




The Wounds system is made to attempt to simulate the negative effects brought on from being hurt. There are multiple ways for a creature to heal themselves of their Wounds levels, as well as a few mechanics and rules behind the system.   There are a small amount of rules that players should be aware of. These are in place to help players better represent their character when wounded, as well as ensure that being wounded is handled in a fair way with play to lift in mind.  

‒ Representing Wounds

A character must always represent their wounds status when they are suffering from any level of Wounds. Outline in the next section are the rough guidelines of what each level of Wounds represents.  

‒ Dealing Wounds as Consequences

Any character wishing to deal Wounds through Consequences to another character must first reach out through whispers and confirm the agreed upon Wounds level.   There are no guidelines for what level of Wounds a character should suffer as a result of losing a RPR combat encounter. There is no limit to the level of Wounds that two players can agree upon as being sufficent to represent the injuries occured as a result of an RPR combat encounter.  

‒ Healing Wounds

The act of healing another character must be roleplayed true to the method of healing. First Aid and Surgery is roleplayed differently than the use of the Magical Healing spell, for example.  

‒ After Treatment

Though a successful healing attempt removes a character's Wounded status immediately, they should always try and represent their character as being recently wounded. This can take the form of altering their description temporarily, as well as placing emphasis on treated wounds in actions.  

‒ Representing Regeneration

A creature capable of Regeneration is not obligated to put in their description that they appear to be magically healing themselves. It is not immediately apparent that a creature is able to Regenerate from their wounds.  

‒ Treatment Cooldowns

A creature is able to attempt any method of self-healing as a way of treating their Wounds, as long as the method being used is off cooldown and available. This means a creature may attempt Natural Healing and Firstaid on itself once a day if both abilities are off cooldown.   Additionally, a creature may receive treatment for any number of other creatures as long as the ability being used is off cooldown and they have not been recently healed.    



There are four levels of Wounds a character may be suffering from. Players are not able to move between different levels of Wounds, but may suffer negative modifiers as their Immunity stat decreases.   Each level of Wounds rolls respective dice, which rolls are made against by the healing ability used to reduce the accumulated stat of the wound level.  

‒ Lesser Wounds

  Wounds that would cause slight issues for those bearing them. Beyond deep bruising, these wounds will never include internal injury to the body. When moving or touching an area affected by one of these wounds, they will feel an obvious pain that can make extended use tiring.   Effects : -1 Dexterity  

‒ Medium Wounds

  These are standard wounds that cause discomfort for those bearing them. These wounds will never include serious internal injury beyond the examples listed. These will require medical attention and some care, or they risk healing incorrectly, or attracting infection. When moving or touching an area affected by one of these wounds, they will feel a serious pain that can make extended use tiring.   Effects : -2 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution  

‒ Serious Wounds

  These wounds are those that will require urgent medical attention. If left untreated, infections and disease are sure to take root, with often deadly effects. They will elicit splitting pains that will make use of the affected areas nigh-impossible long term, except for those with strong wills. Thinking clearly is very difficult, even for experienced and disciplined individuals.   Effects: -3 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -10 Initiative  

‒ Devastating Wounds

  By all accounts, bearers of these wounds are at serious risk of death if not treated correctly within a short space of time. Risk of infection is incredibly high if treated incorrectly.   These wounds deliver excruciating pains to anything capable of feeling such a thing. Even those with exceptionally strong willpower will not be able to fight or perform hard labour while these wounds are present. They are so severe that thinking clearly is impossible, even for experienced and disciplined individuals.   Effects: -4 Dexterity, -4 Strength, -4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -20 Initiative  
‒ Wounds Table



There are multiple ways to remove Wounds levels from oneself, as well as other creatures. There are tools available for non-magical characters to specialize in for dealing with Wounds. Each method will roll according to its listed dice against the points of the wound to reduce the overall wound level stat. All methods of healing aside from Natural Healing will apply a "Recently Healed" cooldown to the injured creature.  

‒ Natural Healing

Natural Healing Roll: 1d4+CON
Every creature that does not have access to Regeneration will be able to use the Natural healing ability. This ability can be attempted 1 time every 24 hours by the wounded creature.  

‒ First Aid

Homesteader subclass civilians gain the ability to heal Lesser wounds regardless of Medicine skill level, once per short rest. This level of healing is to emulate the treatment of lacerations, sprains, and other minor injuries only. See guidelines on Lesser Wounds above.  

‒ Surgery

Surgery Roll: 1d15 + Medicine Skill Characters who invest at 5 points into Medicine will unlock the "Practical Healing" ability. This ability is able to be used once every 20 hours, and is able to be used on oneself, or one other creature.   This ability is also unlocked through the Anatomist feat on the Feats page.  

‒ Magical Healing:

Magical Healing Roll: 20d2   The Magical Healing ability is the strongest healing a player can recieve. Treated creatures who have had their Wounds level reduced are still expected to roleplay being recently treated as in accordance with the rules listed above. This ability has a cooldown of 20 hours, is only available to specific classes, and costs those classes 6 Spell Points to cast. Casters and Hybrid Caster classes may also select the Miracle Worker feat from the Feats page to gain this ability.   Current classes with Magical Healing: Cleric, Druid  
‒ Rests & Healing
Neither Short nor Long rests heal a creature of their Wounds level. Short and Long rests only act to restore a creature's hit points (HP).