Amongst the population that occupies the Savage Frontier, many cities and towns have cropped up, and fallen to the chaos of the untamed land. Below is the list of available factions to choose from. Keep in mind, to whitelist into a Faction, it is necessary to confirm with the Faction Leader beforehand.

The Magocratic Republic of Silverymoon

The Magocratic Republic of Silverymoon stands as a beacon of hope and renewal, dedicated to the resurgence of the City of Nesmé. This faction represents a haven for trade, learning, and magical endeavors, providing an immersive setting for players who seek a narrative of heroism and community. In this idyllic yet dynamic environment, characters from diverse backgrounds unite with a shared purpose: to rebuild a nation shattered by conflict and to safeguard it against the persistent threats of dark forces, such as the Drow and Orcs. As members of Silverymoon and its noble allies, players engage in a roleplay experience that emphasizes goodness and cooperation, striving together to restore prosperity and peace to this vital corner of the Silver Marches. To learn more about this faction, click the title above.

This Faction is suited for the good-aligned characters and common folk of the realm, including humans, half-elves, and similar core races, dedicated to the welfare and prosperity of the Silver Marches.


In essence, the Many-Arrows Dominion is a faction of power, ambition, and resilience. It represents the unyielding spirit of the Orcs in their quest for dominance and recognition. Located in Uruthgar, players within this faction will experience the full spectrum of what it means to lead a mighty orcish kingdom, from the thundering charge of battle to the silent but deadly dance of diplomacy. The Dominion's story is one of conquest, survival, and the unrelenting drive to carve out a legacy in the annals of the Savage Frontiers. To learn more about this faction, click the title above.

A faction suited to monstrous races like ORCS, GOBLINOIDS AND OTHER SAVAGE CONQUERORS who wish to expand the orcish KINGDOM OF MANY ARROWS, primarily being antagonistic in nature, yet still wishing to trade when necessary.


Located at the Fjellgrif Stronghold, the Griffon Marauders offer a vivid portrayal of a tribe caught between two worlds – the fierce, untamed life of raiders and the more structured realm of trade and diplomacy. They embody the wild spirit of the Uthgardt barbarians, fiercely guarding their freedom and way of life. As players navigate through the faction's activities, they will delve into the heart of what it means to be a member of this enigmatic tribe, bound by tradition yet driven by the need to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing landscape of the Savage Frontiers. To learn more about this faction, click the title above.

This faction is suited towards wilderness based characters and less civilized concepts, half-orcs, humans, half-elves, etc that wish to raid and trade equally.


The Q'Xorlarrin Covenant is a faction where darkness, ambition, and arcane power converge. It offers players a chance to immerse themselves in the role of Drow operatives, schemers, and magic-users, working tirelessly to advance the agenda of one of the most formidable houses in drow society located in the city of Xor'loriss. In this world, the cunning thrive, and the ruthless reign supreme, as the Covenant seeks to extend its web of influence from the depths of the underdark to the far reaches of the Savage Frontiers. Those of Q'Xorlarrin and it's Allies, offers a gripping roleplaying experience, blending ancient rivalries, dark plots, and the constant pursuit of supremacy in the unforgiving depths below. To learn more about this faction, click the title above.

This Faction is suited towards Drow and Drow-Aligned. It is also good for any antagonistic like characters that want to operate under Drow guidance.

Faction Leaders

  Each faction will have one faction leader and two seconds at their side. These players guide their faction as issues arise, promote RP within their members and hub city, and lead conflict between the different factions. Faction leaders are required to be Pillars of the Community, inline with CR 21.  

Faction Leader Benefits

  Due to the amount of time invested and standards needed to be upheld, each faction leader and their two second in commands will receive the following benefits:  
  • 10 silver per week
  • 1 Pre-Approved Exclusive Mount
  • One member of leadership will receive the password early at restarts. In the event the leader themselves can not get on, one of the seconds will receive the password in their stead. (This is only temporary until the queue pop slows down)

  • If you are interested in applying for a Faction Lead position, we encourage you to look at the whitelist ticket channel where it shows which positions are currently open.