Charm in combat is as follows:
  The Targeted Character by the Charm spell cannot attack the Caster of the charm spell. This DOES NOT prevent the Targeted Character from taking any action against another player in that combat; only that the Caster cannot be harmed by the Targeted Character.   For full descriptions of abilities that apply the Charmed status, refer to the appropriate pages as well as the Charm Creature page. The status table can be viewed on the Combat Rules page.  

Charm Outside of Combat

Charm has multiple unique mechanics when utilized outside of combat. It can replace a wide array of emotions and feelings with falsely installed attitudes. Charm also grants the Caster of the spell advantage on Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation (CHA), and Performance rolls; conversely, the Targeted Character gets disadvantage on Willpower and Insight rolls. If the Caster fails to Charm the Targeted Character, the Targeted Character can take that as a “Hostile Action” and subsequently initiate PVP against the Caster if they desire.   Charm will deescalate tensions according to levels:
“[Your Character] is now charmed by [Caster] for One Hour.”   When it is not cast in a PVP scenario, charm may not under any circumstance be used to circumvent Player Consent to coerce any illicit, sexual, or otherwise mature scenes between two characters regardless of starting levels. If players would like to perform this spell in such a manner, it must be consent-based between BOTH affected parties. The onus is on the Caster to ensure that any use of Charm both in and out of combat with illicit or sexual motivations has the Targeted Character’s consent. Regardless of success or failure, the Targeted Character is aware they have been Charmed once the spell’s effects end.  
If a player feels they were unfairly targeted or made to do something they did not consent to by a Charm or Dominate Creature spell, they may open a ticket regarding that instance.


There are different “Effects” a Charm spell can grant on the Targeted Player. Effects vary based on the starting mood of the Targeted Player. They are as follows:
  • Immediate/Escalating Violence → Aggression
  • Aggression → Neutrality
  • Neutrality → Friendliness
  • Friendliness → Feeling of Safety/Security
  •   Following the first hour of an initial success on the Charm spell, the Caster may attempt to Charm the Targeted Character again. Multiple uses of Charm can achieve the above Effects following from the starting mood of the Targeted Player. For example, a Targeted Character who falls into the “Aggression” starting mood would go as follows: Aggression → Neutrality → Friendliness.   Charm may be broken if: The Caster physically harms the target, or The Caster puts the Targeted Character through extreme mental duress (deep affronts or offenses against the Targeted Character’s sensibilities). The Targeted Player will also become aware of the use of Charm(s) once the spell expires. They also become aware should the spell fail in any part of the sequence unless a class ability or conferred mastery hides the failure.    



    For use of Dominate in combat, see the Dominate Creature or refer to the spell page of the ability that is applying the Dominated status. For the status table, see Combat Rules.  

    Command System

    The Command System is a concrete list of usable commands for Dominate Creature. Anything outside of combat requires the Targeted Character’s consent. Only one command may be given at a time, and any subsequent Commands require a recast of Dominate Creature. The list is as follows:  
  • Follow
  • Stay
  • Go There
  • Attack Begins PVP. Caster must join on Targeted Character’s side. Targeted Character stays on Caster’s side until Dominate Creature is dispelled.
  • Disarm Self: The targeted creature must unequip their weapon. This command can be used in combat.
  • Say Words: “x” dialogue up to a Paragraph
  • Be Silent: Up to 30 minutes
  • Gesture: Any stationary action such as kneeling, sitting, dancing, etc; Fluid movement costs two commands
  • Guard: Prevents Targeted Character or object from being interacted with)
  • Commands will last the length of the scene (1 hour and 30 minutes, or when Caster or Targeted Character departs location by any means) or until Dominate Creature is dispelled.  

    Consent & Guidelines

    Consent goes a long way. It is required when attempting to take away a Targeted Character’s autonomy, and the onus is on the Caster to get that consent before and during the spell’s duration.   i. OOC Consent is required when casting any Charm or Dominate Creature spells that are sexual, illicit, or otherwise maturely motivated (Using the spell to cajole players into sexually motivated themes and actions without consent).   ii. Absolutely NO rape, self-mutilation (making players delimb arms, legs, genitalia, etc.), or sexual themes that the Player does not consent to. Superimposed consequences without communication will be constituted as Abuse and is grounds for an immediate Infraction and ticket following the Community Guidelines.   iii. The Targeted Character can be given up to 4 Commands against their character’s will within any non-PVP scenario (actionability determined by effort; initiating a pvp on your behalf consumes all actions; picking up objects, speaking, these consume a single action, forced movement outside of a PvP instance constitutes twice the normal mobility of the player; single action (ie removing somebody from a scene).   iv. Targeted Character will be aware of the use of Dominate Creature once the spell is dispelled or its effects expire (unless Class Ability or Conferred Mastery hides the failure).   The rules of in-combat usage of Dominate Creature are documented on the spell page.    
    Players may open a ticket if they feel they were unfairly targeted by a Charm or Dominate Creature spell or made to do something they did not consent to.