimming creature does not have water-breathing, they must either come ashore or forfeit the encounter to the attackers. Each hostile creature present may attempt to restrain the swimming creature using any ranged weapon with the Entangle weapon trait.

    If no hostile creatures present have a ranged weapon with the entangle weapon trait, or if they are out of range, the swimming creature successfully escapes.

    If a hostile creature present also has the ability to breathe water, an opposed Athletics versus Athletics check is made according to the traditional rules for fleeing. If the flee attempt is successful, the swimming creature escapes the encounter. If the flee attempt is unsuccessful, the swimming creature must come ashore and engage in combat.  


    All creatures can climb any surface at double their ordinary movement cost, unless otherwise specified by a class, subclass, or racial feature. However, the casting of spells with somatic components and combat actions/abilities cannot be used while climbing, unless the creature has the ability to Spiderclimb or a similar class, subclass, or racial feature.
  • Any creature suffering from the following status effects while climbing immediately falls: Entangled, Prone, Grappled, Paralyzed.
  • Any creature that experiences the effects of any involuntary/forced movement spell or ability also falls immediately.



    Falling 4 or more tiles results in the removal of the target from combat and the application of Wounds. The severity of the wounds should be agreed upon by the parties involved and should be proportional to the distance fallen. Some class/race abilities may alter these circumstances.

    If all players do not agree on the severity of the wounds, the staff can make the final determination. Creatures capable of flight do not receive wounds from falling any distance. However, if they are forced into a position where they would fall, they still move accordingly and remain in the initiative order, unless they fall 15 or more tiles. If a flying creature falls 15 or more tiles, they are automatically removed from combat.    



    This section covers all the rules regarding casting spells outside of combat and addresses more contentious statuses such as Charm.



  • Casting spells outside of combat is purely roleplayed. Players are not required to announce their intent to cast spells in order to do so.
  • If casting a spell would have negative effects on another player, any player present in the roleplay scenario may consider it a sign of PvP intent.
  • If a player wishes to cast a spell with negative effects on another player at any time, they must first obtain consent from the target player or risk being considered a PvP intention.

  • Using spells such as Charm Person and Dominate Monster outside of combat follows our Charm and Dominate Rules.
  • Under no circumstances is a caster allowed to make other players feel obligated to engage in roleplay they are uncomfortable with.


    There are two types of spells that increase Armor Class: Magical Armor spells and Magical Shield spells.
  • Magical Armor spells have a duration in real-world time and may be cast either inside or outside of combat. These spells cannot be stacked. Examples of Magical Armor spells: Mage Armor, Stoneskin
  • Magical Shield spells only last for the duration of rounds stated in their spell description. These spells cannot be cast outside of combat and do not stack. Additionally, it is important to remember that Magical Shield spells have a cooldown of 1 round after they wear off due to End Turn mechanics (if casted on oneself). Examples of Magical Shield spells: Shield, Blur, Shield of Faith

    Weapon Enchantment spells can be stacked on top of each other, as they are always self-targeted.  


    Spells that specifically target a hostile creature and have the potential to prevent them from receiving legitimate buffs from their own abilities or allies are not allowed to be cast on that creature.  


    Players are not allowed to cast debuff spells on their allies during combat with the intent of preventing them from being targeted by debuff spells from opponents.  


    Spells that heal targets will not revive a target at 0 hitpoints during combat. Specific spells must be used to revive a downed creature.  


    Spell-Like abilities are abilities that mimic the effects of spells, using Spell DC, spell points, and/or being considered a magical attack. However, they are considered abilities rather than spells. They do not require components unless specified by the ability.  


    A creature can only be brought up from 0 HP ONCE per combat unless an ability explicitly states it can be used on the same creature more than once.    



    This section provides a complete list of the statuses in the RPR Dice system. It excludes damage over time (DOT) effects.

    Dazed: Creatures suffering from the "Dazed" status receive a -2 penalty to attack rolls and -2 to their Spell DC.  

    Paralyzed: Creatures suffering from the "Paralyzed" status cannot take actions, bonus actions, reactions, or movement.  

    Disarmed: Creatures who are disarmed cannot make weapon attacks with melee or ranged weapons, nor can they make attacks of opportunity. Unarmed Combat abilities from Monks can still be used when disarmed.  

    Banished: You have been banished to another plane. While banished you can use healing spells, buffs, and abilities that only effect you. You have 0 movement while banished and cannot reposition. You will reappear in the same place you were banished from.  

    Rage: Creatures with the "Rage" status gain +2 Strength and resistance to all sources of non-magical damage.  

    Charmed: Creatures who are charmed cannot attack or intentionally damage the creature who charmed them. This includes intentionally using an AoE attack on yourself to damage your charmer. Receiving damage from the charmer dispels this status (with player consent).  

    Entangled: Creatures that are entangled have their movement reduced to 0 tiles, suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity saving throws, and cannot use their reaction.  

    Grappled: While grappled, a creature's speed is reduced to 0 and they suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity saving throws. Additionally, they cannot cast spells requiring somatic components.  

    Disarmed: Creatures who are disarmed cannot use the Attack action until they retrieve or change their weapon. Dual-wielding creatures are also unable to attack when disarmed until they retrieve or change their weapons. Attacks of Opportunity are not allowed while disarmed.  

    Frightened: Creatures suffering from the "Frightened" status receive a -2 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.  

    Poisoned: Creatures suffering from the "Poisoned" status receive a -1 penalty to saving throws for the duration of the status.  

    Blighted: Blighted creatures are not targetable by healing spells and become vulnerable to necrotic damage.  

    Sleep: A creature affected by the "Sleep" status cannot take any actions, bonus actions, or movement. Any damage received dispels this status (with player consent).  

    Prone: A creature affected by the "Prone" status suffers a -2 penalty to Strength saving throws, -2 to AC, and their movement speed is reduced by half. Attacks of Opportunity are not allowed while prone.  

    Exhausted: A creature affected by the "Exhausted" status suffers a -2 penalty to Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength attributes.  

    Slowed: A creature affected by the "Slowed" status suffers a -2 penalty to movement speed and cannot take reactions.  

    Wet: A creature affected by the "Wet" status suffers 50% more lightning and cold damage. If a creature receives cold damage from a non-Damage over Time spell while under the effects of being "Wet," they become entangled until the end of their next turn.  

    Greased: A creature affected by the "Greased" status suffers 50% more fire damage.  

    Bleed: Creatures suffering from the "Bleed" status receive a -1 penalty to Constitution saving throws and take 1d6 Bleed Damage at the end of their turn.    



    This section covers the rules regarding discovering a creature in stealth or engaging in combat when stealthed.


    When a creature is discovered as a result of a Perception check, they are no longer exempt from PvP intentions within shout range if requested by the discovering creature.  


    A creature in stealth who becomes the target of a PvP intention is free to exclude themselves from participating, if they wish. If a stealthed creature chooses to engage in a PvP encounter, they must reveal themselves and remove their stealth status.

    Note: Creatures may not join a PvP encounter once all involved characters have finished rolling initiative and established a turn order. This rule also applies to stealthed creatures.  


    A creature can only roll a Stealth check to avoid encounters/roleplay if they have adequate cover and concealment when approached. To utilize stealth for avoiding an encounter, the creature must already be in cover or concealment when approached for roleplay and must make a stealth roll against the searching creature's perception skill.  


    When a creature in stealth initiates a PvP intention, it occurs immediately and without warning. If the stealthed creature initiated the PvP intention and successfully passed the stealth versus perception roll, they will always act first in combat, regardless of their rolled initiative. Any allies of the stealthed creature who are also in stealth and have successfully passed their stealth checks will act first in combat in an order determined to be fair among the ambushers.

      A creature that becomes the target of a PvP intention from a stealthed creature is not allowed to:
  • Apply buffs to themselves or allies in preparation for combat
  • Consume buff consumables in preparation for combat
  • Equip/unequip weapons or armor in preparation for combat

  • Players with the Alert feat cannot be surprised. When in a group, only the player with the feat is exempt from being surprised.


      Each character created is allowed to acquire the following starting equipment, found on the Equipment page. You may select one Main Hand weapon and one offhand.   Main Hand:
    Dull Dagger, Flimsy Shortbow, Wooden Mace, Rusted Short Sword, or Frying Pan   Offhand:
    Dull Dagger, Rusted Short Sword, Frying Pan, or Wooden Shield   Armor:
    Ragged Armor or Rusty Ringmail   All players receive:
  • 5 silver pieces