Infernal Calling



Uttering a dark incantation, you summon a Least or Lesser devil from the Nine Hells. The devil appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The devil disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.   The devil is unfriendly toward you and your companions. It is under the Dungeon Master’s control and acts according to its nature, which might result in its attacking you if it thinks it can prevail, or trying to tempt you to undertake an evil act in exchange for limited service. The DM has the creature’s statistics.   You can try to issue a verbal command to the devil. It obeys the command if the likely outcome is in accordance with its desires, especially if the result would draw you toward evil. If you say the devil's true name, it is compelled to obey. If you fail to convince the devil, the devil becomes immune to your verbal commands for the duration of the spell, though it can still carry out your commands if it chooses. Should you succeed, the devil carries out your command—such as "attack my enemies," "explore the room ahead," or "bear this message to the queen"—until it completes the activity, at which point it returns to you to report having done so.   If you possess an individual devil's talisman, you can summon that specific devil and have an advantage in any negotiation with it.   If your concentration ends before the spell reaches its full duration, the devil doesn’t disappear if it has become immune to your verbal commands. Instead, it acts in whatever manner it chooses for the remainder of the scene, and then it disappears.   A Master may attempt to summon a Greater devil, but beware: many overly-ambitious diabolists have been consigned to a fate worse than death, especially if they are already damned.
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Material Components
Verbal, Somatic, Material
  • Large Component Pouch
  • Cut Ruby