Curses such as these can be delivered by means of the Bestow Curse spell, rather than invoking the spell’s normal effect.  
  • Cursed object will be destroyed upon curse being removed.
  • Bestow Curse can only be placed every 7 days.
  •   The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcaster DC. If a target knows that you are casting this spell, they can fail the saving throw voluntarily if they want to be cursed.  

    Fragile Mind

    Consuming information can be cumbersome. You suffer painful headaches when learning something new. The curse of Fragile Mind inflicts the victim with a mental vulnerability that makes them susceptible to mental attacks and manipulation. The curse weakens the victim's mind and emotional stability, leaving them more susceptible to emotional stress, anxiety, and despair. The individual may become easily overwhelmed, confused, or disoriented, and may have difficulty focusing, remembering information, or making rational decisions.  

    Brittle Body

    Overcome with lethargy, even the most mundane tasks drain the energy from you. You need to rest more frequently when doing tasks. Traveling long distances without aid is impossible for you. Brittle Body curse is a powerful magical affliction that leaves the victim with a fragile and weakened physique. The cursed individual's body becomes extremely delicate and prone to injury, even from the slightest physical activity or external force.   The curse is known to affect every part of the victim's body, from their bones to their muscles and organs, making them highly susceptible to fractures, dislocations, and other physical injuries. Even simple tasks like walking or carrying objects can cause excruciating pain and leave the victim completely exhausted.   The victim of the Brittle Body curse may also experience chronic fatigue, weakness, and lethargy, which makes them unable to perform even the most basic tasks without frequent rest breaks. Long-distance travel is nearly impossible without aid, and any prolonged physical exertion can quickly lead to complete exhaustion.   The curse can be extremely debilitating, leaving the victim feeling helpless and trapped in their weakened body. It often requires powerful magic or a specialized healing ritual to break the curse and restore the victim's physical health and vitality.  


    It’s too high up! You’ve an incredible fear of heights, even when you’re standing up on a crate you can’t handle the fear of falling. Vertigo is a curse that affects the character's sense of balance and perception of their surroundings. They experience a persistent sensation of dizziness and disorientation, even when standing still. Walking or running becomes difficult and dangerous, as they are more prone to stumbling and falling. They also suffer from nausea and vomiting, particularly when in motion. The curse can be triggered by certain visual or spatial stimuli, such as heights or spinning objects. The effects can range from mild to severe and may vary in duration.  

    Frail Age

    It’s too soon to feel like this. You become old, you ache and you can’t help but be snappy at others. The Elder Age curse causes the affected individual to rapidly age beyond their years, with symptoms such as weakened bones, sagging skin, and decreased mobility. They may experience memory loss, confusion, and other signs of cognitive decline. The curse may also cause the individual to become more susceptible to illnesses and diseases, making it difficult for them to recover from even minor ailments.  

    Darkened Whispers

    Peace of mind was a boon taken for granted. Your every waking moment is consumed with a chorus of whispers only you can hear. They always suggest for you to do things you’d otherwise not do. Darkened Whispers is a curse that causes the victim to constantly hear whispers and murmurs that are unintelligible and unsettling. The whispers can come from any direction, making it difficult to locate their source. The curse can also cause the victim to become paranoid and anxious, as they believe that they are being watched or followed by unseen entities. The curse can be particularly debilitating in quiet places or at night, when the whispers seem to become more numerous and threatening. Over time, the constant exposure to the whispers can lead to psychological trauma and long-term mental health issues.  

    Lidless Eye

    Try as you might, sleep is beyond your ability. Tossing and turning, you’re wrecked with fatigue. For elvenkind and other races that do not need to sleep, you find when you enter your trance or try to rest your mind is filled with disquiet thoughts, preventing you a moment's reprieve. The curse of the Lidless Eye makes it impossible for the affected individual to fall asleep, no matter how exhausted they are. Even if they manage to close their eyes and relax, their mind is plagued by restless thoughts and they are unable to achieve a restful state. This can lead to extreme fatigue, physical weakness, and cognitive impairment, as sleep is essential for the body and mind to function properly. The curse affects not only those who require sleep, but also those who enter a trance-like state or attempt to rest their mind in other ways, such as certain elven races. The inability to rest and recharge can have severe consequences, both physically and mentally.  

    Marid Thirst

    Everything tastes the most foul thing you ever imagined. Every ale, every ounce of tea, that slice of succulent beef. The essence of life ensures you survive in the most awful way imaginable. The Marid Thirst curse is a curse that affects the character's sense of taste. Everything they eat or drink tastes terrible to them, no matter how delicious it may appear to others. The curse makes even the most delicious food and drinks taste foul and repulsive, making it extremely difficult for the character to consume enough food or water to survive. This leads to a constant feeling of hunger and thirst, causing the character to become weak and frail over time. The curse is often associated with the Marids, powerful elemental beings of water, who are known for their love of fine foods and drinks.  

    Salvo Efficiency

    Life of the artificial is no longer just for the warforged. You believe all your bones harden into metal. You think your blood becomes a dark, viscous liquid. You deepen your voice to sound jarring to the ear. You believe you’re an artificial lifeform (Aka a robot). You think you need to drink oil to survive, though when consumed your body responds normally to having drank oil. Salvo Efficiency is a curse that makes the affected character believe they are an artificial lifeform, similar to a robot. They believe their bones have hardened into metal and their blood has become a dark, viscous liquid. They may deepen their voice to sound more robotic and may also have other robotic mannerisms. The cursed character also believes they need to drink oil to survive, although consuming oil has no actual effect on their body. This curse can have a significant impact on the character's behavior, causing them to act and think differently than they normally would.  

    Treesap Fingers

    That compass looks pricey. This book is a first edition! That cheesecake… Everything is yours! When entering a new room (or area) you will not leave until at least one thing has been taken and added into your belongings. Treesap Fingers is a curse that compels the afflicted person to steal things whenever they enter a new area or room. The person will not leave until they have taken at least one item and added it to their belongings, regardless of its value or usefulness. They will feel a strong urge to take things that catch their eye, whether it's a valuable object or a simple trinket. This curse can lead to trouble with authorities and a reputation for being a thief, even if the person does not intend to harm anyone. The compulsion to steal can only be overcome by seeking a powerful curse-breaking magic or potion.  

    Equal Lefts

    Something's not quite right. In fact, it’s never right. You can never turn your body to the right, you must always turn left. The curse of Equal Lefts makes it impossible for you to turn your body to the right, even if you consciously try to do so. You must always turn left, even if it is not the most efficient or convenient direction. This can make even the simplest tasks challenging and frustrating, as you must always navigate in a specific way. Additionally, people may find it odd or strange that you are always turning left, which could lead to social awkwardness or exclusion.  

    Gamblers Rage

    What's a better way to prove you’re right than a friendly game? Whenever you have a disagreement with someone, you insist on settling it through some form of gambling. Stakes are debatable, but you have to put up something to win or lose, even if your opponent refuses. Gamblers Rage is a curse that causes the afflicted person to become obsessed with gambling. Whenever there is a disagreement or dispute with someone, the cursed person will insist on settling it through some form of gambling, whether it be cards, dice, or some other game of chance. The stakes of the game are often debatable, but the cursed person will feel compelled to put up something of value to win or lose, even if their opponent refuses.   This curse can lead to the person losing significant amounts of money, possessions, or even relationships, as they become consumed with the thrill of gambling and the desire to prove themselves right. The cursed person may also become agitated or angry when they are unable to gamble or when others refuse to participate in their games. The curse can only be lifted by finding and defeating the entity or source that placed it upon the victim.  

    Arch Rival

    Why wont they stay down? Twice a day you’re assaulted by a shadowy force that wrestles with you. They are powerful, but you always win, not without causing a mess of the place in the process, and gaining a few bruises from your epic fight. The curse of Arch Rival has made you the target of an enigmatic entity that appears twice a day to challenge you to a fierce battle. The entity is invisible to others, and only you can see and feel its presence. Every time it appears, you must engage in a struggle that feels like a physical fight, with punches, kicks, and other forms of combat. The entity is incredibly strong, and the fight always lasts a few minutes, but you always emerge victorious. However, the struggle is not without consequences, as you often cause damage to the surroundings, and you receive some injuries from the intense fight. The entity never speaks or reveals its identity, but you feel an intense hatred towards it, and you're certain that it feels the same way towards you.  

    Liches Last Breath

    Few know life anew than a lich. Unfortunately for you, that experience is yours without the benefits. Every night at midnight you die a painful death. Moments later you are reborn, just the way you were before. Dying by any other means does not bring you back. The curse of Liches Last Breath is a gruesome one. Every night at the stroke of midnight, you experience a horrific death, feeling every agonizing moment of it. This could be burning alive, drowning, being crushed, or any number of other painful ways to go. But then, just as suddenly, you find yourself alive again, back to the way you were before the curse struck. The curse will make each night a nightmare as you die over and over again. It is a curse that slowly drives its victim mad with fear and desperation.  

    Splintered Soul

    A looming shadow follows you everywhere you go. You feel as if a part of you has broken away. You’re incapable of being happy and are more inclined to darker thoughts. The feeling of a broken part inside of you is not just a metaphorical one. You have a splintered soul, and the shadow that follows you is the embodiment of that lost piece. You feel as though you are constantly being watched, judged, and criticized by this shadow, which makes it hard for you to feel at ease. You might experience sudden mood swings, becoming inexplicably angry, sad, or anxious for no apparent reason. Your relationships might suffer as you struggle to connect with others, feeling like a part of you is missing. You may also be more vulnerable to negative influences, such as manipulation, temptation, or corruption. Finding a way to reconcile with your lost soul is crucial to your well-being, but it may require you to face your deepest fears and regrets.  

    Falling Gnome

    Pardon me, sorry, oof-excuse me! Ahh! You once were so spry and dextrous. Now you can’t help but trip over your own feet or knock things over when moving around. You’re accident prone, a clutz and a fool. In addition to the physical clumsiness, you also have a tendency to make social faux pas and blurt out inappropriate things at the wrong time. Your lack of coordination and social grace can be embarrassing and frustrating, causing others to view you as a liability or a joke. Your confidence and self-esteem may suffer as a result, and you may feel like you're constantly apologizing for your mistakes. However, despite the setbacks, you keep trying and pushing forward, determined not to let your clumsiness define you.  

    Knights Oath

    What is more powerful than one's word? Once a day you will fall to your knees before the first person of the opposite sex that you meet. You will pledge your fealty to them and safeguard them from their enemies. The Knight's Oath is a powerful and noble affliction that compels the bearer to serve and protect those in need. However, it can also be quite inconvenient as it can lead to awkward social situations. The oath can be triggered at any time, regardless of the circumstances or the bearer's desire to serve the person they meet. It can also cause problems if the person the bearer pledges their fealty to is not in need of protection or is an enemy. Despite the potential drawbacks, those afflicted with the Knight's Oath are respected and admired for their selflessness and dedication to the greater good.  


    Where did things go wrong? Your best friend (or closest to such a term) is now your worst enemy. So consumed to best them, you have forgotten that you were cursed to hate them. The curse of Nemesis has turned your once close relationship with your friend into a bitter rivalry. You are constantly thinking about ways to one-up them or prove your superiority, even if it means sabotaging them or causing harm. This intense hatred consumes you and clouds your judgment, making it difficult to see reason or make rational decisions when it comes to your nemesis. The curse also prevents you from ending the feud, as any attempt to reconcile or forgive your nemesis only fuels your hatred and makes the curse stronger.  

    Creepy Crawlies

    This itching is too much! You feel as though insects are crawling over you. You itch and swipe them away, but the itch never leaves. The sensation of insects crawling over you is constant, even though there are no actual insects present. You feel phantom sensations of tiny legs skittering over your skin, causing you to constantly scratch and fidget. The feeling is most intense when you're still or in a quiet place, making it difficult to sleep or concentrate on tasks that require stillness. Even when you're in a crowded or noisy place, you can still feel the crawling sensation at the back of your mind, making you uneasy and distracted.  

    Gryphon's Anger

    You’ve never stolen a joke in your life. Yet you believe everything you say is comedy gold. You get irrationally angry when people do not laugh at you. The curse of Gryphon's Anger has left you with a distorted perception of your own humor. You have a compulsive need to make people laugh and often feel like you're not being taken seriously if they don't. This can lead to you constantly cracking jokes, even in inappropriate situations or at the expense of others. When someone doesn't react to your humor, you can become angry and lash out, sometimes even resorting to violence. It's a frustrating curse, as you are constantly seeking validation through laughter but never truly feeling satisfied.  

    Poets Poem

    Difficult as this curse seems, you may only speak in rhyming schemes, limericks, sonnets, haikus and more, for the people of Toril you have much in store. The Poet's Poem is a curse that limits your communication to rhyming schemes, making it challenging to communicate effectively with others. You must speak in limericks, sonnets, haikus, and other forms of poetry. While this curse may sound poetic and romantic, it can be quite frustrating and difficult to maintain in daily life. You will find yourself struggling to communicate important information, especially in urgent situations. Additionally, this curse may also make it difficult for you to hold a normal conversation or connect with others, as most people do not communicate in poetic form. You may need to find creative ways to overcome this curse, such as writing down your thoughts in prose or finding a way to break the curse altogether.  

    Salinkari Omega

    Some thought it was a hypothetical dilemma. The reality is, there is a snail chasing you that only you can see. If it ever touches you, you will die instantly. Salinkari Omega is a curse that involves a relentless, invisible snail that is always chasing the person who is cursed. The snail moves at a slow and steady pace, but it never stops or gives up. The curse is such that only the person who is cursed can see the snail and its pursuit, while everyone else is completely unaware of it. If the snail ever touches the cursed person, they will die instantly. The cursed person is always on the run, constantly looking over their shoulder and trying to stay one step ahead of the snail. The curse can be a heavy burden to bear, as the constant fear and anxiety of being caught can weigh heavily on the mind of the cursed individual. (The act of dying isnt real, but in your mind it is. You fall over into a catatonic state self imposed. Roleplay seeing the snail occasionally, and the precautions you are taking to keep yourself from it)  

    Shrouded Mind

    The cursed character's thoughts and memories are obscured, making it difficult to recall specific information or remember important details. The curse of Shrouded Mind makes it hard for the affected character to access their own thoughts and memories. It can feel like there is a veil over their mind, making it challenging to recall important details or events from their past. They may struggle to remember people's names or faces, places they've been to, or even things they did just a few moments ago. It can be frustrating and disorienting for the cursed individual, and it may affect their ability to function normally in daily life or in combat situations where quick thinking and recall of pertinent information is crucial. (Roleplay emotes of “What was I talking about again? Oh yes, the ideology of a Selunite and how they relate to Lycanthropes… you see, wait… what are lycanthropes weak to again? Oh yes… Silver!”)  

    Weakening Frailty

    The cursed character gradually loses strength and becomes physically weaker over time, making it difficult to perform tasks that require physical effort. The Weakening Frailty curse causes the character to gradually lose strength and physical ability as time goes on. It may start with minor physical limitations, such as struggling to lift heavy objects or feeling tired more easily, but over time it can progress to the point where even simple tasks like walking or standing for extended periods become a challenge. The curse may also cause the character to become more susceptible to illness and injury, as their weakened body is less able to fight off infections or recover from physical trauma. It is a slow and insidious curse that can leave the character feeling helpless and vulnerable. (Role play emotes of exhaustion, sweating at the simplest of tasks, etc)  

    Unbidden and Unseen

    The cursed character becomes invisible to all but a select few individuals, making it difficult to interact with others and navigate the world. The curse of "Unbidden and Unseen" renders the afflicted character invisible to everyone except a select few individuals, who may or may not be aware of the curse's effects. This can make it difficult for the cursed individual to navigate through the world, as they may accidentally bump into people or objects, or be unable to communicate their presence to others. Additionally, the curse may cause the afflicted person to feel isolated and lonely, as they are unable to interact with most people without revealing their invisibility. Depending on the severity of the curse, it may be possible for the individual to overcome it with the help of those who can see them, or they may be forced to live a solitary life, invisible to all but a select few.  

    Uncontrollable Magic

    The cursed character's magic becomes unpredictable and difficult to control, causing it to misfire or backfire at unexpected times. The magic of the cursed character becomes a chaotic force, making it difficult to control and predict. Spells may fail or misfire, causing unintended consequences or even harm to the caster or their allies. The cursed character may also experience unpredictable surges of magic, making it difficult to regulate their power and potentially leading to dangerous outbursts. This curse can be particularly challenging for magic-users who rely on their abilities in combat or daily life, as their spells may not function as intended, putting them and those around them at risk. (Never physically harmful, must RP side effects of using a spell. Firebolt, embers flaking off and lighting patches on the ground on fire.)  

    Eternal Hunger

    The cursed character is afflicted with a never-ending hunger that can only be sated by consuming the flesh of others, causing them to become a danger to themselves and others. The cursed character is plagued by a constant and insatiable hunger that cannot be fulfilled by ordinary means. The only way to satisfy this hunger is to consume the flesh of others, which makes the cursed character a danger to those around them. The hunger can be so strong that it can override the cursed character's sense of morality and cause them to resort to cannibalism or other extreme measures. This curse can have severe psychological and physical consequences for the cursed character, who may become increasingly isolated and paranoid as they struggle to control their urges.(Must always pepper RP with flavor about either being hungry, or eat during emotes)  

    Haunted Shadow

    This curse causes an imp to follow the cursed individual wherever they go, always lurking just out of sight and never saying a word. The imp's constant presence and unwavering gaze can be unsettling and unnerving, causing the cursed individual to become paranoid or anxious. To make matters worse, no one else can see the imp, making it difficult for the cursed individual to convince others of their plight. The imp's presence may also attract unwanted attention from other supernatural entities or cause the cursed individual to be ostracized from society.  

    Phantom Stench

    This curse causes the afflicted individual to take on the appearance and smell of an undead creature, even though they are not actually undead. The individual's skin may become pale and clammy, and their eyes may take on a sunken, lifeless appearance. They may emit a foul odor reminiscent of decaying flesh, even though their physical body is still alive and functioning normally. This curse can make it difficult for the afflicted individual to interact with others, as people may be repelled by their appearance and smell, assuming that they are a danger or a threat. The curse may also attract unwanted attention from actual undead creatures, who may mistake the afflicted individual for one of their own and attempt to harm them.  

    Tasting Shadows

    This curse causes the afflicted individual to be struck with blindness, rendering them unable to see anything in their environment. However, they gain a unique ability to identify objects by taste through the air up to 12 tiles away. While this ability may seem helpful at first, it can also be dangerous, as the individual may be tempted to put unknown or dangerous substances in their mouth to identify them. Additionally, the individual's dependence on taste to perceive the world can make them vulnerable to environmental hazards that would be easy to avoid if they could see. The curse can also make it difficult for the individual to navigate social situations or interact with others, as they may be seen as unusual or even repulsive due to their reliance on taste oversight.  

    False Paranoia

    This curse causes the afflicted individual to perceive traps and other dangers everywhere they go, even when no actual threat exists. The individual may become obsessed with searching for traps, taking extreme precautions to avoid them or even dismantling objects or structures they believe to be trapped. This can make it difficult for the individual to focus on other tasks or enjoy their surroundings, as they are constantly on edge and fearful of danger. The curse may also lead the individual to be perceived as paranoid or delusional by others, causing them to be ostracized or dismissed. Ultimately, the curse can become self-fulfilling, as the individual's constant search for traps may inadvertently create new dangers or trigger existing traps due to their overly cautious behavior.  

    Feline Fury

    This curse causes the afflicted individual to be despised and attacked by all cats they encounter, regardless of the cat's previous behavior or temperament. Every cat will hiss, swipe, and bite at the individual, and even if the cat is unsuccessful, it will run away and hide. If the cat is successful in inflicting a wound, it will not heal and will continue to weep a foul-smelling pus, even with the use of healing spells or potions. The curse can be both painful and isolating for the afflicted individual, as they may have difficulty moving freely in areas where cats are present, or even be actively hunted by feral cat populations. Additionally, the individual may become socially ostracized due to their appearance or smell, causing them to be avoided or shunned by others. The curse may be difficult to remove, as it may require finding and appeasing the source of the curse, or finding a way to break the powerful enchantment placed on the individual. (This affects even Tabaxi who view the cursed)  

    Isolation Curse

    This curse causes the afflicted individual to be unable to see anyone within 2 tiles of them. The curse can be both physically and emotionally isolating for the afflicted individual, as they may have difficulty interacting with others, perceiving threats or opportunities, or navigating unfamiliar environments. The curse may also cause the afflicted individual to feel vulnerable or paranoid, as they may have difficulty detecting ambushes or sneak attacks. Additionally, the curse may be difficult to remove, as it may require finding and appeasing the source of the curse, or finding a way to break the powerful enchantment placed on the individual.  

    Spectral Segregation Enchantment

    This enchantment causes the afflicted individual to be completely unable to perceive any creature of a specific species, rendering them invisible and intangible to the cursed individual. This curse can be both disorienting and dangerous, as the cursed individual may have difficulty interacting with important creatures, detecting threats or opportunities, and understanding the balance of nature. Additionally, the curse may cause psychological distress, as the cursed individual may feel isolated or persecuted by the invisible creatures. The curse may also be difficult to remove, as it may require a powerful dispelling spell or the intervention of a skilled magical practitioner.  

    Penitent's Penance

    This curse causes the afflicted individual to be compelled to apologize whenever they physically harm another sentient being, regardless of the circumstances or intent. The curse can be both socially and emotionally challenging for the afflicted individual, as they may have difficulty controlling their behavior or interpreting the severity of their actions. Additionally, the curse may cause the individual to become more introspective or empathetic, as they are forced to confront the impact of their actions on others. The curse may be difficult to remove, as it may require finding and appeasing the source of the curse, or finding a way to break the powerful enchantment placed on the individual.  

    Divine Deception

    This curse inflicts the afflicted individual with at least one false vision or communication from their deity every day. The visions may be subtle or overt, and may lead the individual to take actions that are contrary to their beliefs or goals. This curse may cause the individual to become increasingly skeptical or distrustful of their deity, as they struggle to separate truth from falsehood. The curse may also lead to social isolation or mistrust from allies who may question the individual's judgment or motives. Removing the curse may require seeking out the true source of the visions or finding a way to prove one's faith and loyalty to their deity.  

    Shameful Gaze

    This curse afflicts the individual with an inability to make eye contact with others, forcing them to constantly look down at the ground. This makes social interactions difficult, as the individual may be perceived as disinterested, dishonest, or lacking in confidence. The curse may cause the individual to feel shame or unworthiness, and may lead to social isolation or rejection. In order to break the curse, the individual may need to confront their underlying emotional or psychological issues, and develop the self-confidence and social skills necessary to engage with others on equal footing.  

    Solar Phobia

    This curse instills a deep and irrational fear of the sun in the individual, making it impossible for them to venture outside during daylight hours. Exposure to sunlight triggers intense anxiety, panic attacks, and physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, and nausea. The individual may feel like they are being watched or pursued by the sun, and may develop delusions or paranoia. This curse can severely limit the individual's ability to participate in outdoor activities, travel, or socialize during the day, and can lead to isolation and depression. In order to break the curse, the individual may need to confront their fears through exposure therapy or other psychological treatments, and develop coping strategies to manage their anxiety.  

    Embrace Enchantment

    A powerful curse that compels the affected player to hug any and all characters they encounter, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate or socially acceptable. The urge to embrace others is overpowering and cannot be resisted, causing the player to potentially put themselves and others in uncomfortable or dangerous situations.   The curse may also cause the player to become overly affectionate and seek out physical contact even when it is not appropriate or desired. This can lead to strained relationships and social isolation as others may avoid the affected player due to their behavior.   The Embrace Enchantment can be particularly difficult to overcome, as the urge to hug others is ingrained in the player's psyche and cannot be easily suppressed. Breaking the curse may require powerful magic or divine intervention, and even then, the player may struggle to resist the compulsion to embrace others.


      All item based curses affect the item. They cannot be removed, given away, or destroyed, even if they seemingly think they have done away with the item. When they next check they will find the item returned to where it originally was. All item curses can be removed by remove curse, just like all other curses.    

    Cursed Clogs

    This curse causes the afflicted individual's boots to emit a loud and persistent squeaking noise with each step they take. The sound can be so loud and distracting that it makes it difficult for the individual to move quietly or remain unnoticed, especially in stealth-based situations. The curse can also be frustrating and embarrassing for the individual, as they may draw unwanted attention or be seen as a nuisance by others around them. Additionally, the curse may make it difficult for the individual to sleep or rest, as the sound of their own footsteps can be a constant and disruptive distraction. The curse may be difficult to remove, as the enchanted boots may resist any attempts to repair or silence them.  

    Retrospective Relic

    This curse causes the cursed individual's backpack/belt pouch/bag or other storage device to be enchanted in such a way that it only contains items that the individual has needed in the past, but never anything that they will need in the present or future. This can make it difficult for the cursed individual to plan for upcoming challenges or adapt to new situations, as they are always relying on items that are no longer relevant to their current circumstances. The curse may also create a false sense of security, leading the cursed individual to believe they are well-prepared for any situation when, in fact, they are not. The curse can be frustrating and even dangerous, especially in situations where the cursed individual needs to think creatively or improvise solutions to unexpected problems.  

    Cursed Blade

    The cursed character is unable to unsheathe or let go of their weapon until it has drawn blood, making it difficult to use other objects or interact with the world in a non-violent way. The Cursed Blade is a cursed weapon that possesses the character who wields it. The character is unable to let go of the weapon until it has drawn blood from a target. This makes it difficult for the character to interact with the world in a non-violent way, as they are constantly compelled to use the weapon to draw blood. The longer the character goes without using the weapon, the stronger the compulsion becomes, until it is nearly impossible to resist. The curse may also affect the character's mental state, making them more aggressive or prone to violence even when they are not wielding the weapon.  

    Enthusiastic Thieves Tools

    These mastercraft thieves' tools seemingly move and find the correct pins and tumblers but in doing so audibly announce the users presence. Enthusiastic Thieves Tools are a set of incredibly well-made lockpicks and other tools used by burglars and other nefarious individuals to gain entry to locked places. However, there is a catch to these tools. They seem to have a life of their own, moving and selecting the right pins and tumblers with a zealous enthusiasm. While this makes them extremely effective, it also makes them very loud. As the tools work, they will audibly announce the user's presence, making it much more difficult to remain covert while attempting to break in. The noise could alert guards or other occupants of the building, making the thief's job much more difficult.  

    Flip of Fate

    Tymora must have blessed you in your sleep. An immaculate golden coin appears in your hand and you can never depart from it. Lost, thrown or stolen it will always return. It has become your lucky coin! So important has it become you will flip it every time an important decision needs to be made. Right or wrong, life or death, friends or foes, you follow the coin's wisdom. No matter how unlucky you feel. As time passes, the player realizes that their luck is becoming more and more dependent on the coin. They start to feel that they have lost control over their own destiny and their decisions are being dictated by the coin. Even in situations where the coin flip is not appropriate or necessary, they feel compelled to flip it. Eventually, the player may find themselves in a situation where the coin cannot help them and they must make a decision on their own.  

    Sword in the Bone

    A magical blade appears before you and stabs you right through the heart. You’re alive, but the blade is embedded in you and can not be removed. If you do not remove this curse in a week's time, a shadow knight will arrive to retrieve the blade and your soul along with it. The Sword in the Bone curse is a powerful and dangerous curse that involves the appearance of a magical blade that pierces the heart of the cursed individual. The blade is said to be cursed and cannot be removed by normal means. The individual feels the pain of the blade constantly and suffers from physical weakness and exhaustion as a result of the curse.   The curse is said to be triggered by the individual's actions, usually an act of greed, betrayal or theft. Once the curse is activated, the individual has only one week to find a way to remove the blade before a shadow knight arrives to take the blade and the individual's soul with it.   The curse is believed to be created by powerful wizards or sorcerers as a means of punishment or to extract revenge on those who have wronged them. It is also rumored that there are ways to remove the curse, but they are extremely difficult and require the intervention of powerful magic users or the use of rare and powerful magical artifacts.   Those who are cursed with the Sword in the Bone are often feared and avoided by others, as the curse is seen as a sign of divine punishment or a mark of evil.  

    Ring of Greed

    This cursed ring causes the wearer to become increasingly greedy and selfish, making it difficult for them to work with others or make selfless decisions. The Ring of Greed is a cursed magical ring that tempts its wearer with insatiable greed and selfishness. When the ring is worn, the wearer feels an overwhelming desire to possess and hoard material wealth, and will go to great lengths to acquire it. The wearer's judgment and decision-making abilities become clouded by their greed, making it difficult for them to cooperate with others or make selfless choices. The curse also makes the wearer reluctant to part with the ring, even if they are aware of its negative effects. As time passes, the curse becomes stronger, and the wearer's greed and selfishness intensify, leading to a dangerous and potentially deadly obsession with material possessions.  

    Amulet of Betrayal

    This cursed amulet causes the wearer's closest allies and companions to eventually turn against them, leading to betrayal and potential danger. The Amulet of Betrayal is a cursed item that appears to be an ordinary piece of jewelry, often adorned with precious stones or intricate designs. When worn, the amulet slowly begins to influence the wearer's mind, causing them to become more paranoid and distrustful of those around them. Over time, the wearer's closest allies and companions will begin to seem more and more suspicious, leading to a breakdown in trust and ultimately to betrayal.   The amulet's power can vary depending on the strength of the curse and the willpower of the wearer. In some cases, the betrayal may be subtle, such as friends withholding information or not coming to the wearer's aid in a time of need. In other cases, the betrayal may be more overt, such as allies turning against the wearer in combat or actively working to harm them.  

    Bow of Arrogance

    This cursed bow makes the wielder overconfident and boastful, leading them to make reckless decisions in battle and potentially putting themselves and others in danger. The Bow of Arrogance is a powerful weapon that seems to imbue the wielder with confidence and pride, making them feel invincible and infallible. However, the curse gradually takes hold, and the user becomes increasingly arrogant and boastful, often bragging about their skills and achievements to the point of annoying their allies. This arrogance can lead to recklessness in battle, as the wielder underestimates their opponents and makes foolish decisions. Additionally, the bow may refuse to fire for anyone other than the current owner, making it difficult to pass on or sell to others.  

    Shield of Cowardice

    This cursed shield causes the wielder to become increasingly fearful and timid, making it difficult for them to engage in combat or stand up to threats. The Shield of Cowardice is a cursed item that drains the courage and confidence of the person who wields it. The more the shield is used, the greater the effect becomes, and the wearer becomes increasingly cowardly and fearful. Eventually, they may even refuse to engage in combat altogether, leading to potentially dangerous situations for themselves and their allies. The curse is not easily broken and can only be lifted by finding a powerful magic user or artifact capable of breaking curses.  

    Boots of Slow Motion

    This cursed pair of boots causes the wearer to move at a slow and cumbersome pace, making it difficult for them to keep up with others or escape danger. The Boots of Slow Motion may seem like a useful item for those looking to move at a steady and measured pace, but they are cursed and cause the wearer to move at a painfully slow speed. The boots make it difficult for the wearer to move quickly or evade danger, putting them at risk in combat or other dangerous situations. Even attempting to remove the boots can prove difficult, as they seem to resist being taken off.  

    Helm of Confusion

    This cursed helmet causes the wearer to experience frequent and intense bouts of confusion and disorientation, making it difficult for them to navigate or make decisions. The Helm of Confusion is a cursed item that can cause chaos and danger for its wearer. The helmet can cause the wearer to become disoriented and confused, leading to difficulty in making decisions or understanding their surroundings. The effects of the curse can vary in intensity and frequency, but can be triggered by a variety of factors such as stress, fatigue, or even sudden movements. The wearer may also experience moments of memory loss or forgetfulness, which can further complicate their situation. In combat, the Helm of Confusion can be particularly dangerous, as the wearer may struggle to identify friend from foe or accurately assess the situation.  

    Belt of Hunger

    This cursed belt causes the wearer to experience an insatiable hunger, leading them to become distracted and potentially dangerous as they seek out food. The Belt of Hunger is a cursed item that causes the wearer to feel a constant gnawing hunger, no matter how much they eat. The hunger grows stronger over time, and the wearer may eventually find themselves unable to focus on anything other than finding food to satisfy their cravings. This can lead to reckless behavior and dangerous situations, as the wearer may resort to theft or violence to obtain food. In addition, the Belt of Hunger may cause the wearer to become physically weak and malnourished over time, making it even more difficult to resist the urge to eat.  

    Warhammer of Misfortune

    This cursed warhammer causes the wielder to experience a series of unlucky events and misfortunes, making it difficult for them to succeed in their endeavors. The Warhammer is a cursed item that causes bad luck to befall the wearer. It might start small, with a sudden gust of wind blowing important papers out of their hands or a minor injury from a trip or fall. But as the wearer continues to wield the hammer, the misfortunes become more severe, with accidents, mishaps, and setbacks happening with increasing frequency. The wielder may find themselves failing at tasks they once found easy, or unable to complete simple objectives due to unforeseen circumstances. The hammer cannot be removed easily, as they seem to meld to the wearer's skin, and attempting to do so may even cause more misfortune. A remove curse spell can break the curse and remove the hammer from the wearer's hands.  

    Necklace of Obsession

    This cursed necklace causes the wearer to become obsessed with a specific object or task, making it difficult for them to focus on anything else. The Necklace of Obsession is a cursed item that exerts a powerful and overwhelming pull on the wearer's mind, causing them to become fixated on a specific object or task to the exclusion of all else. The nature of the obsession may vary depending on the wearer's personality and desires, but it is always intense and all-consuming.   For example, a thief wearing the necklace may become obsessed with stealing a specific item, ignoring all other opportunities and risks in pursuit of that goal. A scholar wearing the necklace may become obsessed with uncovering the secrets of a particular text, ignoring all other academic pursuits and social interactions in pursuit of that knowledge.   The curse of the necklace can make it difficult for the wearer to function normally in society, as their obsession takes precedence over all other considerations. They may become reckless, careless, or even dangerous in their pursuit of the object of their obsession, potentially causing harm to themselves or others.