

Civilians are the true heart of civilization. It's those who work the farms, light the forges, and tend the taverns that bring life to Faerun. While heroes and adventurers serve to protect the lands from threats local and otherworldly alike, it is Civilians that grow the world around them by creating the communities that all call home.   Civilians are not magic weilders or exceptional fighters, but they excel in their own ways.  
  • Choose from one of 3 subclasses.
  • Civilians thrive when working together to overcome the greatest of obstacles.
  • While leaving the fighting to the professionals, Civilians are crafty and thrive as the lifeblood of the economy.




Artisans have devoted their lives in pursuit of their craft. Their efficiency and skill makes them sought-after individuals for the finest equipment, reagents, and culinary delicacies.  


Gain Medium armor & shield proficiency.
You are now able to dismantle crafted weapons and armor at a Blacksmithing Bench, receiving half of the materials back.
Well Rounded
Artisans are dedicated to their craft and embrace all facets of it. You may take 2 professions at character creation, one gathering and one crafting. You also start with 1 additional Gathering Energy and 10 additional Crafting Energy.
Honing Skills
You gain +2 in 3 skills of your choice. These points must be allocated to separate skills and cannot be stacked.
Gain +1 Gathering energy and 15 Crafting Energy
Selling Skills
You have access to the Merchant Profession
Improvised Weapon
As a reaction, attempt to knock your opponent to the ground with whatever you can find. When making an attack against the target’s AC, on a failed save they are knocked prone and dealt 1d4+STR bludgeoning damage. This may be used once per short rest.
Master Craftsman
Master artisans have learned all there is to learn about their craft and have reached the pinnacle of skill. They have delved into the depths of knowledge and are capable of crafting advanced items (TBD) without going through the research process.



You are the shining example of social grace and charm, being the center of attention at parties and desired as a member of court. Courtiers are politicians, diplomats, and socialites of all kinds that do with words what cannot be done with a sword.  


Linguist I
As a premiere socialite, it is key that you are able to speak to people no matter their language. Select an additional common language from the language list.
Linguist II
Select an additional common language from the language list.
Rumor Monger
Your charms and social standing bring you into all sorts of situations to hear the latest juicy gossip, and into the inner circles of the prominent. Gain +2 to Knowledge: History and Investigation.
Linguist III
Select an additional Common language from the language list.
Courtier Charms
You have a way with words and there is little you cannot talk your way in or out of. As an Action, force your target to make a WIS save against your Charisma. On a failed wisdom save, the target gains the Charmed status for 2 turns and is unable to target the caster with hostile actions.   This is not a magical means of charm.
Connections I
You may create a specific DMNPC retainer which you can call on once per RL week, negotiated with the DM team. This DMNPC is automatically co-operative and willing to help you with tasks, but will not gather materials, craft items, or join you in combat.
Silver Tongue
You are absolutely unrivaled in social settings and have established yourself as a person of prominence in diplomacy, politics, or the noble court and language barriers are hardly a problem for you. You gain a +1 to charisma, +2 to persuasion and deception, +1 to Perception, and +1 to insight.   You also gain one additional language, and this can include an uncommon language.
Connections II
You may establish relations with a specific group, such as a noble house, consortium or guild, negotiated with the DM team. This provides friendly DMNPCs of a particular type, who can handle tasks of a nature related to that group once per two weeks.   They will not do things which could endanger their organization, gather materials, craft items, or join you in combat.



Homesteaders are your farmers, tavern workers, and other professions that supply our towns with holistic goods, resources, and hospitality. These civilians make up the majority of settlement citizenship and are incredible diverse.  


Diverse Skills
Gain the Cooking and Foraging professions and +1 Gathering energy.
Fleet of Foot
As a Bonus Action gain +1 Movement, and gain +2 to saves to escape combat while using the flee action, until the end of your turn.   This is usable once per short rest.
Gain the Hunting profession and +5 Crafting energy. Also gain +1 to your CHA attribute.
First Aid
Gain the ability to heal Lesser wounds regardless of Medicine skill level. This may be used once per short rest.
After years of manual labor, you have learned how to throw a punch or two. Gain an additional attack while unarmed.
Handy Homesteader
Gain +10 Crafting Energy and +1 Gathering Energy. You are also able to use First Aid twice per short rest.

Combative Perks

Weapon Proficiency
You are able to use T1 weapons.
Swift on Your Feet
As a Bonus Action, gain +2 Movement until the end of your turn.
Mundane Feats
Civilians have opted for a quieter path in life and doing the work that keeps cities running from day to day, giving them the opportunity to focus on other skills. You may select an additional COMMON (non-combat) feat from the feats list.
Angry Mob
At the beginning of Combat during the prebuff phase, target all other allied civilians to form an Angry Mob and gain the Torch and Pitchfork ability.   As an action, hit your target for 1d8+STR piercing damage and 1d4 fire damage against the target's AC. This ability will be available for the duration of combat.   You may form an Angry Mob once per long rest. In order to use this ability there must be 3 or more civilians in the encounter. Using this ability outside of a group is considered a rule break. You are ONLY able to target other civilians with Angry Mob.
Easy Out
Disengage can be used as a bonus action.
Improved Skills
You may add +2 to a skill of your choice.
Equipment Upgrade
Your skills have earned you a comfortable salary and with it you are able to afford some better equipment to protect yourself. You are now proficient with Tier 2 weapons.
Skilled Civilian
Gain +1 in an attribute of your choice and +2 in 2 skills of your choice.

Non-Combative Perks

Armor Proficiency
You are able to use Light armor.