Class & Profession Change Rules


Sometimes you need to tweak your character’s class in order to be happy with them. In this case, we offer an array of ways that a class change is attainable, whether through your own means or the means of someone else. Below is a list of these regulations.   14-Day Grace Period:
Within exactly two weeks (14 days) after your initial whitelist, you may change your class to something more desirable, provided it is logical within the context of the character's backstory, or will be with minor adjustments. Significant changes in class may necessitate a reroll.   Class Change Through Roleplay:
After the grace period, we require anyone who desires a class change to initiate three (3) one-hour (1-hour) training sessions with someone of the desired class. The trainer does not need to be of the same subclass; however, it is preferred. If the class/subclass is being changed to a completely different class, the trainee will revert to Novice upon change. If it is a subclass switch, it is the discretion of the Dungeon Masters whether they will revert to Novice. We expect quality roleplay that is focused around the training. In the event that there are sessions that do not meet the expectations of quality, the DMs may require more sessions if they deem it appropriate.

In the event of an oathbreaker (Paladin only), they will be required to move to the Fighter class. They will not be able to choose a subclass and must go through training to enter into one.


Professions changes, while more lax and flavorful than impactful, are still something to be changed with thought and attention paid. Regarding these changes, we allow one free profession change within the first 30 days after whitelisting. If you change your profession, find that it isn’t what you wanted, and wish to change it again, you must submit three (3) one-hour (1-hour) sessions of training roleplay with someone of the newly desired profession that appropriately supports the change in profession.   While these are much more lax than class changes, they still require quality roleplay, and DMs may request more if they deem it necessary. Keep in mind that we only allow up to 3 profession changes per character.    


A player can reset their attributes and skills one time within 30 days of character creation as part of their grace period.   To change a character's attributes and/or skills outside of this grace period, a player must conduct two one-hour training sessions with another player of their same class to change their sheet. This must be documented via screenshots and submitted in a class change ticket.   These changes can be done TWICE over the lifetime of a character, with the second change only being able to be done at a minimum of Expert mastery.    


A player can freely swap a feat ONCE outside of their RPR grace period over the lifetime of their character. When/if new feats are introduced to the RPR system, players may swap to one of the newly added feats outside of their grace period and it will not count as their one-time change.