Dominate Creature



The caster attempts to Dominate a creature within 8 tiles of them; causing them to make a wisdom saving throw against the casters spell DC. On a failed save by the target creature; they become ‘Dominated’by the caster, as per the Dominated condition and cannot take any hostile action toward the caster. Additionally, on their next turn, the dominated creature must spend their movement and primary action following the commands of the dominator and then end their turn   A dominated creature will not engage in self destructive behavior, such as flinging themselves off a cliff or an AoE spell that would harm themselves. They will also not trigger AoO as movement while dominated will be considered Forced movement. They also cannot be forced to use the Flee action to remove them from combat.   All entities can be effected by this spell.   For rules on Dominate Creature use in RP, see the Charm and Dominate Rules page.
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Effect Casting Time
1 Action
Casting Cost
4 SP
8 Tiles
Effect Duration
Material Components
Verbal, Somatic