Ashardalon's Stride



The caster selects an unoccupied space within 2 tiles to teleport to. Each creature within a 1 tile radius of the Caster is forced to roll a DEX saving throw versus the Caster's Spellcasting Modifier before the teleportation occurs. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d10+Spellcasting Modifier fire damage. On a successful save they take half damage.   The location the caster is moving to must be in direct line of sight without the aid of devices or spells, and this spell cannot be used to travel through any Conan walls or passages that a normal 200cm character could not fit through.   This does not trigger Attacks of Opportunity   This spell triggers the Mage Slayer feat.
Related School
Effect Casting Time
1 Action
Casting Cost
4 SP
2 Tiles
Effect Duration
Material Components
Verbal, Somatic