Your character begins, in most cases, fresh in their class, to represent their low level and the need to gain experience. This means that not all spells and abilities will be available to you upon gamestart, but must be earned by training, studying, and experience. The levels are Novice, Adept, Expert, and Master.

  • Novices are characters who just started out and are either beginners or just started discovering their potential.
  • Adepts are the average experienced character who have reached a decent understanding of their field.
  • Experts are those characters who are now considered experienced in their field, who have perfected their art; they are powerful, ambitious characters; teachers, oppressors, researchers & warriors, and more.
  • Masters are those that acheive even beyond. Reaching the ceiling with little more to grow. The ultimate teachers and guides for their class and field.

  • In order to advance to the next level, you will have to earn a RP currency named Mastery Marks. Mastery Marks are an indication of your character learning, and can be earned in a number of ways to advance to the next level of expertise.

    Ways to Acquire Mastery Marks

    Daily Login
    It is possible to gain 1 Mastery Mark each day as per a daily login reward, this is meant to represent natural learning over time passing.

    Dungeon Master Events
    Dungeon Master events and server events can give between 3 to 10 Master Marks, depending on the knowledge gained from the event, participation, as well as result: Taking down a high risk target or winning a conflict event against others players will bring more experience. (Do note that this reward is up to the DM discretion and can in no way be guaranteed; notably if the participation is limited to spectating).

    A few quests may give some extra experience upon completion, up to 5 Mastery Marks.


    Once you have enough mastery marks, you can spend them to reach the next level. Doing so removes your mastery marks. Below you will find the number of Mastery marks needed for each Mastery level.

  • Novice to Adept: 10 Mastery Marks
  • Adept to Expert: 25 Mastery Marks
  • Expert to Master Qualification: 115 Mastery Marks

    Mastery of ones class means you have reached the apex of your class. At Master, mastery marks are no longer pertinent: and Mastery is attained through process of collecting 115 tokens, and an application process. When submitted, will be reviewed and approved to go through a personalized story-line involving a culmination of your character's development. This process does not GUARANTEE the success of your journey, and neither should it ever be applied for reasons such as powergaming; a person applying should go into this process with the net gain of discovering more about their character, developing their story, and enjoying the experience knit for each character.

    This storyline can be a bipartisan journey, involving struggle & failure--even worse, magical curses; tests of clerics faiths and paladins and their oaths; a fighter's spirit & martial peak; a wizard's knowledge and craft. All this and more to make a determination of the character whereby at the end of their storyline, they become a Master. Mastery is designed this way so that no one journey is the same--and so that Mastery is open to every character of any alignment: an evil sorcerer or wrought oathbreaker may and will have different methods to success and personification of their class than a good-natured cleric or a wizard.

    Mastery can be applied for at any moment of time as long as the player has 115 Mastery Marks.



    Once you have reached Expert, you can spend Mastery Marks to flesh out your character further into niches you decide upon. Doing so removes the appropriate Mastery Marks. Below you will find the number of Mastery marks needed for each perk able to be acquired. Each requires a ticket. Each of the following perks may only be bought once.  


    Learn an additional language.
    Requirement: 3 roleplay sessions, at least an hour long each, with a basic mentor and sessions pertaining to the language being learned.
    Common: x40 Mastery Marks
    Exotic: 60x Mastery Marks   Expertise
    Add a +2 to a skill, up to a value of 10. Does not stack with other sources of expertise, including itself.
    Cost: x60 Mastery Marks.   Hidden Potential
    Purchase one of the traits described below.
    Cost: x60 Mastery Marks  


    If skills affected by these feats raise beyond a value of 10, the excess is lost. A character may only ever have one of these. These do not stack with each other or other instances of Expertise acquired through class/subclass.   To spend Mastery Marks in this manner please open an RPR Assistance ticket with a screenshot of a mastery level of Expert of above and your inventory and chosen perk.   Acrobat: Gain +2 to the Performance and Athletics skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your DEX attribute to claim this.   Cavalier: Gain +2 to the Animal Handling and Riding skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your CHA attribute to claim this.   Wanderer: Gain +2 to the Streetwise and Survival skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your CHA attribute to claim this.   Unstoppable: Gain +2 to the Escape Artist and Resilience skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your STR attribute to claim this   Engineer: Gain +2 to the Breach and Lockpicking skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your INT attribute to claim this.   Rhetorician: Gain +2 to the Persuasion and Deception skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your INT attribute to claim this.   Immovable: Gain +2 to the Willpower and Breach skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your CON attribute to claim this.   Tireless: Gain +2 to the Athletics and Acrobatics skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your CON attribute to claim this.   Mystic: Gain +2 to the Knowledge: Religion and Knowledge: Nature skills, up to a value of 10. You must have 2 or more points invested in your WIS attribute to claim this.   Preacher: Gain +2 to the Persuasion and Intimidation (Cha) skills, up to a value of 10.You must have 2 or more points invested in your WIS attribute to claim this.