Welcome to Crossroads RP, a vibrant community inspired by Dungeons & Dragons! Our goal is to provide you with an engaging, safe, and user-friendly role-playing experience. Here's a quick guide to get you started:  


At Crossroads RP, we prioritize your experience over complex mechanics, ensuring an authentic setting in line with the Forgotten Realms universe. Our dedicated staff works transparently to maintain fairness and open communication.

This guide will help you navigate our website and guide you through the WHITELIST process, ensuring you're all set to join in the fun! Our community has essential Rules for everyone to follow. These aren't just suggestions—they're crucial for a smooth experience. You'll find them neatly categorized for easy understanding. Remember, knowing the rules is a must before playing in Crossroads!

Don't forget to explore the fascinating background and lore of the server. It's a great way to get a feel for the world you'll be stepping into. Simply click the "Rules" button to start, and you'll be on your way to an amazing role-playing adventure with Crossroads RP!

In order to WHITELIST a character on Crossroads RP, Please Join the Discord, and utilize the Ticket System where you will find a character Application Form.


Welcome to the Savage Frontier, a land of untamed beauty and perilous adventures that stretch from the shadowy depths of Lurkwood to the mysterious expanse of the Evermoors. Here, your journey begins amidst ancient forests, rugged landscapes, and legends that echo through time.

In these lands, every path leads to a new story, every choice weaves a unique destiny. Will you join in the noble efforts to restore Nesme, once a thriving city now standing on the brink of resurgence? Or perhaps your heart leans towards the intrigue and power within the kingdoms of orcs and drow, where strength and cunning forge the laws of survival.

Your journey in the Savage Frontier is not just a path through wild lands; it's a voyage into the heart of what it means to be a part of something greater. Here, your courage, wit, and resolve will be tested against the backdrop of an ever-changing tapestry of alliances and conflicts.

So, adventurer, gather your gear, steel your spirit, and step into a realm where legends are born. The Savage Frontier awaits your mark. Will you rise as a hero, or carve a path of your own in this land of ancient magic and untold possibilities? The choice is yours.  


Welcome to your next step in Crossroads! Now that you're familiar with the rules and the world we're set in, it's time to decide how you fit into this exciting universe. Here at Crossroads, we have a variety of Races for you to choose from, so think carefully about your decision. Once you pick a race and complete the whitelist process, remember that changing your race or class later involves following our re-roll rules.

In Crossroads, we categorize races into three groups:

Common Races:
These are the most common races in Faerun. They form the majority of our world's population, living ordinary and extraordinary lives that impact our world in various ways.

Malicious Races:
These races, like orcs, are often viewed with caution by the common races. They have unique ways of interacting with the world and are treated differently in most civilized areas.

Limited Races:
While not more special than others, these races have unique origins. To maintain balance, we limit the number of players who can choose these races at any given time.

Choose your race wisely and prepare for an unforgettable adventure in Crossroads!  


Choosing the right class for your character is a crucial step in your Crossroads adventure. We offer a wide range of Classes, each with its own unique traits and abilities. As part of the whitelist process, you'll need to decide on two key aspects for your character:

The Class:
Select the main class for your character. This choice shapes your character's fundamental abilities and role in the game.

The Subclass:
Within your chosen class, pick a subclass. Subclasses allow you to specialize your character's skills and abilities, fine-tuning their strengths and play style.

Remember, each class has several subclasses to choose from, so take your time to find the perfect fit for your character's journey in Crossroads!  


Now, it's time to choose a Profession for your character, a vital step for your whitelist application in Crossroads. Your Profession not only helps define your character but also plays a key role in gameplay, especially in crafting items that can benefit your character financially and in combat.

Professions are divided into two main types:

Gathering Professions:
If you choose a Gathering profession, your character will spend a lot of time outside the safety of hubs, collecting materials from various locations on the map. These professions are primarily focused on gathering resources and typically have little to no crafting capabilities.

Crafting Professions:
Characters with Crafting professions use the materials gathered by the Gathering professions to create finished products. These products can vary widely, from potions to sophisticated weapons and armor.

Selecting the right Profession can greatly enhance your character's journey, offering unique opportunities and advantages in the world of Crossroads.